3. Coffee

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"So Andy, where are you from? I know I've seen you at events in New York most of the time but if I had to take a guess, you weren't born here," Pedro says, sipping on his coffee. "Correct. I moved here just a few years ago. I was born in Washington. I took a few university classes in Seattle until I landed a few gigs in commercials and a pilot episode. I met Cassie just two weeks after that failed pilot and we've been together ever since." I grabbed my coffee, lifting it to my face and blowing slightly into the mug.

"So where were you before New York?" He asked. "LA. Like everyone else. And it was good to me too. I just got burnt out there. I was struggling to find parts that I actually wanted after a few years. Cassie suggested we move here. Her husband had just gotten promoted to a job office out here at the studios and it all just kind of worked out."

I'm blabbering. All he asked was where I was born and where I lived before. He could probably care less about Cassie. "You're from New York though right?" I ask. He shook his head and lowered his coffee down. "Actually I am from Chile. But I was raised in San Antonio. I didn't move out here until my twenties. Although, I haven't lived anywhere else since. Work is good here. More authentic. Plus, I absolutely fell in love with the city," he says, his voice with a subtle cheer to it. This city will do it to you. "I fell in love too. Who wouldn't? It's weird. I found comfort in the city while being alone. At least for the first year." I tell him. I begin to pick at my peach scone while he starts eating a slice of lemon loaf.

"Then what happened after that year?" He asks. I think about how to answer. "Well, I met a guy. We met at a speak easy. We hit it off and dated for two years after. I didn't have enough time alone anymore to really enjoy the "peaceful solitary" the city had to offer me." I guess being an open book with someone may help relieve some of the anxiety. He has a confused look on his face though. "So this is the ex that slept with your sister?" Pedro asks. I straighten myself in my chair. "That's would me Sam, yes. An unfortunate incident. Believe it or not, that's not even the reason I broke up with him." He smiles innocently because continuing. "That wasn't the worst part? What happened?" You shouldn't have said anything Andy.

"Well, a few weeks back, we went out to have dinner. My parents were there along with My sister, Alexandra. Sam told my parents to keep it a secret that he would also be attending . He caught me off guard and proposed to me." I raise my hand to scratch my head awkwardly. "I said no. He then asked if I was sure. I'm not sure about a lot of things in my life but I was so sure about saying no." He sips at his coffee, looking at me like I'm broadcasting a telenovela on my face, super intrigued. Before I even get to finish the rest of that horrid night, my phone rings.

"Shit," I say before picking up.
"So you mouth off to Jeff and now you're taking an extended vacation? It's your first day back Andy!" Cassie was shouting through the phone, I had to slightly pull it away from my ear.
"Cassie. I'm having coffee. You make it seem like I hopped on a plane." I look up and find Pedro laughing at me. "Andy. You stole our leading man. You need to get back. Now." I didn't like Cassie being mad but I know deep down, we would talk later on tonight and gossip. "Cassie, we are taking a personal day. Send Jeff my love and tell him that the bonding exercise is going great. Love you!" I hung up before she could be even more upset

"Where were we?" I say, very giggly. He laughed out loud with the biggest smile glued to his face. "Cassie was really upset with me," I tell him. He pulled his head back with a confused look. "You? Not us? It was my idea," he says, lifting his cup. I shook my head and smirked. "She automatically assumes everything is on me anyway so it's alright."

"So you said no, to Sam right? And he was reasonably mad?" He asks. I look down at my hands as they trace my lap. "Unreasonably I guess you could say. He said that it was embarrassing to be rejected by me in front of my parents. At this point, him and my sister were hooking up, I just didn't find out until later on." His eyes were wide, like the biggest plot twist had taken place. "What'd he do? Take a bat to your car?" He chuckled. I felt bad for how blunt I was about to be. "More like to my face actually."

I stared down, picking at the skin around my nail. There was silence for quite sometime before he spoke up. "I'm really sorry Andy. I had no idea. I just assumed that you needed some time off." He was scratching the back of his head. I quickly straightened myself out and placed my hand on his. "No it's okay. How would you have known? Plus, it gave me a good amount of time away from everyone." Its all I could offer to make him feel better about it.

"Was is... bad?" His question took me back a little. When I told my mom, she just wanted to pretend it didn't happen. She said it would help me move on. How does one move on from being beat with an object? Seriously. "I wasn't found in the bathroom until about four hours later by a service lady from the hotel actually. I guess I had fallen asleep after the second hour. It wasn't the pain though. It was the utter shock I was in."

It was quiet again. I held my mug in my hand and clenched it tight. After awhile, I hadn't realized that I had been staring out past Pedro. I looked at him quickly. "You know what? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I wasn't trying to be a downer." He held his hands out, gesturing an opposition. "I shouldn't have even asked. I'm sorry for intruding." He says. I don't say anything back. Instead, I shove the rest of my scone into my mouth and chase it with the rest of my coffee. He quickly finished his too, assuming he was ready to go as well.

I stand up and throw my coat over my sweatshirt. "Are you heading back to the studio?" I ask him. He pulls his jacket on and turns back to me. "No. Actually I could also use a personal day. I might head home and relax. I take it you are also going home?" I laugh and place my hand on his shoulder. "You know me so well. I promise I will get some sleep today and come to work refreshed tomorrow. I also plan on staying the whole day so no funny business," I say. He nods in agreement.

We stand outside and before I hailed a cab over, he's already doing it for me. "We both left our cars at the studio. Figured we can't risk going back for them today." The cab approached and he quickly opened the door for me. "You read my mind. I'll see you tomorrow Pedro." I lower myself into the cab and he shuts the door behind me. "See you tomorrow Andy." Ew. The butterflies.

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