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"Okay, last chance we have, worstie." Gerard sits down on the stool of the bar with a glass in hand, sipping from straw. He acts as if he owns the place or something.

I roll my eyes and grab my drink from the barman before I take a seat next to him. "Why are you wearing sunglasses in a nightclub?" Not like it's not something normal coming from Gerard, but it still makes me question a thing or two about how his mind words. I take a sip of the cold drink, feeling relief as the cold, sweet and fruity liquid runs down my throat.

The nightclub is one of those expensive places around the city. Gerard decided that we better go to some cool places if we are going to hang out again after so long, and missing a couple days of college won't really do anything too bad. It's mainly dark, with red, dim lights shining over the people that walk around and over the instruments that hang on the walls along with old newspaper pages framed in glass. There is an open-air area in which people can smoke or take in fresh air, then the area right in front of the stage—that's where the crowd is—and the bar area, where Gerard and I like to hang out. It's close enough to the stage so we can see the band and still not be squeezed by everyone while we exchange gossip or just talk.

"I can see very well in the dark, don't worry!" He quickly brushes it off, continuing to sip on his drink. "The thing is that Samhain is this weekend. We don't know how you will react to that, so we must enjoy the night."

"Enjoying the night doesn't include getting in a fight," I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"(N/n)! That was a whole 15 minutes ago! C'mon!" He scoffs, and I just chuckle, continuing to sip on the drink.

The night feels something tenuous between real and not real. It's easy to dissociate from reality sometimes, diving into the knowledge that human life is just something that'll turn into memories into the future. For this same reason, the hypersensibility knocks in sometimes, making my ears ring even when the band takes a pause and the only thing that fills the place is people's chatter.

Still, I try to ground myself, lifting my glass again for a toast with Gerard as we grin.


Everything feels too quiet when we leave the night club. The night is cold and everything sounds a little muffled, and Gerard and I are too tired to talk about anything, only returning to the mansion through the empty streets in silence.

A sigh escapes my lips as I stop for a moment and look at the moon shining high in the sky while Gerard opens the gate to the mansion. There's something about it. The way I can feel it shining. I shake my head and walk in, trying to shake off the few drinks I've had.

The lights are on when we walk into the mansion and, of course, everyone is still up since the need for sleep isn't something very recurrent. Frank's eyes immediately avert away from the TV and meet mine at the moment Gerard and I walk in, hence he immediately stands up from the couch to hug me. He is so warm...

"Frankie..." I mumble, burying my face in his shoulder.

"For fuck's sake, I can't leave fore a second!" He glares at Gerard, and hugs me tighter once Gerard and I giggle at it.

"I'm all yours now, c'mon..." I cup his cheeks and peck his lips. The way Frank just melts and smiles back at me... "'M tired. Let's go to bed." I yawn, hugging him tightly.

"Yeah, let's." Frank hugs me back, almost too tightly, hence I gasp and pat his shoulder until he lets go of me with chuckles.

The alcohol slowly wears off a little, making me feel somewhat better once I finally walk back into our room, wearing more comfortable clothes to sleep, and I'm sure this shirt is Frank's even if I don't really remember getting it. I take my phone from the dresser, making sure everything is in place before I turn off the lights and climb on the bed with Frank.

"You already chose it?" Frank asks as I sit down beside him slipping under the covers.

"Uh? Chose what?" I yawn, adjusting the pillows a little.

Frank is silent for a moment. "The... demon thing."

Oh, that. I look at the darkness for a moment, thinking. "Yeah. I think so."


Samhain was on a Monday this year. On the right day—the moon's day, the day of Máni, of Selene, of Luna, of Isis, of Mētztli, and, most importantly, the day of changes.

Máni, brother of Sol, who rides through the sky in a horse-drawn chariot with horses who were never mentioned. Selene also rides a chariot, a woman who loved the shepherd prince Endymion. Luna is the counterbalance of Sol, goddess in heaven and of the full moon. Great mother Isis, also known as Aset, Queen of the Throne, also goddess of healing. Mētztli, who little is known about, having come before Tecciztecatl, standing as an opposite. All of them ruling the same day that promotes changes and reveals the mysteries within, and also on a day that is the midpoint between the fall equinox and winter solstice, which attenuates the divisions between realms each time a year.

Images, quotes and details of all the books I'd read ran over my dizzy mind. Whatever I needed to drink before the ritual made my mind dizzy, hence all I could take notice of were messy words from Gerard, Frank, Mikey and Ray and the candles in the darkness of the cold night. All that until someone's hands held onto my waist, making me shift until the ground that spinned under my feet now met my back.

It didn't hurt a lot, no. In fact, it tingled, something the soft and continuous poking of a tattoo gun's needle all over my body, but it was not pleasant at all—there's a reason why you don't tattoo your whole body at once. It was something deeper, forming a connection to a greater force out there, but also making me become part of it.

Was that supposed to happen? Was it how things went?


The light noise that comes to my senses eventually comes to a stop once my eyes open, revealing my room as I groan and bring a hand to my face. My hand feels lighter than I expected, maybe with a little less control than usual, hence it slaps against my face when I lift it to rub my eyes.

"Ow..." I groan, rubbing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose until I can feel my whole body again and know what got me here. "Damn it..." I breathe in deeply. It somehow feels like waking up after a night of getting blackout drunk. Something rings in the back of my mind, and I still feel like there's... Damn it, the room swirls around me in red and black blurs and I— Fuck, my mouth is salivating and I just can't hold it back, leaning up a little and throwing up. Is it on the floor? On the bed?

It doesn't matter. There's some commotion, a choir of voices before the consciousness slips away again.


* not proofread

* not proofread

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