8 Secrets

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Finally! Bridgit and I are back to normal! I missed her. I do not even know why I'm feeling this way. Yes, I lied. Those words I said to my friend were true, but I regretted it. I never intended to hurt Bridgit with those words.


It was a testing day for all of us today. My foot hurts! It is on a cast right now. That's what I get for playing too much baseball. I sat on the assigned seat I am on. I saw Bridgit talking to her friends. The test started and I barely know all the answers to all these questions. It took about two hours, and finally we had a break! I talked to my friend right next to me. I can't help but notice Bridgit behind him. She was talking to her friend. After a few minutes, Bridgit came over.
"Hi!" She smiled.
"Hello! How's the test?" I asked her.
"Eh. It was okay. Some of the questions were so hard! I don't know what to answer!" She said.
"Oh. Yeah. It's because some of the questions we haven't learned it yet."
"Yeah..." She shrugged and walked off. She went to her other friend. How many friends does she have?!

The next day in testing.

During the break, Bridgit came over to me again. Goodness! She has also been texting me! She is kinda getting annoying! I thought at first she was cool! She sat on the empty desk next to mine. She saw my I.D. and took it from the desk, but I grabbed it from her.
"Why?" She whined.
"Cuz you don't have to see it."
She rolled her eyes. She started talking about how she is so excited for her vacation this summer in California. I'm getting earful with this girl! My friend then started to talk to me, which cut her off. Then, he started joking around like every time she says something he will cut her off. I chuckled.
"Sorry! Go ahead!" My friend laughed.
She continued her story and after she walked away I turned around to my friend.
"Gosh! She's so annoying! I don't want to talk to her!" I said, "Thanks for trying to cut her off!" I added.
My friend just laughed, and turned to the girl that Bridgit was talking to yesterday.
"Is she annoying?" My friend asked her.
"NO! She's cool! and stop talking about her!" She rolled her eyes and my friend just looked at me.

***End Of Flashback***

I remember the first day of school on our Sophmore year. She changed. She wasn't the annoying girl that I knew before. Every time she saw me she just ignored me. She never even said hi to me like last year. She was quiet. I sighed and pay my attention back to my homework.

It was a rainy morning. I got ready and went into my bus. Once I got to school, I saw Bridgit talking to her friend by her locker. I looked at her in the corner of my eye and kept walking to my locker. Why am I feeling a different way to Bridgit? It shouldn't be like this! I went by the man who sells cookies in the morning when Bridgit and her two friends came with her to buy some cookies. I looked at her, but she never looked at me. I thought we were okay now. She was too busy on her phone. One of our friends from gym who is very close with Bridgit came behind her and poked her in the back.
"ERIC!!!" She smiled in happiness and they both hugged! Why does it feel like I'm going to throw up?
"Hey Carter!" He smiled at me, but I just smiled slightly back at him. Bridgit still did not notice me, but both of her friends just looked at me. I looked down and they all walked away. I know that they were so close together last year, but I never even felt like this before! Why am I feeling like this?! Urgh! I am mad at Bridgit and Eric! I remember last year, they used to goof around and Eric and Bridgit would make their own handshake, but that was nothing to me before. What about now? Why now?! NO! I CAN'T BE JEALOUS! I don't like Bridgit! Or.... do I?
I was at lunch that day staring into space. My friend were talking and I don't even care about what they are doing right now.


The class were playing kickball and Bridgit was sitting on the bleachers. She did not want to kick.
"BRIDGIT! You're next!" Our teacher called her. She sighed deeply and went to first base. The ball rolled towards her and she kicked it hard. She was out on the 2nd base, but it was okay. She came by the bleachers and sat right next to me.
"Good job!" I smiled and gave her a high five.
"Thanks!" She smiled, "So, Christmas is almost here!" She said.
"Yeah! I'm so excited!"
"Me too! I'm buying everyone gifts! What about you? What do you want for Christmas?"
I shrugged, "I don't know... You don't have to buy me a gift!"
"No! It's okay!" She said.

Before Christmas break, she told me she bought a gift for all friends and that included me, but I told her that she should take it back. After that, she never talked to me in weeks! Like weeks! One day, she just came to our gym class all happy. She looked at me, but then she didnt say anything. She turned around and I saw Eric. Everyone was saying that they liked his shirt. I heard it was for me, but Bridgit decided to give it to him. I rolled my eyes and ignored everyone.
We were at the weight room that day and Bridgit was with her friends.
"Hey!" Eric came.
"Hey..." I said.
He smiled at me and scoffed, "You like my shirt?" He asked. Is he trying to say something?!
"Yeah. Sure..." I was mad. I did not know what to say. I guess Bridgit did get mad at me for what I said and gave the gift to Eric. I walked away from him, and just went with my other friend. I saw Eric came by Bridgit and Bridgit was fixing his shirt and they were laughing. I sighed deeply and ignored it.

***End Of Flashback***

That night, I finished my homework early and I took my phone that was sitting on my desk. I looked through my contact list and saw Bridgit's number. I wanted to text her, but what if she won't reply back?
I typed: 'hey.' but then I deleted again.
I typed: 'Hey, what you doin?' but then I deleted it again!
I sighed and threw my phone on my bed. Then, I can hear my sister's music from her room. It was of course her favorite artist: Taylor Swift.
I remember Bridgit letting me listen to one of her songs. It was from last year when she wanted to join the talent show. I think it was called Teardrops On My Guitar, which I think my sister is listening to right now. I lay on my bed and listened to the song.

Bridgit was sitting on one of the chairs of the library. She was doing something. I was on the other table. I was doing my research for my project. Eric came by her and she was smiling so brightly. I could not do anything, but just stare at them. My heart was pounding so fast! I started holding my pencil really hard and saw that it broke. I let go of the broken pencil and I was still looking at Eric and Bridgit. They were goofing around, like always. I could not help but think why can't I do that to her? I could not take it anymore! I stood up and walked out of the library.

I gasped when I heard my alarm clock rang. It was just a dream. A bad dream...

To Be Continued...

Even If...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon