2 The Diary

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It's 7:00 am and I'm walking up to the school front doors with Skyler.
Everyone else was coming out from the buses or was getting dropped off. I sighed and went inside the school.
"So, where are we going?" Skyler asked.
"Ummm... Don't you want breakfast?" I asked.
"Yes! I'm hungry! I want my apple juice!" She talked like a little kid. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Please don't embarassed me!"
"What?" She pouted.
"Just go get your breakfast!" I said and she went in the line to get some breakfast.
After Skyler went to get her breakfast we both went to the 3rd floor to visit our favorite teacher from last year.
"Look! There's Emily!" I said while Emily and her friend was walking towards us.
"Hey Bridgit! Hey Skyler!" She smiled, "Where you guys going?"
"Biology." I answered.
"Oh okay!" The four of us walked to our Biology classroom from last year and said hi to our teacher. We all stayed outside the door though. We started talking and I started tuning out the three of them when I saw someone walking towards us.
"Urgh!" I groaned and they all stopped talking to look at me.
"You know everywhere I go he's always there!" I said.
Skyler laughed, "Maybe it's fate!"
Skyler and Emily laughed together while I gave them a look, "No it's not! More like a nightmare trying to hunt me down!"
I decided to look away when he walked by us. Emily and Skyler was looking at him though. By the time he was far away from us Skyler tried not to smile.
"What?" I asked her.
"Nothing." She smiled at Emily.
"Whhaat?" I asked again; whining.
"He was looking at you!" Skyler said.
I chuckled, "Yeah right." I said sarcastically.
"He was! Right Emily?" Skyler looked at Emily.
"Yeah. He was looking at you at the corner of his eye."
I didn't say anything after that. Once Emily say he does, I know he did. Why would he look at me at the first place? I thought he said I was annoying, now what does he want? Rub it in my face? Puh-lease! I will never talk to him ever again!
"Let's go to Chemistry!" I said.
"Okay. We are going over there." Emily said pointing at the other direction.
"Alright, see you in gym later!" I said and Skyler and I both went downstairs to the 2nd floor. We were by the room's door when Skyler stopped.
"What's wrong?" I gave her a confused look.
"Are you sure I can go in there? He doesn't know me!" Skyler said looking at the young teacher.
I rolled my eyes, "Of course you can! He's a very nice teacher!" I smiled.
"No. No." She shook her head.
"Come on!" I grabbed her arm and dragged her into the classroom, but she was too strong to stop me.
"No." She shook her head and ran away from me.
"Skyler!" I shouted while she ran and went downstairs.
I sighed and went inside the room. There was no one there so I turned around quickly and stayed outside by the door. I don't wanna be alone in that room! It's too awkward! I stood by the door and looked at the students who was walking in the hallway. I turned to my left and saw Carter going towards me.
"Really?! Everywhere I go he's always there!" I thought to myself.
It was the right timing when the 10 minute bell rang, so I decided to go into my Chemistry room before he goes by. I'm getting tired of his face! HMP! I went inside the room and I was putting my chair down when it almost slipped out of my hands and it almost hit my foot!
"WOAH!" I said out loud.
My teacher who was at the computer; looked up.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah." I laughed.
"I know it's Tuesday, but be careful." He smiled.
I chuckled, "Yep!"
The bell rang at 7:30 and everyone was already in the classroom. We were listening to the announcements of our principal, and after that my teacher started talking.
"Alright. We are going to be doing our first lab today. Trust me you guys are going to have fun." He smiled.
I was doodling at my notebook while he was talking. He started giving out names for the groups for every lab station. I was at group three and went at the third table at the back.
"Hi Bridgit!" Karla smiled.
I know Karla, but never really talked to her. She's nice. She said hello to the two people on our group and I found out one of them was a senior. Weird...
Anyway, we had a lab about naming stuff about all the things that we are going to do for Chemistry. Like the beaker, the bunsen burner, etc...
"Tomorrow you guys get to try out the bunsen burner." Our teacher said.
After Chemistry, Geometry was all about shapes and I get to sit with the loudest girl in the class. Let's see if I can concentrate. Of course not! This is not happening!
Everyone knows that when someone loud sits right next to me I cannot concentrate on the lesson! Which is actually bad because I'm quiet and they usually put the loudest person in the class to the quietest person in class.

