14 Say Yes

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I was in my laptop, looking through the pictures from my summer. I sighed and started listening to all the songs that reminded me of California. I miss my dad, my sister, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins. My phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey sweetie!" It was my dad!
"Hi dad!" I said cheerfully.
"How are you? What are you doing?" I can hear dishes rattling on the other side of the line, "sorry. I'm washing dishes."
"Oh that's okay, and I'm fine. I'm looking through the pictures from my summer vacation there."
"Aww! You miss San Fran already? That's okay. You'll come back here next summer." My dad said.
"Hey dad." I heard my sister just got in the house.
"Hey! Ariel's home! She just came from work!" He said cheerfully.
"Oh yeah! She gets out early today!" I said.
"Yeah. So, tell me about school! How's your crush or ex-crush Carter?"
I laughed, "Dad, I thought I texted you this last time! He's trying to ask me out remember?"
"Oh yeah! So, did you say yes already?" He asked excitedly.
"WHAT! No! I'm not going to give in easily!"
He laughed and I can hear Ariel shouted, "I agree! Just don't go out with him!"
"Oh shush, Ariel!" I said.
They both laughed, "That's good, but has he done anything that maybe you should say yes already?"
"Um.. he has done a lot of things. He's sweet, nice, and patient."
"Hmmm... if you don't say yes he might become very impatient!"
"Dad! Can we just get this conversation out of the way!"
He laughed, "Alright! So, we are upgrading our phones! Go online and look for some phone casing! Just until $10 though!"
"Just $10?" I said in a disappointing voice.
"Alright, $15! We don't have that much money yet. Don't worry! We'll buy you a new one! It's just for temporary!"
"Kaykay! I'll tell you when I find one!" I said and we both hung up.
I went to some online websites like Amazon and Ebay to look for some cheap iPhone cases. I found two that I liked! I sent the link to my dad and he asked if he should get it, but I told him not yet because I might find something else. Then, I decided to text Ariel.
'So, what is your phone casing?' I asked.
Then, she sent me a picture of a brown and white leather iPhone case.
'Wow! :o'
'Yeah. Hehehe! It's $115!'
WHAT! Did she just say $115?!! They said they do not have money? What happened huh?! I decided to call my dad.
"Dad! I thought you said you guys don't have money?"
"Yeah, but--"
"Daaddd!" I whined through the phone, "Pwease?"
"Fine! I'll buy you a Tory Burch!" I heard Ariel said.
"YAY!!! Thank you!!!" I said and they both laughed. We talked for a while, but my dad just cannot get the Carter subject out of the way! Urgh! He seriously needs to relax! If it's the time that I'll say yes, then I'll say yes! I don't like rushing!
"Bridgit!" Someone called me in the middle of the hallway. I turned around and saw Jasmine. I haven't seen her in forever!!!
"Jasmine! Omygosh! How are you?!" I said and we both hugged each other. After four years, she is still her little self. I remember our friends use to call her 'tiny' during 6th grade.
"I'm good! Good thing I moved back! I missed you!"
I laughed, "Me too!!! Where have you been?"
"Europe, but I missed all you guys! I'm glad that I convinced my mom to come back here!"
"Me too!" I smiled.
"So, did you hear about the talent show."
My smile faded when she mentioned about the talent show. I remember she won 2nd place in the talent show during 6th grade.
"Yes. Why?"
She gave me her convincing smile, "I want to join, but I kinda want a duet. Can you sing with me? Please?"
I sighed deeply, "You know that I have stage fright!"
"I know, but you have a really good singing voice! Just please please please join the talent show with me! I'll let you pick the song!"
"Um...." I don't know what to say. I want to, but then I don't want to.
"Please please please???"
"Alright! Alright! Fine!" I agreed.
"Yay!" She cheered, "text me tonight about the songs we can do!"
"Okay!" I said and she went with her other friends to talk.
"So, talent show huh?" Skyler smiled, "I didn't know you sing!"
"What are you talking about? I always sing when I have my headphones on when we walk together during the morning!"
"Yeah, but you always sing too low! I can't wait til I see you in the talent show!" She clapped her hands.
"Yeah, if I pass the audition!"
"Of course you will!"
I rolled my eyes and did not say anything. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm already nervous for the audition! I wonder what will Jasmine and I sing. Hmmm....
My day went by fast! The highlight of my day was my Chemistry teacher doing the happy dance... Weird and hilarious!
"Hi!" He said softly and smiled at me brightly.
"Hey." I smiled back.
"So, I heard you're joining the talent show..."
I gave him a weird look, "how did you know that?"
"Word gets around fast." He laughed.
"Yeah well, I'm going to do a duet with my friend. I don't even know what song should we do."
"Hmm... Whatever song you will do, you will be great!" He gave me his sweet smile, "plus, I'm going to make sure I will be there and have the loudest cheer and clap!" He squeezed my cheek lightly.
"Thanks!" I giggled, "you're so sweet!"
"So, can you meet me by the gym tomorrow morning?"
"Sure! Why?"
He shook his head and had a big smile on his face, "You'll see!" He winked and walked away from me.
I turned around and saw Skyler with a big smile on her face.
She did not say anything, but still smiled. We went home that afternoon and I saw that no one was home. I opened my mom's laptop and I watched my soaps, while I eat my lunch. I do not eat lunch in school tomorrow because I'm getting tired of their food! It also just tastes so disgusting! I watched for an hour of soaps and went downstairs to do my homework. I listened to some music after, and I tried to read the book that we have to read for English.

