7 I'll Try 365 Days

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"Like after he took the strand of my hair and pushed it back away from my face, we just looked at each other," I explained to Skyler, "the weirdest dream..."
"Mhmm..." Skyler was smiling.
I gave her a look, "Come on! It's not like that's going to happen in real life! What? A girl will push me and he just help me up? Ewww!!!" I made a disgusted face.
She started laughing, "Hmm... I don't know, because it seems like every time I say something that it's fate. Something just always happens between you two. By the way, what is up with him asking everyone what he did to you last year?"
I rolled my eyes, "I don't even know why he's doing that! I thought he said I was annoying?!"
"Maybe he lied..." Skyler mumbled under her breath.
I closed my locker and turned around. Carter was coming towards us. For the first time ever, he did not noticed me! He just kept walking to his locker. My mouth was wide open in shock!
Skyler started giggling, "What just happened?!" I asked.
She shrugged, "Maybe he got tired of chasing you..."
I was silent. Did I just blew a second chance to be with him? Maybe he did got tired. I like our he doesn't annoy me anymore, so I can move on, but I kinda miss how he had been giving me his attention. We both went to my Chemistry class. I was quiet the whole time.
"Bridgit." My Chem teacher called me. He waved at me to come over to his desk.
"I got your grade for your last test. You did a really good job! You got the highest score in the class!" He smiled at me.
"Really?! What was the average of the class?"
"Um... it was bad. It's 62%" He said, "but you did good! Good job!"
I smiled brightly at him, "Yes!!!" I cheered.
After the 7:30 bell rang, school started. My Chem teacher started passing back the tests.
"Some of you did good, some of you did not." He said, "i'll be here after school if you guys want to retake, okay?" He added.
I looked at my scantron and there were no marks. It's always like that, but on my short answer all my grade for each section was there. There was also a little note on the bottom.
'Good job! :) The after school help actually pays off! :D'
My mouth dropped. I chuckled. I turned to my friend, Celeste, and showed her my paper.
"Look!" I laughed.
She read the note and smiled, "That's awesome!" She said.
We started going over the answers and it turns out that I only had three mistakes on the multiple choice, and one mistake on the short answer! I feel so proud of myself!!! Finally, I'm getting all there Chemistry stuff!!
Geometry came. My teacher was in a good mood today! He was writing the answers on the board and he was also humming. WOW! My day is going pretty well so far. I don't even know why some people complain about Geometry! It's so easy! Hmmm.... maybe just for me.
In gym, I was full of energy! We played badminton and I was getting into the game! Skyler was picking up the birdie and I was waiting for her to serve. I jumped and laughed, "Come on! Serve it up!" I said.
Every time I demand to serve it, she will always going to just stand there and hold the birdie on her hands.
"COME ON!" I exclaimed and jumped again.
"Goodness Bridgit! Relax!" Emily laughed, "you have a full energy today!"
"I do! I'm so hyper! Come on! SERVE IT!" I said again and finally Skyler served the birdie.
I don't even know where I get all these energy from! Like everyone will be all tired, while I'm here jumping and laughing! What is wrong with me? Maybe I have been getting enough sleep.
In my drawing class, we are doing a project where we pick two letters and design it. The letter should also be a design. I don't know why, but I picked the letter B and C. I don't like myself for that!
I love my French class! I'm so glad that I took French class! Since I was little, I have been wanting to go to Paris! My room is full of my Eiffel Tower drawings! I just can't find any Paris designs for my room, so I draw stuff.
After lunch, I have English for my last period. I went in the room and saw that no one was there. I'm always early for this class! My English teacher was concentrating on her computer. I dropped my stuff off and went out of the room. I waited for Natasha. Her English classroom is right next door to mine. I remember last year we had the same English in this classroom and teacher.
"Heyyy!" She smiled.
"Hey!" She went in her classroom and she keeps on waving at me to get in her classroom.
"No... It's awkward!" I said. I was just standing by the door. She went out of her room and we talked for a while, until the one minute bell rang.
In English, we were learning how to correct our grammar. I love English and all, but all these grammars are just confusing! Especially for the commas and semi-colons! I love English because I love writing stories!
I finished the worksheet early, and I sat there doing nothing.
"Bridgit!" Chris, who sits behind me, poke me with his pencil on my back.
"What?" I asked turning around.
"Are you done?" He asked.
"Yep. Why?"
"Can you help me? I don't understand this!" He complained.
"Sure!" I helped Chris with the worksheet and after that we had like five minutes left until they announce the end of the day announcements. I sat there feeling so bored.

Finally, the bell rang and I went to my locker. I saw Skyler talking to Carter by my locker! WHAT! I knew Skyler and Carter is up to something!
"What are you doing here?!" I asked Carter.
"I knew you were helping Carter!" I said angrily.
I cannot believe one of my best friends will do that to me! She was also the one who knows every single thing about how much I like and dislike Carter!
"Bridgit, I was just asking her if she saw you. I was just looking for you." Carter explained.
What? I'm so confused now.
"What?" I said.
"I want to talk to you alone." Carter said.
I looked at Skyler and she went to the side so Carter and I had some privacy.
"Okay, talk. I don't have time. I want to go home." I said; annoyed.
He sighed, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry if I was a jerk. I'm sorry about what you heard what I said about you last year. The truth is, I never intended to mean that! I didn't mean all those words to you! I was... I guess a jerk and dumb, and I want you to know that I regretted saying that about you and--"
I cut him off, "Wait! Wait! I'm getting earful about all your sorrys!"
He chuckled, "Look, I just want to say that I was a jerk and again I'm sorry. Really really really sorry!"
I chuckled and smiled.
"What?" He asked.
I shook my head, "You sounded like last year when you rejected my Christmas gift to you."
He smiled, "So, is that means we are okay?"
I made a thinking face, "Hmmmmm...... wait! How did you figured it out?"
He laughed, "I asked everyone, but they didn't help at all! So, I tried thinking about everything from last year."
"So, you will do everything just to be friends?" I asked him.
"I'll try 365 days to figure it out about why you were mad at me!"
My eyes widened, "You're so cheesy, you know that?" I laughed, "I never thought you were one."
He laughed, "Sorry. Look, I have to say something. I think I'm fa--"
I cut him off, "Hey, I gotta go and you should too! You are going to miss the bus."
I opened my locker to get our jackets and Skyler and I left. I went home that afternoon with a big smile on my face!
"Hey, you better stop smiling! Your face is going to stretched out!" Skyler joked.
I rolled my eyes and we both went to our different directions.
Carter and I were talking by my locker when the same girl from my other dream popped right there.
"Hi Carter!" She said in a flirty way.
I rolled my eyes.
"Um... Hi!" Carter smiled slightly.
I know this girl. She is one of the populars and I know what she wants she gets it. She used to be nice and cares about everything about school, but 8th grade came and she started going all girly and joined the popular group.
"So, my friends and I are going to a concert and I was wondering if you wanna come to be my date."
I looked at her in shock. Does she knows that I'm here? HELLO?!
"Ummm..." Carter looked at me, but I didn't say anything.
"Sure." He smiled.
"Great! It's a date then!" She smiled and walked away.
Maybe we really are just friends and just until there...

My eyes opened wide when my alarm clock rang. Why am I having all these dreams?

To Be Continued...

Even If...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon