⛧I miss you, so far⛧

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No one dares saying a word for a long time, discomfort only getting more and more intense. Why? Why would they do that? What is it that makes them so secure they don't even react to what I say?

"Who are you guys?" I finally break the silence. I've been leaning back against the seat for some time, just looking out the window. "And why do you seem to know me better than I do?"

"We don't know you better than you do," Gerard replies softly.

"But you sure as hell know more than you're supposed to." I pause. "I feel like I'm missing a big detail here."

No one replies. How awesome.

Soon enough, we are arriving to a motel. I buy myself something to eat plus a few toiletries and grab a few clothes from the four – just practically choosing whatever fits me –, going to a room after grabbing the keys. My books and studying material are left back in the car. Honestly, nonstop thinking about this subject is almost giving me a headache. It is useless, in first place, like if I was punching a knife's edge or any other stupid analogy which I'm too annoyed to think about it right now.

A sigh escapes my lips as I take a seat on the small couch and open the window after pulling the curtains aside, inhaling deeply in an attempt of calming myself down while eating and drinking some of what I bought. The breeze already turned cold as the sun set itself down in the horizon some time ago, stars already present on the sky despite the sky wasn't completely dark yet.

It is beautiful watching the cars going down the road – there's a bit of distance between us due to the parking lot, but I think it's just more interesting, if anything. I watch another car pulling up to the place and try to figure out a bit of the background of the three people who walk out of it.

Reality soon reaches for me again; I hear Ray's voice come from outside along with footsteps down the hall until a door closes and there are more steps to the opposite direction. A door closes.

Even so, my mind isn't under the same pressure from earlier and I don't even allow myself to think too much about the subject. After taking a shower, I throw on the clothes I grabbed and lie down on the bed wondering what the fuck I'm doing with my life. All of this is so stupid. I sigh as reaching for the pendant and play with it for a moment before my eyes eventually land on my phone.

What room you at?

My eyes don't leave the screen for a moment, watching the three dots that sign Frank is typing – maybe with more anxiety needed.

Hdshgf down the hall, room 154

I don't answer Frank. With the jewel being left inside my bag, I try to ignore how weird it feels to not have it there and hitting against my chest lightly when I pull myself back up; that's not important.

It might not have been obvious, but being limited to not touch Frank this whole time – for hell knows what that pendant does against him – has been extremely frustrating. Showing it may lead to the others finding out how much I actually care about Frank. Not that it's a problem itself; I'm more anxious at the chance of this ruining everything.

The hall is empty when I'm locking my door, only the light coming from the reception illuminating it, what turns out to be enough, at least since I am not going towards the opposite direction. I start walking down the hall, observing the golden numbers engraved on the wooden doors. My room is 146, what doesn't really leave me that far from Frank's if considering the numbers growing evenly as I walk down the hall. And here it is.

I hesitantly knock on Frank's door, smiling a bit when the door opens to show a curious and surprised Frank standing there in an red and black striped sweater and red boxer shorts.

A Lifetime with a Demon | Frank Iero x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now