Chapter 26

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When they returned to the dorms, Uraraka and Midoriya approached him to ask him how he was, they were happy to see that he had recovered and faster than expected, the other boys received him as if nothing had happened, all except Jirou, she said. approached a bit annoyed

- You know, you didn't have to talk to Yaomomo like that

Shoto just looked at her with his typical cold expression.

- ¿Who?

That made Jirou angrier, the purple haired girl just turned around and continued on her way to the couch with her arms crossed

- Ignore her, come on, Ashido we will steal your boyfriend to take him to a whole day of men - Sero said taking Shoto by the shoulders

- ¡¿Going to what?!

- ¡Bye! - Without letting her finish, they took the bicolor out of the dorms and quickly took him away

- Grrr, they better not ruin Shoto for me or I'll smash them to dust

They took Shoto to the mall to relax a bit, after being in the hospital so many times in less than a year it would bother anyone, so they decided to take him to have fun, and what better place than the mall, and to the first place they go is to the game store

Kaminari and Midoriya took him to the famous claw game, where the prizes were various stuffed animals and chocolates, but this game was very difficult to win, the blonde tried to win something, but he couldn't grab anything with his claw, Midoriya tried afterwards, but when he picked up the object, the claw released it

- Ugh, it's too hard

- Let me try - Shoto put a coin in the machine and as if nothing happened he took a stuffed animal out of it - It doesn't seem like it

Both were left with their mouths open, he did it the first time and won the prize, they tried again and both failed

- Beginners luck

- Let's see - Shoto put a coin back and won another stuffed animal - I'll give this one to Mina

- This game is broken - Kaminari said taking him away from the machine

- No, he is broken

Shoto walked while holding the stuffed animals and was then taken to a game of driving a motorcycle in a race

- You go against Bakugo

- ¡¡This time I'll beat you!!

- ¿This time? - Shoto looked at them confused - ¿Have we played before?

- Something like that... Just play

They put a token in the game and the race started, for some reason Shoto was just driving in the opposite direction

- It's for the other side

- ¿You're sure? The arrow indicates to go forward

- It tells you to turn around - Midoriya tried to help him

- It's done and Bakugo won....

- ¡It's not victory! ¡I want revenge!!

- Don't bother - Shoto got up and go the other way, he wasn't in the mood for Bakugo now

He was about to leave since he couldn't find anything interesting to do in this place, suddenly something caught his attention, a large white teddy bear with a red ribbon

- Mina would like that...

Shoto approached the booth and asked how much the bear was worth, he was told that it didn't cost any money, he needed 10,000 tokens to win it. He did not want anyone's help to win that and give it to his girlfriend, he approached each game that he thought was good and started playing, the others approached him curious that he did it on his own

- Tch, 300 in 2 hours... I won't get it...

From his mind he imagine to see 2 Togas on his shoulders, one dressed as an angel and the other as a devil

- Steal them - said the demon

- ¿What? But...

- I support her, steal them - Said the angel

- ¿Aren't you supposed to be the good one?

- I am, and seeing the pink one sad would be a bad thing

Shoto stared at the tokens and sighed, he crouched down and without anyone seeing him he managed to unscrew the lid and took out all the tokens, then he put it back together

- 6,000, ¿Where to find more?

He looks around and look for a game that gives a lot of tokens. He saw a game that gave 500 tokens for victory, one of shots, he did not have much aim, but it was worth trying, he managed to get 2000 tokens, no more

- No... ¡Don't do this to me! - Shoto kicked the machine, which gave him 4500 more chips - Well... Technically I didn't steal them so...

- Exactly. Take them - Said the Toga angel at his side

Shoto took the tokens without being seen and go back to the boys, then he change them for the big bear for Mina and all the way he carried it back, when he entered he looked for her all over the place, but he didn't find her, he guessed she go out with the girls so he took the bear to his room and he lay down on his bed to sleep for a while

After a few hours he woke up and go down to the main room where he saw the girls, but not Mina.

- ¿Where is Mina?

They all looked at him with totally worried looks, which started to worry him.

- I will not repeat it... ¿Where is Mina?

Uraraka took his hand to try to calm him down, but that only upset him more.


Uraraka began to shed tears and that made Shoto more angry and worried, but Uraraka's words destroyed all his world

- She got shot

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now