Chapter 27

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Hearing that made him stop in his legs almost paralyzed

- W-What did you just say...

Shoto approached Uraraka slowly and she began to back away scared

- S-She was shot and-and...

Shoto took her by the neck of her shirt and put her against the wall.

- ¡¿What happened?!

- ¡Todoroki let her go! - Midoriya and Kaminari tried to separate them, but Shoto burned and froze his arms, and they release him and Uraraka began to cry in terror, Shoto saw what he was doing and released her making her to fall to the ground

- ¿Where is she?

- In the central hospital...

Shoto turned around and the others got out of his way knowing well where he was going, he didn't care who was in his way or what problems he would have, this would not end well for the other person who put her there

He ignores the phone with the calls and texts from his classmates, teachers and even his siblings, when he arrived to the hospital he go room by room, floor by floor until found her

- M-Mina

Mina was on a bed with a mask on her face, several needles in her arms and a large bandage around her chest, Shoto shed some tears seeing her like this and approached holding her hand

The doctor arrived a few seconds later and explained the situation to her, a shot in the chest that if it had gone a little more to the left would have pierced her heart, but luckily they managed to save her in time, however, due to the loss of blood still they wouldn't know when she would wake up

- ¿Where did this happen?

- According to her friends and the report, near Yuza Park

Shoto nodded and the doctor left again so that Shoto approached her and kissed her forehead.

- I'll be back, I promise

Before leaving, he covered her with the blanket and his gaze changed to one of hatred and anger that no one had ever seen before, and with a single thought

"I will kill whoever did this... And anyone who gets in my way"

In 2 minutes to midnight, he arrived at the park, he walked around the north side of the park until he found something that would give him a clue and he did, he found part of a police tape, he looked at the ground and he saw dried blood on the ground

- Here was...

He knelt down and put his hand on the dry blood, which made him angrier.

- Someone must have seen something...

He looked around again, on the sides there was only more park, but in front there were some stores: an ice cream store, a clothing store, a shoe store; all of which were closed, except for a small store that had a sign above it that only shone the "4"

- Open 24/7... Better than nothing

He got up and entered said store, being so late there were only 2 employees, who looked at Shoto and recognized him

- ¿Again?

- ¿What?

- Look boy, we already told the police everything we knew about the assault, ¿What do you want?

"¿Assault?" Shoto didn't know that a robbery had happened here, and neither did his classmates or they would have told him, but maybe he could use this to his advantage.

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now