Chapter 30

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The next day, Shoto was the first to wake up and saw Mina sleeping peacefully next to him, he caressed her back and then got up and go to make some breakfast, he wouldn't risk losing her anymore, never again.

While he was cooking, he thought that the best thing for both of them would be to leave, so he would talk to her about it when she is awake, he knew that Fuyumi was at home since someone was taking a shower, although telling her that would also be difficult, not to mention his mother, it would be hard to convince her to accept the idea, and after a few minutes of cooking he heard someone coming, he turned and saw his sister drying her hair with a towel

- Hi Sho, wow, that smells good - Fuyumi smiled as she sat down at the table and Shoto served her breakfast, then he told her his idea, which made her choke on her food - ¡¿What?!

- Don't worry, I was just thinking about it, please don't say anything to mom, I want to talk to Mina first

That made her calm down a bit as she continued eating, Shoto just put Mina's breakfast on a tray and go to her, put the tray on the table next to the bed and began to shake her head until she woke up

- Good morning - Mina smiled and kissed his lips as she sat on the edge of the bed and Shoto gave her breakfast and she began to eat -

- Mina, I want to talk to you about something...

- ¿Hmm? ¿What happened? - She asked with inflated cheeks while eating bread -

- I think we should go... And I mean go totally...

- ¿Huh? ¿What are you talking about?

- After what happened with them... I feel like we no longer have a place here, I want to start a new life with you from 0

- But... ¿Where do you want to go?

- Away... I was thinking of going to America with my brother and Toga.

Mina choked on her food while looking at him and he calmed her down by taking her hand.

- Shoto I can't do that, my whole life is here...

- I know Mina, but after what they did, I don't want you to leave my side... I want to be with you and start over

- Shoto, I know how you must feel... And yes... I'm furious with them too, but I want to graduate too, I always dreamed of being a hero and I don't want to give that up

Shoto sighed as he looked at her, he was also on the same path, it would only be 1 more month until everything ended

- Okay, let's finish what we started and then... We'll go Shoto

He smiled hearing that she agreed and kissed her forehead and then let her eat, she also made sure he had breakfast because there were times when he didn't because he was watching her, then they both bathed together and Shoto had to wait for Rei to give her the news too

Fuyumi go out with Mina to buy some lunch stuffs, some vegetables and some meat, and then came back to the house

- Shoto, you already told mom...

They only saw Rei hugging Shoto too tightly to the point of not letting him breathe.

- It seems so - Fuyumi smiled as she left them in that hug and Mina followed her to the kitchen to help her cook, Fuyumi began to teach her the basics of how to cook since they can be useful for her when they left. Rei for her part did not want to let Shoto go

- Mom...

- No

- Listen...

- No

- Mom please

Rei sighed and continued to hug him tightly as he took her hand to slowly let go of her strong embrace.

- We'll be fine mom

- Please no...

- Mom... Mom, look at me - Rei released him and cupped his cheeks - We'll leave after we graduate, I promise we'll come visit you

Rei sobbed and held back tears, then squeezed his cheeks tighter.

- You will call every day

- I promise mom

- You will come at Christmas

- I promise mom

Rei continued to put conditions on him while Mina and Fuyumi finished lunch, then Rei spoke to Mina and hugged her tightly asking for just one favor.

- Please take care of him Mina

Mina nodded as they go to the kitchen and all began to eat, it was until the end that they were told that Mina had cooked most of the dinner.

Rei received them all month before they graduated in the house, they had talked to Dabi and Toga to help them stay with them for a while, Fuyumi and Rei helped Mina learn to cook and so on, Shoto was trying to coordinate things with his brother and Toga that they would only be there for a few days, however, Shoto had received surprise news

After the death of his father, a lawyer had contacted them since he had an inheritance valued in millions, however, he could not claim it until he was older, he did not understand why he had left everything to him, but Shoto would not keep it all , out of 100%, he gave 30% to his mother, 15% to Fuyumi, 8% to Dabi/Toga and 7% to Natsuo

After the graduation, which had been very awkward since Shoto and Mina received their titles and left the place leaving the ceremony despite half of their classmates missing, but it was understandable from everything that had happened, even some of they wanted to apologize for what happened, but it was useless, after they left the ceremony they go home for their stuffs and together they go to the airport

It was a somewhat harsh farewell since Rei didn't want them to leave, but she had accepted it, both she and Fuyumi said goodbye to both of them and watched as the plane took off. The flight was smooth, especially since they both fell asleep most of the time, when they arrived in America, Toga had greeted them at the airport, jumping into the arms of his best friend, who hugged her back, Mina looked at them and joined the group hug

- I missed you, come on, we have a lot to do

To the surprise of both, Toga had a car, which was full of bags of chips and soda bottles, thanks to the money Shoto sent them they had been able to improve various aspects of their lives, the main thing is that they were able to change their old home for one bigger and further from the city, the little blonde girl welcomed them both running into a hug and Mina carried her in her arms, spinning her around, which Shoto thought was very cute

They both let them stay in their guest room while they both got jobs, which didn't last long since with their names and reputation they were quickly accepted, now they just had to find their own home, however, one night Mina felt bad since she didn't stopped vomiting, Toga knew at the moment what She had, but to be sure she bought her a test, and then stayed outside waiting for the result.

- ¿And?

- I'm pregnant

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now