Chapter 25

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Shoto let the hospital a few days later, Mina still felt guilty for what happened, Aizawa told her that it would be best if she would rest at home to relax a little

Mina still felt guilty about what happened to him, since she was the one who provoked Momo in that way, both she and Fuyumi helped him to return to his room and put him on the bed. Kazumi looked at him curiously and Fuyumi put her to one side of him

The blonde baby began to play with his hair and bit it thinking it was a candy because of its colors, that scene made Mina smile and she held the baby

- I know it seems sweet, but I don't ...

The baby also bit her pink hair thinking the same thing, Mina laughed at such a scene and sat on the edge of the bed with the baby in her arms

- Mmm, maybe I can tell your parents to let us take care of you, ¿Do you like the idea?

Kazumi just smiled and clapped without knowing what she was talking about, Mina kept playing with her and lay down next to Shoto who was totally asleep

- Someday, but for now we will play with her - She carefully grabbed the baby and lifted her up in the air making her laugh and clap her hands, then put her down, then raised her again and they continued like this for almost 10 minutes, then Mina laid her on Shoto to see what she was doing, instead of pulling her hair she snuggled into his left arm and is about to sleep

- Hey, that's my sleeping side

- Naaaaa - Kazumi turned around and hugged him snuggling closer without letting go

- Well, I suppose I can lend it to you for a while, but at night it's mine

The baby smiled as if she understood what he meant and began to fall asleep

After a few minutes Mina saw how Toga walked in the hall and then saw them with her daughter

- Ufff, good you are here - Said the blonde smiling when she saw them - I thought Dabi had taken her

- And ¿That's not good? It's her father - Mina said raising an eyebrow

- Yes and no, he takes her to the den and leaves her in the crib all the time and she gets bored being there doing nothing, that's why I'm glad she's with you

- Oh thank you - Mina smiled at those words - ¿Where have you been all night?

-Oh you know, the beach, in the forest, the mountain, I was busy taking care of a personal thing

- I see, your little girl is very adorable

- I know - Toga said with a big smile

- I also want...

- You still no

- ¿Uh? - Mina was surprised to hear her say that - ¿Why not? It seems easy, besides having a mini Shoto would be the cutest thing in the world

- Maybe yes, but no, not until I allow it - Toga put a wall of coats between Mina and Shoto - Maybe it's not enough, I'll make Dabi sleep in the garden and Kazumi and I will sleep in his room, Shoto in the couch and no one will have more children until I allow it

Toga knew what Mina was feeling, but she wasn't ready for that step yet, maybe not for the one that goes before that.

- You will not have sex either

- ¡¿Uh?! - Mina blushed and was shocked when she heard that - ¡¿Why not?!

- To avoid taking risks

- B-but there is protection and...

- Mina no

Mina pouted and lay down on the other side of the wall of coats

- ¿How did Shoto not wake up with this?

At night, they all watched a movie on the couch, but Toga sat in the middle of Shoto and Mina to avoid unnecessary contacts or the affection between them, she even put the bowl of popcorn on her own legs so they would not do anything weird

In some point of the movie, Shoto tried to hold Mina's hand, but Toga put a glass of soda on her.

- Toga I think you are going too far

- Shhhh, we are watching the movie - Toga made him the silence sign putting a finger over his mouth

At dinner, Toga made them both sit at opposite corners of the table while she fed Kazumi rice.

After that, he sent Dabi to sleep in the garden, Shoto to his brother's room and she would stay on the sofa and Mina in Shoto's room, of course she would be watching the doors at all times so that they did not enter the room of the other

In the middle of the night she saw how Mina left the room, but it was only to go to the bathroom, later Shoto also left but only for water for his pills, the blonde helped him to the kitchen for a glass of water

- Thank you Toga

- That's what best friends are for

Shoto smiled and kissed her head before heading back to her room. The next morning, Toga got up to wake them up, but was surprised to see that Mina was not in her room, she go to Shoto and found them both tightly cuddled and asleep.

- At what moment ... - Toga remembered that when she helped Shoto, she stopped watching for at least 1 minute, which gave Mina time to enter, her gaze go to Shoto with a big smile of pride - Create the distraction, I you teach well ... maybe too well

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now