6 Mission

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The assembly ended and everyone was being dismissed by sections. I just cannot wait to get out of here! We started going out of the auditorium when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.
"Let me go!" I hesitated.
"Just listen to me!" He said and looked at me directly into my eyes. Oh no! Please not the eyes!
He looked at me for a second, "Listen. I don't know what I did, but I'm going to make sure that I'm going to find out about it! I'm going to ask everyone just to know what I did wrong! Bridgit..." He started looking through my eyes again. Seriously?! Somebody distrupt this moment!
"I'm gonna make sure that you will forgive me, and I have to say something to you. I--" He was cut off by the one minute bell.
"I gotta go. I'm gonna be late for class." I said and walked away from him. I looked back and saw him leaning on the wall with his eyes close. I don't get it. Why does he really want me to forgive him? Usually all the guys I liked before would just go on with their lives and ignore me forever. What about Carter? How come he won't do the same? I want to forget about him already!
"Bridgit!!!" I was walking down the hallway when someone was calling my name. It was John. Goodness! This guy is getting taller and taller every minute. I looked up to him. By the way, he still owe me a glasses and $13!
"Hey! What's up?" I smiled.
"Carter talked to me!" He said in surprise, "I knew that you liked him before, but he was asking me if I knew what happened last year. He said you are mad at him."
I shrugged, "I already told you that last year."
"I know, but I can't remember."
"Well, I'm not going to tell you. You might tell Carter and I know that because you two are close friends!" I was about to walk away, but I turned around, "By the way. Where's my $13 and my glasses?"
"Uh..." He smiled and ran away from me.
"HEY!" I called him, "Chicken." I mumbled to myself.
That's not the point though. Why is Carter going to John and asking for what happened? I'm not telling anyone then. He might just go to every single person of this school and ask.
In gym, I just finished changing and I was walking around the indoor track in the gym when Emily and Skyler caught up to me.
"Natasha was looking for you." Emily said.
"Oh. Well, I'll just wait til she gets out of the locker room then," I said, "Why was she looking for me?"
"She said about Carter. I don't know." Emily shrugged.
My eyes widened. This boy just won't stop isn't he?! I knew he was gonna go around to everybody.
"Bridgit!" Natasha called me.
"Carter talked to me, which is really weird. I didn't know he remembers me!" Natasha said.
"What he said?"
"He asked what he did wrong to you."
"What did you say?"
"I said everything." She laughed and so did I.
"OMG! Don't tell him anything."
"I know!" She smiled and walked away from us to talk to some other friends. I am so glad I have friends that can keep secrets!
After school, I went straight to my locker and saw a note hanging. I rolled my eyes and took the note out.
"Ooo! Is that from Carter?" Skyler popped behind me.
I sighed deeply and opened my locker. I took Skyler's jacket out and gave it to her. I opened the note.

I'm not giving up.
I crumpled the paper and threw it in my locker.
"Can we go by the gym? I want to buy soda from the vending machine." Skyler said.
I slammed my locker and a random guy just came by us. He was looking at me like he's trying to figure out something.
"Are you Bridgit?" He asked.
"Uhh... yeah. Why?"
He smiled and handed me another note.

Please come by the gym.
My eyes widened and looked at Skyler. She was just standing there like she is trying to hide something. I can tell by her face that she was forcing herself not to smile. Don't tell me she's helping Carter with this.
"If I find out you are helping Carter..." I didn't even continue what I was going to say. She knew that I will be mad.
We went in the gym and went by the vending machine. I saw a red rose sticked into the vending machines. I took it out and saw another note.

Always smile. (:
I rolled my eyes. I'm tired with all these cheesy notes. I saw a garbage can and threw the rose away. I saw Skyler's mouth opened wide.
"Why did you do that?!" She asked.
"Because I don't need it!" I said.
I went home that night. I was pissed off by Carter's games. Urgh! Why can't he just leave me alone?! Now, he is getting annoying! After dinner, I finished all my homework and I was listening to all Taylor Swift's songs. I saw my diary laying down on my shelf. I took it out and read the entries.


Every time my family gets bored in the house. We will go to a hotel and stay there overnight on the weekend. This time my family decided to pick a different hotel. We usually go to their favorite hotel, but not this time. I sighed. I was in the car with my headphones on. The music was blasting in my ears. Even though the volume was up so high, I can still hear my little brother's crying. My phone vibrated and saw it was Carter.
'hey(:' he texted.
'what's up?'
'Just finished homework. Now, about to play volleyball with my sister.'
Goodness! This guy is such a nerd! He's always on homework!
'That's nice!'
'What you doing?'
'In the car. About to go to the hotel.'
'Hotel? Why?'
'Every month my family gets bored and stay in the hotel for fun.'
'WOW! LOL! So, did you hear about the talent show?'
'Yeah. Why? You're joining? Hahaha! :p'
'NO! You should!'
'Why me?'
'Cuz you said that u love to sing! I wanna see you sing!'
'I will, but I don't know what songs.'
'I can help you!'
'Okay!' I texted him all of the songs that I might sing, but after that he never texted me back.
Next day. 2:00pm.
'Hey!' I texted him.
'Hey! I was about to text you!'
On what he said, made me smile.
'I heard the songs you told me! Any of those songs will be good! :)'
'Hmm... maybe.'
After that, I decided to not join the talent show because I had no idea that the auditions were so close and I didn't have time to practice.

***End Of Flashback***

I woke up and saw my phone was vibrating. It was a text from my dad. He said he just bought the shirt that I've wanted. Then my sister, Ariel, texted me too. She told me that she's going to Hawaii with us this January. Gosh! I can't wait til Hawaii! I remember Carter told me all about it! He said someday he wanted to live there. I also remembered the day where we were both wearing Hawaii shirts. Weird... Anyway, I took a shower that night and went to bed.

"Bridgit!" Carter ran towards me and helped me get up from the ground, "are you okay?" He asked.
I was going to my locker when this girl pushed me and I fell. Carter helped me with my things.
"Here." He said handing me my bag, "are you sure you're okay?"
I nodded, "Thanks!" I smiled.
He gave me his sweet smile and took a strand of my hair and pushed it back away from my face...

To Be Continued...

Even If...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon