Chapter 28

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Shoto stared at the scene for several minutes and got up, he couldn't leave covered in blood so he decided to change into the outfit that Shigaraki was wearing and then burned all the clothes and bodies and then left the place, he avoided looking up at any person so they wouldn't see the blood, he had his hands in his pockets until he can wash them, luckily he managed to find a public bathroom and washed off all the blood, he cleaned himself with the few towels and then burned them to avoid any suspicion

He then go home knowing that there would be no one there and took a shower, it took some minutes to clean himself totally, the clothes he brought put them in a bag and threw them in the trash can, he clean the shoes only to remove the blood and he left them to dry in the garden and then he lay down on the couch and sighed tiredly, he stayed there for a few minutes since he was very tired and hungry since he hadn't eaten or slept for hours, but that didn't matter to him, he got up again and grab an apple to go back to the hospital

He was eating her on the way and when he got to the hospital again, he saw some of his classmates outside Mina's room and he didn't give them any importance, but they stopped him before he can come inside

- ¿Where were you? - Kirishima asked putting his arm against the door

- ¿Why should I spend my time telling you something? Get out of my way

Shoto pushed Kirishima and enter in the room where Mina was with the girls who were hugging the pink one and apologizing for what had happened, but Mina seemed not to be upset with them, she was smiling until her eyes fell on Shoto and her face changed completely, they noticed that change and left the room, Mina stared at Shoto for several seconds without saying anything and her eyes began to tear

- I thought you'd be the first one waiting for me...

- Mina, this is not what...

- ¿Where were you all this time? I was waiting for you and everyone came to see me, even class B... But you, my boyfriend were not here

Shoto couldn't say anything and just looked down, slowly approached her and took her hand, but she pushed him away and that made him angrier with himself, his own revenge didn't let him think good

- I know I should have been with you and nothing I said would make up for that, but I wasn't here for a good reason, that's the only thing that matters... ¿Can you forgive me?

Mina was silent for a few seconds and her eyes widened briefly, Shoto looked at her and she just shook her head.

- No I can't

- ¿W-what?

- I can't forgive you

Shoto felt like everything inside him was breaking with each word that the pink one said and he felt a strong pressure in his chest.

- I've never suffered so much since I met you and I'm tired of it

- M-Mina I...

Shoto didn't realize that tears formed in his eyes upon hearing that, but the next she said was what really destroyed him.

- You are the worst thing that has happened in my life, go away

Shoto remained crouched for a few seconds and then he got up without saying anything else, he left the room and everyone looked at him confused

- Please take care of her and don't let anything happen to her...

He left the hospital and knew perfectly well what he would do, for her part Mina was still in bed without knowing much about what had happened, and the boys told her to sleep that Shoto had not arrived yet

For his part Shoto go home knowing that no one would come yet, and there were 2 objects in front of him

- She hates me... M-Mina hates me...

Shoto grabbed a knife that belonged to Toga and put it against his neck about to cut himself, he made a minimal cut, but then he released it and held his neck, it was only a superficial cut

- Damn weak... This is why she hates you - Shoto grabbed a gun, which he took from Mustard's corpse and pointed it at his head after removing the safety - Let's get this over with

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now