Finally, gym came! I was so glad!  Everyone was sitting on the bleachers. Same old same old. It's only the second day of school so, we didn't have to dress for gym. I was sitting between Emily and Skyler in the bleachers.
"So, how's your day peeps?" I asked cheerfully.
"Good and tired." Skyler complained.
I laughed remembering a moment, "Guess what happened earlier today!" I said to Emily.
"What is it?"
"Skyler was too chickened to go into my Chemistry room." I laughed.
"Oh please! I don't even know your teacher so it will be awkward to just go in there!" Skyler explained.
"Suuureee." I said sarcastically while Emily laughed.
Gym went by fast. You know what they say time goes by fast when you're having fun. I was at my drawing class and appearently we have to design our art folders. I don't even know what to do. In my mind right now is all about my summer vacation in California. Oh how I miss San Francisco! I mean all I can think about is San Francisco and my favorite movie Sweet November, which is also filmed in San Francisco. I sighed and looked at the paper my teacher gave me. We had to do three sketches of our designs and pick the best one. I started with my name and some butterflies around it. Ew. That took me about like almost half of the class period to draw it. Next, I decided to draw the Golden Gate Bridge. I drew the bridge with water underneath it and put my name in big letters. Hmmm... I might just do that.
After school, Skyler and I decided to meet up to the 3rd floor.
"Hey, I saw Carter today." Skyler said.
"And?" Why is it every time we talk it's always about Carter?
"I think he has Spanish 7th period because I saw him going out of a Spanish classroom." Skyler said.
"Wait. What do you have 7th period?" I asked.
We were both going downstairs and into the shortcut we use to get out of the school.
"French." She answered.
"Oh. I remembered last year he also had Spanish 7th period and we would have Biology. If we had a fire drill, I would see him down the hall and outside standing." I smiled at the memory. What am I doing? Grrr.
I looked up and saw Skyler smiling. We both crossed the street and walked home.
"What are you smiling at?" I asked.
Skyler shrugged, "Nothing." She smiled again.
"Tell me!" I said.
"It's just that I thought you don't like him anymore."
"I don't!"
I rolled my eyes and talked about something else.
I got home that day and watched my soaps. After watching my soap operas, I decided to go through my stuff that wasn't still on my closet. My luggage from my vacation was on the floor of my bedroom. I decided to take out all the clothes and saw my Thor bubble head and my Selena Gomez perfume. I started folding my clothes and saw a notebook at the bottom. I took it from the luggage and saw it was my diary from my Freshman year.
"I thought I left that in Cali." I thought.
I always leave my diaries in Cali when I go to vacation. Hmmm...
I opened the notebook and lay on my bed. I read the entry from September. I smiled at the entry. It was the day where Carter and I met. Then, I read the entry about him telling me when he went to a baseball game.

We were both walking down the grass and into the soccer field. The rest of the class was behind us.
"Oh! I have to tell you a funny story!" He said.
"What is it?" I smiled at him.
"I remember when I went to a baseball game and my foot was on the bleachers like you know how the other people sit right in front of you?"
"So, my foot was there and this big guy sat right in front of me and didn't notice my foot was there! It was like about an hour until he realized that he was sitting on my foot!" He laughed.
I laughed, "You could have told him that it was there!"
"Yeah, but it will be awkward! He was like 'oh I'm sorry!' and my foot hurt the rest of the day!" He laughed at the memory.
I laughed so hard with his story, "That's hilarious! I could have been like, 'umm.. hello? get off my foot!'" We both laughed.
We played soccer that day and after gym and everyone changed. I saw Carter leaning on the wall by the gym doors waiting for the bell ring.
"Did your team win?" He asked.
I shook, "Nah. I wasn't even playing." We both laughed.
I leaned on the wall next to him. "Wow! What a good view!" I said sarcastically.
He looked up and in front of us is a couple making out.
"I should go up to them and be like get a room!" He whispered while I laughed.
"You should totally do that! I dare you!" I smiled.
The bell rang that day and we walked together, until I had to go upstairs.

***End of Flashback***

To Be Continued...

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