Chapter 22

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In the middle of the night, Mina woke up after hearing a noise, Shoto was still sleeping

- As always - Mina giggled and got up without waking him up

Mina saw that the doors of the rooms were open, she went to the one on her right and saw that Toga was calming the baby with a bottle

- ¿Is everything okay Toga?

- Yes, only that Kazumi was hungry

Mina approached them and saw the blonde baby drinking from the bottle, the baby moved her hand towards Mina

- ¿Do you want to carry her?

- ¿M-Me? But ... I've never carried ...

- It's easy, come I'll show you

Mina approached and Toga put the baby in her arms, she placed Kazumi in her arms and the baby smiled, as did Mina and Toga

- See, it's not that difficult - Said Toga smiling

Mina tickled the baby and smiled, Kazumi giggled and hugged her face

- I can't wait to have mine - Mina said smiling

The next morning...

The girls woke up first than the boys, including the baby, the Todoroki are definitely deep sleepers, Toga put some loaves of bread in the toaster and butter after they out, Mina put some glasses of juice on the table, then she jumped on Shoto to wake him up

- Wake up Sho

Shoto yawned and hugged Mina, Toga for his part woke Dabi up by sitting on his face and suffocating him with his ass until he woke up. They all sat down to breakfast, Mina played and fed Kazumi

Both Toga and Mina gave the baby a bath, then Mina tried to get Shoto to shower with her by throwing hints at him, but he didn't understand them, she gave a big sigh and went inside alone, then Dabi and Toga came in together leaving them to take care of her. Kazumi

Mina had the blonde girl on her lap as she messes her hair

- ¿Isn't she cute, Sho?

Shoto glanced at the baby who smiled and hugged Mina

- I think mom would love to meet her

Mina looked at him surprised to hear those words

- ¿Are you thinking what I think you are thinking?

- ¿Me what?

- I... It doesn't matter - Mina hugged the baby again - ¿Have you thought...? You know...

- ¿What thing Mina?

- We have a year and a half to graduate ... ¿Have you thought that you and I ...? - Mina moved her head to the side to aim at the baby

- ¿Does your neck hurt Mina?

Mina sighed and smiled, then laid her head on his shoulder, Kazumi lay down on both of their legs, after about 20 minutes the baby's parents came out of the shower and then Shoto enter

- ¿Do you want to go to Disney first or do you want to get to know the city? - Asked Toga while she put a red hat on Kazumi - I was thinking of going shopping anyway, I need more knives

- Oh, in that case we can go to Disney first, it would be very uncomfortable to go with many bags

Toga and Kazumi smiled, they had the same smile, Dabi was just on the couch smoking a cigarette while watching TV, Toga noticed it and sprayed a cinnamon scent on him, which irritated him a bit, a few seconds later Shoto came out

The 5 got into the car and began their trip to Disney, during the travel they did not speak much, especially the Todoroki brothers, the silence was broken by the baby making sounds while playing with Mina or Toga, Shoto fell asleep on the way

They took just over an hour and a half to arrive, there was no need for them to wear costumes since they were not wanted in this country, they had committed crimes, but not on a large scale, they entered the park without any problem

The girls were excited and could not decide where to go first, Toga bought 5 sets of mouse ears and put them on each one, each Mina and Toga they were deciding where they would go every time, the first to choose is the blonde

- Let's go there - Toga pointed to a big white mansion, which was a haunted house

They lined up in line and waited their turn, Toga gave each one a box of grape juice while they waited, they could hear screams inside which indicated that it is a good place to be scared, Kazumi was not a baby that scared easily so they had no problem entering with her

When they came out, the only scared one was Mina, Dabi and Shoto were very little scary, Toga and Kazumi laugh at the time, then Mina chose a game with giant rotating cups

- Shit - Dabi whispered when he saw the attraction, he would most likely vomit

And indeed he did, after getting down from the cup he went to the nearest garbage can and vomited, Toga and Kazumi laughed at what happened

- Well, ¿Who's hungry? - Said Toga smiling

They all went to a small place where they bought cotton candy, they walked around the place getting to know it better, Mina grabbed Shoto's cheeks which made him blush

- ¿W-What are you doing Mina?

- Smile Sho

Mina took out her phone to take a picture of them, she liked to take pictures of Shoto when he didn't expect it, and this one had come out perfect, she smiled as she pressed his cheeks and he just looked confused at the camera

- I think I was bad in that one, we better take ...

- It's perfect - Mina smiled and put her phone away

- Hey, ¿How about we split up and meet at the giant castle at 11? - Said Toga holding Kazumi

- Sounds good, come on Sho

Shoto and Dabi were limited to nod at what their girlfriends said, Mina took Shoto's hand and took him to a big roller coaster, Mina held his hand at all time and closed her eyes when they reached the top or had to give a turn and be upside down, she also hid her face on his chest when they were going to very fast

The day was getting hotter and hotter, Mina held onto his right arm enjoying the cold while they lined up for the water mountain, they got on a small raft which quickly came down, soaking them both

- ¡Let's go again Sho!

It was the game they got on the most times, when they were walking towards the castle they found a prize booth in which Shoto won a white and pink teddy bear for Mina, they saw that Dabi was on a bench holding several bags of things that Toga already bought and to Kazumi, but they did not see the blonde

- ¿And Toga?

- In a place in the castle where they make up like a princess....

Shoto turned to see Mina, who was gone, immediately knew that she went to have her makeup done, sat next to his brother and niece, he took advantage of the fact that they were alone to talk about something

- Touya, come see mom

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now