⛧the collision of your kiss⛧

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"Looking good," Bert compliments as soon as he sees me, a lazy smile on his face.

"I'm always looking good." I take the seat beside him and greet Quinn, Dan and Jepha sitting on the back seats. "I see privilege has fallen over me once again, Jepharee Howard," I tease with a playful glare; my words snatch chuckles from the other three, but Bert's scandalous laughter takes over like usual as he starts driving again.

"Keep your eyes open, (y/n), I am coming for you," Jepha glares back, lips pursed in an attempt of looking intimidating, but all I do is to roll my eyes and sarcastically agree.

Going out with them is nice, even if I don't do this so often. My main goal has always been continuing to spend as much time as possible with Ryan and Dallon, though the universe seems to not want to contribute to this with the way our schedules diverge so much. Jepha was the first one to approach me during my second semester in college and later on introduced me to the other three. They have always been so nice and welcoming with me. Ryan and Dallon being often busy leaded to me hanging out with them each time more, though the former ones haven't lost their posts.

"And... we're here," Bert's quiet voice cuts through the thick silence which had fallen between us once the vehicle comes to a stop and we share the same relief and excitement as leaving it.

Devil's Nest. It's a really nice bar, to be honest. Also, expensive. There, somehow, isn't this awful smell of sweat, alcohol and smoke as much as all of these are always present and it's thankfully not too crowded, being really well organized. These are some of the many points which make this place enjoyable.

"Hell, I'm killing for a drink," Bert groans. He makes sure the car is locked and shoves the keys inside the pocket of Jepha's jeans.

"You're always killing for a drink." Dan glares. "And so am I."

All of us chuckle and fall quiet once walking into the bar, greeted by the loud and incoherent talk that almost takes over the sound of glass clinking together now and then and the heavy sound of Type O Negative playing in the background. Dan and Quinn quickly disappear among the crowd, but we don't bother much as moving to the bar, where we ask a few drinks - while Bert and Jepha go straight for alcohol, I decide it's not exactly a good idea to do the same.

"Wanna dance?" Jepha catches my attention, smile disappearing behind his glass.

"Sure, why not?" I down my drink at once, letting the glass on the counter along with a few dollars, and it doesn't take long until Jepha does the same, taking a hold of my wrist and dragging me to an empty space in the middle of the crowd, both of us facing each other and standing about a foot apart as starting to dance.

I'm not exactly one to dance like this - or even to go to places like this -, but getting lost in the music here and just letting myself go is easy, even more with barely knowing anyone else here apart from the four. It's nice forgetting about the college's stress sometimes.

At some point, I take a hold of Jepha's hand and pull him to twirl, what gets both of us chuckling.

It's noticeable when Jepha's attention goes somewhere else and his movements get slower, so I automatically turn around in an attempt of following his gaze, wondering what's holding his attention to much. That's when, after a few people move, I catch a glimpse of Gerard and Frank standing by a table, with a few other people along with them, and I can't help but to grin, excited with seeing both of them here.

"Hey, Jeph," I turn back around, leaning to speak in his ear, "Imma talk with a few friends. Is that okay? Do you want to come along?"

Jepha shrugs, smiling a bit. "Yeah, of course it's okay, but I'd rather go back to the bar. Just text me or Bert if you need something, you already know what Quinn and Dan must be up to." He pulls away and makes a face; I nod in response, we chuckle. Dan and Quinn's terrible self-control isn't anything new to us.

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