That night, my mom keeps on asking me about Carter.
"So, how's that boy?" She asked.
I sighed. Not again. First, it was my dad now my mom.
"I don't know. Good."
"So, did you say yes yet?" She smiled brightly.
My eyes widened, "Why are you all keep on rushing me?"
She shrugged, "True, but if you think that I won't approve. He's okay for me."
"Thanks mother!" I smiled and went downstairs to my room. I cannot take another conversation about 'saying yes'
The next morning, I almost forgot that I had to meet Carter in the gym. I don't have any idea what this kid is planning about.
"So, can I come with you?" Skyler asked.
"Um... I don't know."
"Please? How about I stay outside the gym doors?"
I sighed and agreed that Skyler can just stand by the doors. We went by the gym and I can tell that Skyler was looking through the little window on the door.
I went in the gym and saw the lights were off.
"Carter?" Then, the lights just turned on. I saw there were rose petals that makes a heart in the floor on the middle of the gym. Carter came out with a bouquet of flowers on his hands. I cannot help, but smile.
"What is all this?" I asked.
"Bridgit, I liked you for a long time and this is the best effort I could ever do. I want to ask you something." He held my hands and he moved to show me all his baseball team mates holding each letter that says
'Will you be my girlfriend?'
My eyes widened and I can tell Skyler was squealing by the door. I have no idea what to do or say! I feel like I'm going to faint! I'm frozen to where I am.
"So?" Carter asked excitedly.
I sighed deeply, "Um..."
"Look I know I'm taking this a bit fast but--"
"Yes." I cut him off.
"But I want to really prove to you that-- wait! yes?"
I nodded my head and smiled, "Y-E-S!"
I was surprise when he picked me up and twirl me around, "YES! YES!" He shouted.
I giggled, "okay put me down!"
He put me down and pulled me into a hug, "How did you do all these?"
"I just tried to ask permission from the teacher if I can use the gym and I asked my baseball team mates to help me." He looked at them and they all gave him a thumbs up and smiled brightly.
"Someone pinch me! I think I'm dreaming!" Carter said.
I decided to pinch him in the cheek, "There! You're not!" I giggled.
He laughed and he gave me another hug. We walked out holding hands out of the gym and Skyler was jumped to hug me.
"OMG! OMG!!! I told you!!!!"' She exclaimed and slapped playfully Carter in the arm.
"Alright, I gotta get to class." I said.
"Okay, I'll see you!" He said and kissed my cheek.
That was one of the best days of my life! I cannot believe that we are now together. Like together! Like Carter said, is this really real or just a dream???....

To Be Continued...

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