Chapter 10

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The 4 were ready to face Shire, they positioned themselves as a square so that he had no escape

- S-Shoto don't do it, please ...

Without hesitation the first one who attacked was Kaminari, thanks to the stealth movements that Toga had taught him, he managed to approach him so quickly that they did not have time to react, he took him by the neck and began to suffocate him and then frozen him

- ¡Denki!

Jirou without hesitation attacked Shire with her earphones, but had to back off due to the fire that he threw at her

- ¡Shit! ¡Hagakure run and take that thing with you! - Jirou pointed to the device that had recently been taken from him

The invisible girl started running towards the closest group, Shire when noticing that the detonating device had disappeared, began to burn with rage, which hurt Kaminari who slowly lost consciousness

- I shouldn't have been in this chapter - Kaminari said before passing out from the lack of air

- ¡Shut!

- It all depends on us Mina

With Hagakure ...

She kept running towards the direction of Momo's group, it took her several minutes until she met them, the group were Momo, Shoji and Aoyama

- ¿What is this? - Shoji asked looking at the device

- We took it from Todoroki - Everyone opened their eyes to hear that - He is alive, but it seems that he is with the league

- ¿And your group? - I ask the French

- They are facing him

- ¡We have to hurry! - Momo shouted as everyone ran towards the place - They can't hold on much time

Back in the fight ...

Both girls found it very difficult to get close to Shire due to the fire and ice that this was throwing at them, Mina found it easy to handle the ice because she can easily melt it with her acid, but the fire was complicated for both of them, not to mention that Kaminari was still passed out

- ¡Hold on, we are 3 blocks away! - Scream Hagakure on the communicator

- ¿Did you hear Min ...?

Jirou couldn't finish because as with Kaminari, Shire took advantage of that little distraction time to kick her in the neck, knocking her unconscious, which left Mina in shock.

Shire pointed his left arm at her ...

But just by looking at her, make his head hurt and back off, Mina did not understand what was happening, but she knew that she had to attack him, even if she did not want to, she quickly approached him and tried to kick him in the abdomen, but he held her leg and threw her hard on the ground and tried to freeze her, but she got up quickly and melted the ice

- ¿Shire, do you hear me? - Toga said through the communicator that was on Shire's left arm, which was blinking with a red light

Mina managed to react, if he said anything, the League would come to support him, without hesitation she grabbed him by the wrists and released acid, enough to harm it, but not him

- Y-If you move, I'll melt your hands

- Let me go or ill broke your arms

They were both hesitant to harm the other, and the felt the way their hands trembled on contact with the other

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now