⛧Do you remember?⛧

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Everything can't be more confusing, but I decided to trust Bert. At least I've known Bert for longer and he never made me uncomfortable or anything, unlike Jepha and Quinn earlier today. Or maybe I'm just holding on onto something random because, right now, I'm feeling terribly lost.

Gerard eventually pulls up into a gas station, muttering about needing to fill the tank, so I take the opportunity to go to the restroom and grab something in the convenience store. While I'm at it, my phone buzzes again. Another message from Bert. I look around, making sure none of the four are nearby before I can check it.

I don't want to scare you away or anything, so I'll try to take it slow, aight?
Anyways, that pendant I gave you is actually a demonic jewel and I gave it to you for protection and that's exactly why it works against Frank but youll understand soon why

This is all so confusing, dude, I don't have enough braincells to process all of it

Cmonnn no youll understand it all soon, it's just hard understanding because you just know random details and not what connects them tgt
But you soon will
Like, imma send you something that's gonna help
But for Gods sake pls don't show it to the guys (y/n) im trusting you like fr ok

Fine, fine, you're probably being the only one actually trying to help so far
I'd say making sense, but that doesn't apply

Sorry :/
Anyways, here it is
Trust me, you know how to read this

The message that followed included something in Latin and, weirdly enough, Bert was right about me being able to read it. A sigh escapes my lips as I play lightly with the pendant, running my eyes over the words and, after a last glance around to see if none of the guys are really around, I allow myself to read it all properly and there's this light pressure in my head as soon as I reach the last word. I put my phone down for a moment, pressing my eyes shut. Fuck.

"(Y/n)?" Frank's voice pulls me back to reality and I hum as turning around to see him walking down the aisle – I quickly turn my phone off to shove it in my pocket. "Just came to check on you. 'Thought you were lost for a moment. Or that you ran away."

"I wouldn't." I press my lips together and raise my eyebrows lightly. "Anyways, about the book – I couldn't really read anything further than the first chapter."

His eyes widen as lightening up and he nods – curious. "No, no, that's perfect. That's mainly what mattered."

"...Oh? But why? There's a vampire between us?"

Frank snickers a bit at my sarcasm, grinning as he bites down on his bottom lip. "No, like..." He pauses, looking around for a moment to check if we're really by ourselves here. "For real? The guys don't even know I gave you that book, okay?" Despite his grin continuing there, a sad hint is clear under everything, even more with how his eyes fall. "I... Well, this might be really selfish, but I want you to understand what's going on. Please, trust me."

"Frank, (y/n)!" Mikey's voice interrupts us and we look over to see him by the entrance. "Let's go."

As soon as he walks away, I can feel Frank's inquiring gaze back on me and I just can't leave him there. Frank's always so worried and sincere, so... "Fine," I breathe, nodding. He smiles, seeming actually happy by that – a smile tugs on my own lips, inevitably, so I try to at least make sure he won't notice it.

"For how long are we going to continue?" I ask once we're back to next to the car. I join Gerard, sitting beside him on the edge of the sidewalk – he smokes a cigarette while Mikey grumbles something about Ray taking too long before walking away whereas Frank actually stands there, a few feet away from Gerard and I. "Like," I continue, "until which city or something?"

A Lifetime with a Demon | Frank Iero x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now