9 Unpredictable

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Sale. Sale. Sale.
My mom and I were walking around the mall. There are a lot of sales lately! Especially on dresses. Oh! That's right! Homecoming week. Funny I mentioned that.
"Bridgit, aren't you gonna go to your homecoming dance?" My mom asked me.
"Nope." I shrugged and looked at the light pink blazer that I saw.
"Why not?"
"Mom, it's homecoming dance we are talking about! I don't go to dances!" I said and took the blazer from the rack, "Is this cute?"
"Yeah!" My mom said.
I shrugged and took the blazer.
"Come on! When I was in high school, my friends and I always go to every dances! It's the most fun thing that can happen to you in high school! You don't need dates to go there!" My mom said and took a shirt. Sometimes I'm just jealous that my mom dresses better than me! She dresses like a teenager and I dress like a woman. Also, I am jealous how she has a perfect body than I do!
"Yeah, but all my friends have dates! Who am I supposed to go with?" I said.
"Those who doesn't have dates."
I rolled my eyes, "I don't want to go!"
She sighed, "Alright, but you will miss all the fun!" She said and took a skirt with flowers on it.
"Here. That will be good for you!" I look at the skirt and made a disgusted face.
"Ew. No." I handed her the skirt back.
"Fine. I'll get it then." She shrugged and looked for more clothes.
We went around the mall until 8:30pm. Of course we bought a lot of stuff again. My mom and I just love shopping so much!
I was by my locker waiting for Skyler. I did not walk with her today because she was late to leave her house and I did not feel like waiting in the stop sign for a long time. Plus, it's cold outside! Carter just came and he is walking towards my direction. He went to his locker and never even looked at me once! What's his problem now? Boys are so complicated. I just ignored it and waited for Skyler. I heard he slammed his locker hard and I looked at him. He walked off and never turned around to look at me. Now, what did I do?
"You're late!" I joked when Skyler came by my locker.
"I know. My little sister was taking forever!" Skyler said.
"Do you know what is Carter's problem about me now?" I asked.
Skyler gave me a weird look, "Why are you asking me? Go ask Carter."
"Fine! Attitude!"
She laughed, "Sorry. I'm just tired."
"It's fine. Let's go upstairs."
We both went to get her breakfast and went upstairs to Chemistry. The door was locked so we waited outside the door. We got so tired of standing we decided to sit on the floor.
"Carter is coming this way." Skyler said looking behind me.
Carter walked by and looked at me. I smiled, "Hi Carter!"
He looked away and just walked off with his friends.
I looked at Skyler in surprise, "Did you see that?! You saw that right?! He ignored me!"
"Yes I did. What's his problem now?"
I shrugged, "I don't know! First, he wants to be friends but then he will ignore me again?! I don't get it."
"Why don't you talk to him?"
I stood up from the floor and took my backpack, "Okay. Just stay here."
"CARTER!" I called him. Good thing, he didn't get too far. I caught up to him.
I heard his friend said something, "Carter, there's the annoying girl that you said that keeps on bugging you." His friend said. I know his friend. He is the guy that my blood always boils when I see him. Since 8th grade we just hate each other! Urgh! I don't even know why he's friends with him.
Carter looked at his friend and pushed him angrily, "Don't you dare call her that!" Carter exclaimed.
I walked towards him and grabbed his arm, "You're the one who said that last time!" His friend argued.
He was about to push him again when I stopped him, "Carter! Stop!" I said.
Carter grabbed me in the arm really hard and dragged me some place with no people. I can tell by his face. He was mad.
I sighed deeply, "Why did you do that?!" I asked.
He turned around and looked at me, "He called you annoying! Of course I'll be mad!"
I didn't look at him. I looked down and sighed, "Isn't it true?" I said.
He was silent. By the time I looked up, he was gone. I sighed and walked on the other direction to my class.
"What happened?" Skyler asked.
"Nothing." I said rubbing my arm.
"What happened to that?" Skyler pointed at my arm. There was a huge red spot.
"Nothing. I think you should go to class." I said.
"Okay. See you in gym." Skyler walked off and I went into my classroom for my first period class.

