15 Take A Chance

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AN: Sorry for the long wait! Very busy at school!

It was early in the morning and I was by my locker talking with Skyler and Jasmine.
"So Bridgit, what song are we going to sing on the talent show?" Jasmine asked.
"How about one of Taylor Swift's songs?" I suggested.
"Hmm... How about one of Victorious songs?! Like my favorite song L.A. Boyz!" Skyler suggested.
"Hey! That would be gre--"
I was cut off when someone hugged me from behind, "Good morning beautiful!" It was Carter.
"Hi! Good morning!" I laughed.
"So anyways, I can do Ariana's part and you can do Victoria's part!" I said and Jasmine agreed.
"Okay! I'm going to come over tomorrow night to practice!" Jasmine said and walked away.
"Um.. Skyler, do you mind if I steal Bridgit away from you?" Carter asked.
"No. Um.. I'm going to meet Emily on the third floor then." She said and walked away from us.
I turned around and faced Carter, "What's up?"
He smiled and held my hands, "Is this real?"
I laughed and slapped him on the top of his head, "No! You're just dreaming! It's not real! In fact, why am I with you?!" I said sarcastically.
He gave me a pouty face, "I'm serious."
"Well stop saying that! Or else I have to slap you every day!" I joked.
"I know! I never said I was nice!" I stuck my tounge out to him.
He was about to say something when someone poked me on the side and I jumped in surprise, "AHH!"
I turned around and it was Sam. I laughed and tried to poke him back, but he got away.
"I'm gonna get you in gym!!!" I shouted while he ran away.
"Why is Sam poking you?" Carter asked. I can tell he is jealous!
"We do that all the time in gym! Last time he was laying down on the floor and I poked him that made him jumped off his feet!" I laughed, but then I realized that Carter wasn't, "wait a minute... are you jelly?"
"WHAT!" He exclaimed, "no i'm not."
"Someone is jelly!" I laughed and poked him into his side and stomach.
"No i'm not!" He laughed.
"Denial!" I mumbled.
"Denial. Always the first step."
"Pshh! Stop!" He smiled. We went around the third floor when we saw Skyler and Emily laughing together. I was going to say hi, but Carter pulled me to meet his friends. I already know half of them and I hate one of them.
"Boys, I want you to meet my beautiful girlfriend!" He smiled. I just stood there and waved hi. I really want to talk to Emily and Skyler right now!
I cut him off, "Don't call me that!" I said in a very disgusted voice.
"Why not?"
"I don't like it. It just disgust me," I sighed, "look, I'm sorry."
"No. No. It's okay," he gave me a genuine smile, "if you don't like it, I understand."
"Oh good. Can I talk to my friends? I feel awkward around your friends."
"Sure." He said and I walked away from them.
"Hey!" I smiled.
"Hey, how's Carter?" Emily asked
I shrugged, "Same old same old. I feel like he is too controlling!"
Emily and Skyler looked at each other, "Wow! Not one day, you're getting sick of him!"
"Don't say that! I'm not! I just think he should really stop controlling and give me some space." I explained.

