Chapter 12

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There was a moment of silence after Shoto said the name of the black hair man, Mina just seeing him felt a chill running down her back

"I feel like I've seen him before" was the thought she had, she slowly took the pictures out of her backpack and gave them to Shoto ...

With the exception of one that had remained inside the backpack, Mina noticed it and was going to hold it, but at the moment of seeing what it was; It turned out that it was the photo Shoto had shown him as a child with his 2 brothers and his sister ...

She quickly turn to see Dabi, then the photograph, then Dabi; At that moment some of Shoto's words came to mind that he said at the time "I don't know what happened to him", "He and dad went out and he ... he ... never came back"

Her eyes widened at that moment and she dropped her backpack while holding the photograph and stared at Dabi with a look of surprise and fear, which Shoto didn't notice from seeing the other photographs, but Dabi did.

- Y-You ... you ...

- Let's talk outside pink - Said the dark-haired man in a serious tone of voice and leaving the room

- ¿What's up, Mina? ¿Do you also know him? - Shoto asked looking at Mina

- N-No, I'll be back, if you're hungry I brought you your favorite juice, it's in my backpack

Shoto smiled and Mina did as well and then left the room, she managed to see that Dabi was leaning against a wall away from the room, slowly walking towards him; there was nobody in the hallway, which made her more nervous with each step she took, she managed to stand in front of him and looked up

- You are his ...

Mina couldn't finish because Dabi grabbed her by the neck and put her against the wall, clenching her fist tightly.

- ¿W-What e ... are you ...? - Mina could barely say with what little air she had left

- Shut up and listen to me

Mina tried to loosen his grip, but she felt heat in her neck coming from Dabi's stapled hand, it was then that Mina remembered where she had seen him for the first time, well his clone

- Y-You tr ... you tried to kill me and my ... my friends

- ¿Really? That's good

Mina felt a lot of helplessness at the time, but she cared more about Shoto than herself at the time, with the little strength that Dabi's wrist was holding on to her.

- D-Don't ... hurt him

Dabi upon hearing those words released Mina making her fall on the ground, the pink one quickly recovered air, but still did not get up

- ¿Do you really care about him?

- Of course

- If you care so much about him, get him out of this fuckin hospital right now

- ¡¿What?! ¡No! He still needs ...

- ¡Listen to me! - Dabi grabbed her hair and hit her against the wall - ¿Do you think I'm the only villain who knows he's here?

- ¿W-What?

- Many villains that the stupid of ... Endeavor defeated and who escaped from prison seek revenge, thanks to the stupid news many come on the way, I had to kill 4 on the way here

Mina was horrified to hear that; she knew she can't get him out alone

- ¿C-Can you help me get him out?

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now