Chapter 3

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With the passage of time, the friendship between the pink girl and the two-color boy had increased a lot, they already had a lot of confidence, well, see for yourself ...


- Todo, ¿Can you help me? - Mina asked in front of a somewhat tall shelf

- Sure, ¿What do you need?

- Well, I want those cookies - Mina said as she pointed to a jar of chocolate chip cookies that were on the shelf - But they are very high, ¿Can you help me?

- Sure - Shoto without thinking taketo Mina's hips and  lift her up so she could grab the cookie jar and then lower her

- ¡Thank you! - Mina kissed his cheek - ¿Do you want to go eat them with me in my room?

- Of course

Mina took his hand and they both went to the elevator ...

However, they forgot that they were not alone in the place and almost all their friends saw the scene

- ¿Are they a couple? - Jirou asked for watch the whole scene

- No - Midoriya said, he saw the scene

- So ¿What are they?

None responded, they didn't know what to answer


After a day of training given by Aizawa, almost everyone ended up exhausted and sweaty, and as if that wasn't enough, the heat was too strong, almost everyone was placed under a small shadow

- I need something cold - Kaminari said lying on the floor

- Me too - Momo said creating a mini fan

- Make me one of those - Uraraka said looking at her

- ¡¿HOW THE FUCK DON'T YOU HAVE HEAT?! - Shout Bakugo to Todoroki

Everyone turned to see the bicolor that was under the strong sun, he wasn't even sweating

- ¡YOU'RE A CURSE PHENOMENON! - Bakugo yelled again

- ¡Todo! - Mina shouted as she ran to the bicolor and hugged him on his right side

Everyone looked at the scene again, a few seconds ago Mina was on the floor completely exhausted and very hot, in a few seconds she changed all that and went to hug the bicolor, at first everyone thought it was because of Shoto's cold, but it seemed that Mina was "recharging" her energy

- ¿Are you sure they are not a couple? - Jirou asked again

- They don't


On the night Jirou come from the elevator ready to eat something, it was when she saw that the TV was on and managed to distinguish a figure lying on the sofa, carefully approached and noticed that it was the bicolor that was almost asleep, but in a false step that gave, made noise and Shoto turned to see her

- ¿What are you doing Jirou? - Shoto asked while yawning

- I'm hungry, ¿What were you seeing?

- We were watching a movie

- ¿You and who else?

Shoto lifted the blanket that covered him, which revealed that Mina was sleeping while hugging him

- Don't make noise, she will get angry if you wake her up

Jirou was the same or more confused than the previous days, still went to the fridge and grabbed an apple

- ¿Are they really not a couple? - Jirou said on the verge of madness

- No, they are not - Hagakure said she was totally naked

- ¡¿What are you doing here?!


Everyone had agreed to reserve the pool for a whole day, brought food, refreshments and music

- Cannonball - Kaminari scream about to jump into the pool

- Do a spin - Grito Sero

- ¡Do not do it! - Jirou yelled and then turned to his right - ¿What the hell ...?

Jirou watched as Shoto put sunscreen on Mina's back

- Your hands are cold Todo- Said the pinky between laughs

Everyone looked at the scene just as confused, but they didn't care, it was when minutes later ...

Shoto entered the pool with Mina on his shoulders as they played to tear down the others

- ¿Are they really not ...?

- I do not know anymore


They all made an date after leaving school to celebrate the beginning of the weekend, they decided to go to eat

- Pass me the spoon - Kaminari said

- We're eating stupid pizza - Bakugo told him totally confused by the stupidity that the electric quirk boy said

- Pass me the cheese  Tsu... - Jirou couldn't finish the sentence

She turn to see how Shoto and Mina were sharing a milkshake, they both drank with 2 straws of the same glass while looking into each other's eyes and blushing

- ¿Are they really ...?

- I have no idea


Almost everyone was having breakfast at the table together ...

- This toast is burned - Kirishima said claiming the chef - ¿Who did it?

- ¡I DID IT! - Shout Bakugo

- With burnt I mean delicious - Kirishima again bite the bread

Everyone laughed after what happened, but they were surprised to see the next...

Shoto and Mina leaving the elevator at the same time, both totally disheveled and Mina wearing one of Shoto's shirts

- ¿Are they...?

- I think they are


- ¡They have to be a couple! - Jirou shouted to all her friends gathered on the first floor while she had a blackboard behind her with photos of Shoto and Mina with arrows pointing at various notes

- I think you're obsessing a lot - Momo said watching Jirou

This one seemed not to have slept in days after having done this scheme

- ¡I need to know if they are a couple or not!

- ¿Why don't you go and ask them and that's it? - Tsuyu said while watching her purple-haired friend who had clearly gone crazy

Jirou without thinking went to Mina's room and started knocking on the door

- Oh, hello Jirou, ¿What's up? - Mina asked as she opened the door

They both entered, Jirou without surprise, she already knew that Todoroki was there, asleep in Mina's bed

- Mina, I need to make you a question

- ¿What would it be?

- ¿Are you 2 a couple?

- No - Mina shook her head in denial - ¿Why do you ask?

Jirou pointed to the bicolor asleep in bed

- ¿What? I've slept in his room too

Jirou was going to blow her head, this makes no sense

- If it doesn't bother you - Mina said snuggling next to the bicolor - ¿Can you go out? I'm sort of tired

- S-Sure

As soon as she left, she could hear how Mina put lock to the door, Jirou shouted in madness for not knowing what was happening between them

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now