Chapter 6

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1 month later...

Everyone's hopes of finding Shoto or at least his body had started to wane, but they kept searching, even if it was the last thing they did, Aizawa decided not to teach until he found his student

After another day of searching, Aizawa met his students on the first floor

- ¿Nothing yet? - Midoriya asked who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea

- Nothing - Aizawa said looking down

- ¿Not even a clue? - Tsuyu asked sad

- Not even that

Everyone present lowered their heads

- ¿How is Ashido? - Asked Aizawa, he knew that she was the most affected

- She has not left her room

Since the news of her boyfriend's disappearance, Mina did not leave her room except to go to the bathroom, she only went when everyone was asleep, they always left her food outside her room, but she hardly ever touched her and if she did she ate very little

- ¿Can you go get her?

- We will try

All the girls went to the pink girl's room and knocked on the door

- ¿Mina?

There was no answer and they played again

- It's us, ¿Can you go out?

There was no answer yet, since they were beginning to worry, then they saw that the lunch they had brought her hours ago was still almost intact, the only thing missing was the cutlery and the soda

They opened the door without hesitation, everything was dark

- ¿Mina?

Tsuyu touched the switch which turned on the light letting see ...

A totally messy room, dirty clothes on the floor stacked in a corner, food scraps all over the carpet, and in the bed they could see that Mina was under the sheets

- I did not tell you that you could enter - Mina said under the blankets in a very weak tone - Go out

- We want to see how you are, Mina, we haven't seen you in weeks - Mentioned Hagakure sitting on the edge of the bed

-¿And Shoto? - Mina asked with a broken tone of voice

- We still don't know anything about him - Momo said in a sad tone

A faint cry was heard coming from under the blanket

- D-Don't get like this, I'm sure he's fine

Mina didn't answer, she just snuggled closer in the corner of her bed and covered herself more with the blanket

- I-I want to be alone, please go out

They all looked at her worried, she was really depressed

- Tell us what you want and we will bring it to you - Momo said, whatever she asked she would do with her quirk

- ¡I want Shoto here with me! - Scream Mina raising her face from between the sheets ...

Her eyes were puffy, maybe from crying a lot, her hair that was short and reached a little above her shoulders, was now longer and reached her elbows, but hit was a mess for not combing it in a long time

- He is the only thing I want

They had never seen Mina in this way, really that Shoto's disappearance had affected her, sadness could be seen in the pink girl's eyes, they considered Mina as a sister and would not leave her alone, so between they all hugged her

- We will not leave you alone Mina - Said Uraraka hugging her

- We know you miss Todoroki a lot - Tsuyu said hugging her too

- We all miss him - Momo said hugging her too

- We will do everything to find him

- Thank you girls, forgive me for yelling at you - Mina said softly and hugging her friends

Between all of them they fixed her a little and without her seeing Momo grabbed the whole pile of clothes, which were Shoto's hoodies, jackets and shirts, and lowered them to wash them, the rest of the girls combed her long hair that now had. They changed her clothes and put clothes on her that were hers, since the one she was wearing was from Shoto

- ¿Do you want to come downstairs? We will order pizza and watch a movie

Mina was left wondering, she didn't know if she wanted her friends to see her with her new look, but she knew that the girls really wanted her

- Al-alright

The girls took her downstairs, where everyone was surprised by the long hair she now had, she did not say a word and sat on the couch surrounded by Hagakure and Tsuyu, after a few minutes Aizawa came to the room and saw the pink one, He was glad to see that she was fine, but he knew that she was still depressed, her gaze gave her away

When the pizzas arrived about 29 minutes after they ordered them, none of them contained pineapple, which made Mina a little happy, but even so she did not feel like eating much, she was no longer so sure if she would stay to watch the movie with the rest

But before they put the movie ...

- Hey, ¿What's that? - Asked Iida who was looking out the window

Everyone went to the window to see what a lot of smoke looked like in the sky, although it was too far from the bedrooms, it was too much smoke

- ¿What's going on?

Everyone was still watching the smoke, except Mina who was looking at the TV which was turned off

- Put the news on now - Aizawa said quickly going back into the room

Mina slowly grabbed the control and turned on the TV on the news channel, everyone circled the screen to see ...

A villain above a burning gas station attacking various heroes, the villain had black hair in a pointy style and attacked the heroes and police who approached him with fire

- ¿Who? - They were wondering who is that villain

Everyone fell silent so they could listen to the reporter

- This villain is not known the identity, but ... - The reporter stopped for a moment to listen to her microphone and then speak - ¡I am being informed that at this moment a great leak is taking place in Tartarus!

They all opened their eyes wide

Tartarus, the prison of the most dangerous villains was under attack and some were escaping

- ¡We are informed that the villains attacking the prison are Toga Himiko, Shigaraki Tomura, Twice and Spinner! ¡All members of the League of Villains and their leader!

- It is not a coincidence that these 2 attacks happened at the same time, this was planned - Aizawa mentioned listening to everything - But ¿Who is this guy from the gas station?

Everyone was looking in detail at the subject on the roof of the gas station, but they opened their eyes much more ...

Because the unknown subject began to generate ice with his right leg and arm, freezing all the policemen, but not killing them

Mina opened her eyes like never before and brought her face closer to the TV with tears in her eyes.

- ¿S-Shoto?

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now