Chapter 4

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While everyone in the class already assumed that Shoto and Mina were a couple, but did not want to admit it, the truth is that even they did not know what to call their relationship, Best friends? Friends with benefits? They had no idea

With everything they've done, there was only one thing they didn't, which seemed incredible

They hadn't kissed ...

And it was not because they did not want to, it was that both feared that, if they did it and the other did not want, they would ruin what they had

They were both watching a movie in Mina's room, they decided that after they both fell asleep on the couch and their friends took pictures of them while they slept, it would be better if they had one just for them. Mina was completely snuggled on top of the bicolor while he was just playing with her hair while watching the movie, at a certain point Shoto began to be curious about Mina's horns, carefully caressing them and restraining them, which made Mina feel a chill

- ¿W-Why did you do that? - Mina asked completely flushed

- I was curious, I wanted to know what would happen if I touched them

- Do not touch them, they are sensitive - Mina turned to look him in the eyes

- I'm sorry ...

He stared at the yellow eyes that Mina had, she looked at the two-color eyes that he had

"We should kiss to break the tension" Mina thought as she slowly approached her face to Shoto's

Shoto watched as the pink's face approached, he slowly approached so that their lips met in a kiss

It was when the next room was heard as a window was broken and they avoided kissing, leaving them face to face totally flushed

"Shit, what now?" They both thought, they no longer knew what to do, they started to see what was left of the film, but totally uncomfortable and flushed

Some days later ...

Mina bought a package of long sweets to share with someone, there was no doubt who she was going to share it with, the girls knew Mina's intentions perfectly, it was the oldest trick in the world, let's see if the bicolor could understand it too

- ¡Todooo! - The pink girl screamed as she ran towards the boy who was sitting on the couch

- ¿What's up Ashi?

She blushed every time he called her that, although she was redder than a tomato, she approached him with the package of sweets

- ¿Do you want to share them with me? - Asked the pink while sitting next to him

- Sure

He believed that she was going to give him one like any normal person, but he was surprised and blushed when he saw that she put an end of the candy in her mouth waiting for him to bite the other half, which she did.

They both looked at each other as they slowly bit each end of the sweet as they got closer and closer to the center ...

But both being so nervously close, Todoroki did not realize that he bit the sweet very hard making his end fall, again both were ridiculously close to kissing, and this time he ruined it

Days after...

They were in Shoto's room playing cards, when suddenly the light bulb in the room burned out, leaving them totally in the dark

- Damn

- Do not worry Todo, I am sure that there must be some backrest - Mina got up and went, not before hitting her little finger on the table, it is worth mentioning that she was not wearing shoes

He was just waiting for her, not in the dark since he put his hand on fire to see a little, after a few minutes Mina returned with the new light bulb

- Help me upload Shoto, I'll put it

Shoto grabbed her by the hips and pulled her up to change the lightbulb, however when she did, this one caught on the spot, because none of them turned the switch off, not to mention that the lightbulb was brighter than the previous one, causing Mina to it blinded for a moment and moving so much that Shoto lost his balance and they both fell to the ground

When he raised his head he was inches from his lips, when she bowed her head, one of her horns lightly hit Todoroki's forehead

- Sorry Todo

- Do not worry - said the two-color while kissing her on the head and helping her to help her up, and they continued playing

That same night...

Mina was frustrated in her room hitting the wall, it seemed that kissing was more difficult than she thought, after a few seconds of being so scandal someone knocked on her door and she opened it

- ¡¿WHAT?! - She shouted to the person who opened

- I better go

- Not Todo, wait, I want to talk to you

- Okay, but ¿why were you hitting the walls?

- I was a little frustrated

- ¿Why? - Asked the bicolor bowing his head

Todoroki really didn't understand anything


She finally said it, but in an altered tone

- Forgive me for yelling at you Todo, it's just that ...

She could not finish because he was the one who kissed her, for the first time Mina felt Shoto's lips, it seemed a dream, they were cold and warm at the same time, she did not resist and surrounded him with her arms around his neck, after a few seconds they separated to be able to breathe

- That was...

- As I always imagined

Mina hadn't released him, and she wasn't going to release him

- ¿Can I do it again? - Shoto asked with regret

- As many times as you want - Mina whispered in a seductive tone as they both entered and she locked the door

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now