Chapter 29

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Shoto was about to pull the trigger, but couldn't, he dropped the gun on the ground while looking at the gun.

- You're too weak, that's why she hates you - Shoto sighed and left the weapon on the table, he sighed as he hit his face with a pillow, he didn't know what else to do, without Mina trying to remember who he was wasn't worth it, he didn't knew what time his mother or sister would be back, but when they did, he would tell them to he will go out of town, or the country.

On the other hand, Mina was told that she should stay a couple more days, but she still did not understand why Shoto did not come to visit her, she supposed that he would be the first to do so.

- ¿Where is Shoto? ¿Haven't you seen him? ¿Or even heard of him?

- No - Kaminari felt a lump in his throat as he lied directly to his friend's face - Nothing

- ¿Why? ¿Will he be angry?

Jirou who was next to Kaminari, she knew what happened, everyone in the class knew what had happened, most of them agreed and the other half didn't, but it was for Mina's sake, or at least they thought so

- We know this is wrong, if she finds out what we did, she'll probably leave us to go for him, and if he finds out... Well, he'll kill you - Midoriya said looking at the door

- He doesn't have to find out, if what he said is true, he won't come back, and it's for her own good...

Kaminari looked at Mina from the door and nodded, no one would say anything, while she just looked at her phone waiting for an answer from Todoroki, which after several weeks never came.

Mina had already been out from the hospital and go back to the dorms, while Shoto had everything ready to leave the country with Dabi, Toga and the baby, he would stay with them for a few weeks and then he would look to start from 0.

- Sho, ¿Are you sure it's a good idea?

- Yes... Without her I don't want to continue here, if I go there I can start again

Fuyumi had gotten tired of trying to convince him, not even Rei had succeeded, Shoto had packed his things, but he still need some that are in the dorm, even if he didn't want to, he has to go there

He grabbed a jacket and left, he just hoped Mina wasn't there, seeing her right now would only make it worse, when he arrives, he just knocked on the door and Jirou open

- Oh... Todoroki... ¿What are you doing here?

- ¿Is she here?

- No... ¿What do you want? - Jirou was one of those who did support the plan

- I need some things... Just move

Jirou moves away letting him in and some of the boys looked at him suspiciously, he didn't give them any importance and just go to the elevator, some of them go with him to watch he didn't do nothing, Shoto didn't care that either, when he enter he grabbed a suitcase and began to put some things there

- ¿Are you leaving? - Asked Midoriya

- Yes - Shoto did not pay much attention to them as he finished

- Will you come back one day or...

- I'm leaving the country if that's what you want to know

That surprised everyone, they thought that the plan would only separate them, but they didn't expect it to go that far.

- B-but... ¿She already knows that...

Shoto said nothing and just finished packing and left the dormitories.

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now