Later that day, it started snowing! I don't really like snow, but I cannot do anything about it. I just don't like the cold! In gym, we were playing badminton. I was getting into the game so much where I hit the birdie so hard it hit someone on the head.
"Sorry!" I said.
"What's wrong?" Emily asked.
"Huh? Nothing. Why'd you ask?"
She shrugged, "Because you usually do this when you are mad, or when something bothers you."
I sighed and wiped the sweat on my forehead, "I don't know. I thought going into this relationship will make me happier, but it makes me want him to just let me go and give me a space."
"Maybe he is just trying to get use to it and you can tell him that you don't like it." Emily said.
"I know. I just don't want to hurt his feelings!"
"Dude! He hurt you many many times! I think it's time for you to actually say something. I'm happy for you and all, but I still cannot believe you said yes, " Skyler joined in the conversation, "Don't you guys have a date or something? Maybe you can tell him during the date."
"No we don't. I told him we can't have a date until after the talent show because Jasmine and I have a lot to do, if we want to win."
"Is he coming to the talent show?" Emily asked.
"Yep." I sighed and we decided to stop the conversation and just go back to the game.
"Come on Bridgit! You haven't been singing so well! Last time you were so good!" Jasmine complained. It was our 5th rehearsal with the song, but I could not get the words out. We sang for a little more, and Jasmine decided to go home. She told me that she's coming over again tomorrow, so maybe we can do some moves for the song. I sighed and lay on my bed when my phone buzzed. It was Emily.
'hi!' She texted.
'hey! (:'
'what's up?'
'Tired. U?'
'Very bored.'
'Aww!!! Did u finish hw?'
'yep. By the way, how's it going with Carter?'
'Idk. I never talked to him since this morning.'
'Oh. Are you going to tell him how you feel?'
'Um.. Idk yet. Maybe... Yes... No... Idk! HELP!'
'I think you should! Isn't it honesty the first rule about relationship?'
'hmm... I guess...'
'Good luck! (:'
That night, I was playing the song L.A. Boyz, the song we are going to use for the talent show, I was reading a book but I cannot concentrate. I threw the book on my bed and took my microphone. I hit the record button on my computer and started recording a cover of L.A. Boyz. After I recorded the song, I sang some more songs and I actually felt better after that. It feels so nice that music makes me feel better.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey!!!" He said cheerfully.
I giggled, "Hi, what's up?"
"Nothing. I miss you."
I chuckled, "Sure you did!" I said sarcastically, "by the way, I have to talk to you about something..."
"Sure. What is it?"
"Umm... maybe tomorrow."
"Sure. Tomorrow. I'll see you at school."
"Okay. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He said before we both hung up.

The next morning, I saw Carter waiting for me on my locker already. I told Skyler that if we can give us a private conversation. 
"Hey, what do you want to talk about?" Carter asked. I removed my jacket and set it on my locker and looked at him.
"Carter, I know you want me to introduce me to your friends and get to know them, but I think that you should give me some space too. You know for my friends, as well." I explained. It was hard to get the words out of my mouth, but I did.
He sighed and moved closer to me, "I'm sorry. I guess I was just excited for them to know you."
I smiled, "Thank you."
We both looked at each other for a moment and in that moment it felt like the feelings I had for him since we first met; came back. Those butterflies on my stomach and the way my hands shakes. He pulled me into a comfort hug until Skyler came and broke the moment.
"I'll see you later, darling.."
I was about to walk away when I noticed something. I turned around with a confused face.
"What did you just call me?" I asked.
"Uh.. darling? You don't like it?" He asked nervously.
I laughed, "How did you know I like being called like that?"
This time, it was him that laughed, "I was talking to one of your best friends last night, and she told me that you are a huge Twilight fan and told me that you have a big crush on Jasper."
My mouth starts to form on a huge grin.
"I researched him and I noticed he calls Alice 'darlin'' and I figured I think you might like it."
I laughed, "Wow!!"
"I like it." I smiled and walked away from him with huge stupid grin on my face.
The day of the talent show is approaching fast. Jasmine and I were getting ready backstage when I noticed my hands are starting to shake.
"Jasmine..." I said, and she looked down at my shaking hands.
"You'll be fine! We will rock that stage!" She smiled.
By the time it was announced that it's our time to perform, I took the microphone and my hands stopped shaking.
"I can do this. Be a rockstar!" I thought to myself.
The music started and the curtains opened revealing the audience and the lights that are directly focusing on us. I squinted my eyes and told myself to act like a rockstar. It was still Jasmine singing. When it came to my turn, I was surprised when I was just singing all the way and pretending I was in my room. I found myself dancing around the stage with Jasmine and just rocking out with the music. By the time the song ends, we did our bow and went backstage.
"Omygosh! That was so much fun!" I exclaimed.
" I told you!" Jasmine laughed and gave me a hug.
That night, everyone performed and Jasmine and I were so proud of each other when we found out that we won 2nd place. It's not first but still. This is the first talent show I joined and I feel so proud of myself to took that chance. I learn that night that you should take a chance on something that you've always wanted to do but too scared to do it. Carter congratulated me backstage and my parents took us out to dinner for a celebration...

To Be Continued...

Even If...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon