⛧All so delicate⛧

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"What do you think?" Bert has a small smirk on his lips as he stands a bit behind me and looks at me through the mirror, a proud air clear over his face. "It's an actual relic, a Victorian one," he tells me, "I thought of you as soon as it arrived to me."

"It's... really beautiful," I mutter as looking at the object, bringing a hand to touch it. The deep red stone has a thin oval shape with wings by its top and followed by a decorated metal piece right below and it's all held by a delicate silver chain. It's immensely beautiful, in a way I could find myself mesmerized by it in the moment my eyes laid on the pendant. "Thank you, but are you sure it's fine? This must be expensive as hell."

"Don't worry about that," Bert says firmly. "I want to give it to you because I think it matches you and I want it with you." His lips press together into a pleased smile and he seems so satisfied with the whole thing that I can't bring myself into complaining more, just nodding instead.

"Thanks, I like it a lot!" I grin and pull him for a hug, which he returns with a laugh, muttering a quiet no problems.

"Just take good care of it, okay?" Bert pulls away and locks my gaze with his, speaking slowly. "I mean, you can use it without any problems, but you need to be careful. It's delicate." There's certain tension while he speaks, but it dissipates with the cheerfulness taking over again. "I'm glad you liked it, I've been waiting for the right moment for now and it seems like that was it."

"It's perfect," I say happily, carefully placing a hand over the pendant. It's almost the size of my palm.

Somehow, having received the small gift from Bert does make me feel a lot better despite how the words 'you shouldn't even have fucking met me' still agonizingly echo in my mind, making my muscles and nerves burn just at the thought of everything that happened.

Even Dan compliments me about the necklace, so I get all giddy about it, loving to see how Bert and Jepha are so glad I have liked it so much. It does put at ease the heavy vibe that had set itself in the store due to all of my stress, making the ambient even calmer than during a normal day around here. When it's the time, however, Jepha calls me to go back to college with him. He notices the improvement in my mood, starting a conversation and joking the whole way back.

Soon, I'm watching another lecture and the subject doesn't really catch my attention – being something that's easy for me, after all –, so I grab my phone and, after wandering through it for a moment, I decide to just go pester Gerard.

I remembered of you

He doesn't reply immediately like usual, probably busy or something, so I put my phone aside and return my attention to the professor

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He doesn't reply immediately like usual, probably busy or something, so I put my phone aside and return my attention to the professor.

To be honest, I only remember about everything that had happened when I arrive back home and this tiredness hits me in the moment I finish dinner – it even earns myself a worried comment from my mother, but I dismiss it with the excuse college has been stressful, what isn't completely a lie.

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