Gym came and I changed into my t-shirt and sweatpants. I looked at my arm. It hurts. It was kind of a light purple now. Emily, Skyler, and I went out of the locker room when Emily noticed it.
"What happened?" She pointed at my arm.
"Huh? Um... nothing. I... um... bumped into something this morning." I lied. I don't need anyone knowing about what happened today.
We were playing badminton today. It was hilarious because we had three birdies and Skyler serves on the other side of the net while Emily or I serve on the other side. It was kind of cool to play though. It was hilarious because Skyler was alone on the other side. She could not get the two birdies that was coming to her way at the same time. Then, this random guy decided to be 'cool' he tried to jumped over the badminton net and hit his back on the floor. Emily, Skyler, and I started laughing.
"OMG! That was such a fail!" I laughed.
"OMG! That was hilarious!" Emily laughed so hard. It took us about two minutes to be ourselves again. We could not stop laughing! That was such a fail!!!
The day went by fast! I was enjoying my day so much! It was actually a very good day!!! After 7th period, I went straight to my locker. Skyler wasn't there yet. I wonder why... She usually gets there early. Hmm...
"Bridgit." I heard a familiar voice. I closed my locker and saw Carter leaning on the locker next to mine.
I sighed and did not say anything. I don't really want to talk to him right now.
"Bridgit. I'm sorry--"
"Yeah! There you are again! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! You know I'm getting tired of that! You keep on saying it, but you never mean it!"
"I do! I do mean it!" He grabbed both of my hands.
He saw the light bruise on my arm. He rubbed it with his thumb, "I'm sorry for this." He said. I looked at my arm and pulled it away from him.
"That's nothing." I said.
"Bridgit, I really need to say something to you..." Carter said softly, "I think.. No, I know. I'm fa--"
"Hey Bridgit! I'm sorry! I had to take my speaking test, so I'm late!" Skyler cut him off. She was trying to catch her breath, "What did I miss?"
"Nothing," I shook my head, "Um.. I gotta go." I told Carter and Skyler and I walked away from him. I looked back and saw Carter leaning on the lockers with his eyes closed. He sighed before he went on the other direction.
You know I just realized that he has been trying to tell me something. I wonder what it is. Something always cuts him off. Maybe next time I'll give him a chance to finish. The thing is, I'm kind of scared on what he is going to say. I just have a feeling...

All night, I have been listening to Taylor Swift songs. It just relates to me so much!!! I decided to take my mind off things and watched one of my favorite movies Sweet November. Goodness! That did not helped at all! I was crying the whole time! My mom came into my room with a surprise face, but then figured what was I doing. She started showing me her outfit and after that I went back to the movie. My phone vibrated and it was Carter. I did not reply back. My phone vibrated again.
"Urgh! What!" I said outloud.
I checked and it was Emily. "Oh." I thought.
'hey!' she texted.
'hey! what's up?'
'Nothing much. I'm bored.'
'Hmm... me too. I was listening to songs, then I watched some movies.'
'That's cool. So are you going to tell me what happened?'
'Nothing. Carter was just being Carter. LOL!'
"Oh. Hahaha.'
'Yeah, but I don't want to talk about it.'
'Okay. So, what are you doing this weekend?'
'I don't know. Shopping and probably something boring.'
'Oh. I might clean the house again :('
'That sucks. :( We all should go shopping again!'
'Yes! Yes we should! :D'
After that I never texted her back. I fell asleep for two hours in my couch in my room. I woke up when my cat started scratching on my door. I got up and opened the door for him.
"Hey there buddy!" I said and pet him on the head, "How are you doing? Are you here to entertain me? You want to play?"
My cat started rubbing his head on my feet.
"Aww!!!" I smiled and started tickling him on his tummy. He loves it when I do that.
"You're so cute! Give me a kiss!" I leaned towards him and he gave me a kiss on my nose.
He decided to went out of my room when my stepdad came home because he knows he gives him food.

I thought of something for a second...


'So what so you think of me?' I asked him.
'I'm not going to say...'
'Why not? :('
'Because ;)'
What does that even mean?!

***End of Flashback***

I went to bed that night and fell asleep really quickly...

To Be Continued...

Even If...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon