[Deleted part]

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"Ryan, no- Fuck, I can't even believe you did that!" I place a hand on my hip while staring at the nothing in frustration, like if the male was just there in front of me. "You really made me come here for nothing?" My heart sinks now that I state it out loud; I exhale as closing my eyes for a moment.

"W-Well, I'm sorry!" He says in an obvious nervousness that doesn't make me feel that bad, but I'm still bad for what happened, even more considering it's probably because the girl he liked – I can't remember her name – showed up or something. It's not like I'm frustrated at him or not wanting him to be with her, it's the simple fact that happened just now. "But can you bring me a coffee, tho? You don't even need to bring it to me, just text me when you're back. I promise I'll do it the next time."

"No, no, it's okay, really." A kind of guilty feeling hits me, so I quickly try to fix the situation, moving my eyes to watch people walking by to distract myself a little. "I'll get some of your favorite, but you need to tell me everything of what's happening between you and her, okay?" I giggle in the end, imagining the excited face he puts on after hearing that.

"Of course! But I need to go right now, 'kay? Bye, love you!" He says quickly before hanging up, making me chuckle at his anxiety.

It's a bit weird thinking about how things changed in comparation to how they were a couple of years ago, when I was still in high school. Everything was still the same in the beginning; I mean, the whole squad was still together. However, Brendon needed to move to another state after the first semester was over and the squad isn't the same anymore in the new setting, despite us still being close to each other. We can feel it's not the same. But we're still here.

A soft exhale leaves my nose as I pocket my phone again, letting the stress from earlier dissipate since there's nothing I can do about it now. Smiling to myself, I turn around and decide to finally walk into the cafe. It's a warm and nice place near the college that my friends and I often come to, either before we go to college or leave it, sometimes in the free periods – like right now.

Ryan had originally told me he would go to the library to return some book and I should get here first – I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for hanging out with him – then called me telling he wouldn't. Well, at least I could stretch my legs a bit and buy some coffee, ignoring the fact the campus is enormous and there's a bar in there. Still, the coffee from here is always better.

Recognizing me, the barista just greets me before moving to prepare the coffees after I tell her I want two. While waiting for it, lean a bit against the counter and look around. The place isn't usually agitated in times like this; people are usually working or studying, so there are normally five tables always used, at the most.

My gaze moves towards the guy that's already paying for his coffee with the other employee – a paper falls from his pocket at the moment he pulls his wallet off it. I'm quick in getting it from the floor and poke his shoulder, finally noticing it's the guy with bright red hair I often see around here. "Uh, you let this fall." I say with a smile when he turns around.

There's no reaction at first. His eyes move from my eyes to my hand a few times before he raises his eyebrows momentarily. "Thank you!" He smiles sweetly as getting it from my hand before sticking it in his jeans' pocket again.

"Oh, and, hm," I stutter, internally debating if I really should say it or not. Well, I already started it and I can't let the guy just waiting for nothing, right? "I really like your hair, it's so nice." The awkwardness that starts taking over me is quickly shoved away after I figured out it'd make things worse, so I just try to act as natural as possible.

"Really? Thank you so much!" He says with a genuine grin, tilting his head in some kind of shyness while getting his coffee back in hand.

"No problems! Is it difficult to keep it like that?" I ask noticing it is practically perfect, like if natural - the exact same way it was when I had first seen him.

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