⛧Did it hurt?⛧

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A yelp comes from Ray as he grabs the ball before tossing it at Mikey, whose distraction earns him the ball across his face. He curses loudly, taking messy steps back until steadying up; he glares at Ray and the latter immediately freezes, starting to run away, barely a second before Mikey's going after him.

"C'mon!" Gerard throws his arms in the air. "The game, you dumbasses!" The two are on their way to the front yard when we last see them, leaving us back with frustrated sighs at the discontinued game. "Well, then."

"Let's continue, I guess." I glance at the way the two went and grab the ball, throwing it at Gerard despite he's not even aware of it. The motherfucker catches it without even needing to move anything aside from his arms. "No! Fuck you, you were supposed to play without demon powers!"

"And you were supposed to play fairly!" Gerard twists his mouth, though he isn't able to say a lot; a scream escapes his lips when I tackle him to the ground, both of us falling to the grass, earning us a little wrestling before I kneel him between the legs, giving me enough time to stand up, laughing, while he curses on the ground and rolls around.

I'm about to speak up when a noise from the back porch startles me and I turn to see Frank standing there, eyebrows knitted together. "I... I don't even want to know what's going on, but I hope it hurts enough." He shakes his head with a groan, stepping closer, and wraps an arm around my waist with his head resting on my shoulder. "Anyways, I was going to tell you that..." He trails off and sighs, clicking his tongue. "Fuck it, I forgot what I was going to say. Where are Ray and Mikey, anyways?"

"Ray hit Mikey with the ball, so Mikey chased him off to the front yard." I shrug my free shoulder, glancing back at the way the two had gone before I turn to hug Frank properly and press a kiss to his head, nuzzling him softly. "What were you doing?"

Frank stares into the distance for a second before raising his eyebrows lightly. "Right, that's what it was about. Um, y'know, you wouldn't be able to turn into a type of demon like we are, you see, so— Do you remember when I explained to you the kind of demons there are?"

"Yeah, about nosferatu and stuff," I hum with a nod, remembering at least a great part of it.

"'Kay, so do you want to choose a kind of demon or what?" He raises an eyebrow. "I don't want you stuck in a form you don't like and... I never really needed to go through this before to be honest. Not a lot of people ask to be turned into demons, at least not like this. So... what do you think?"

"Well, I suppose taking a look won't do any bad." I smile; my heart flutters at how Frank smiles back and leans in to press his lips to mine softly, cupping my face lightly. Pulling back, I'm immediately hit by a ball against my upper back, compelling me to glare back at Gerard at the same moment, but he's already running off the same way Mikey and Ray had gone. Funny thing.


It's later, at night, that Frank pulls out that book, Creatures of the dark and the light and the in between. Long time since I last saw it, and it makes me think about how I never went too deep into it, only read some superficial parts of it, but the book seems to be a lot more complete than I judged it to be, given the images that decorate it along with detailed illustrations and explanations while Frank skips through the pages.

"Sit here!" He pats the space next to him on the bed and I hum, grabbing my phone from the pocket of my hoodie—or better, Frank's—that hangs on the desk chair, then take a seat next to him, taking a closer look at the beautifully inked pages of the book. It has some notes on it, in a black that's stronger than the one that prints the letters against the yellowish pages. "So, take a look," he mumbles, finally reaching the page he seemed to want and smoothing it over with his hand.

A Lifetime with a Demon | Frank Iero x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now