5. Drinks

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"Oh my god. So you thought swimming naked through a lake in the middle of winter was better than taking this girl out for one dinner? She couldn't have been that bad." I raise my glass to my face, feeling my body grow slightly more numb. "You don't understand. She smelled like TV dinners. You know, like pure gravy?" Pedro laughed, explaining himself. "I can't say that it was worth it. You had already gotten into bed with her. Obviously it couldn't have been unbearable Pedro," I chuckle.

He takes a sip from his glass, puts it down, and looks out to the end of the bar, his grin huge. That smile. God. "No matter how close I was to going through with it, I decided that I couldn't. Her dad just scared me. I saw him at work for weeks after that and you wouldn't believe the stares I got." I slipped my hand over his and gripping it. "I'm sure she was nice," I say. He places his other hand on top of mine and grips it back. "Andy, she told me she had a 440 credit score and asked me what state New York City was in. I don't have high expectations but I definitely have some structured standards."

My cheeks got red. I quickly lifted my glass, chugging it fast. "We don't have to work tomorrow right? Cassie told me they had some issues with the stage lighting and the crew wouldn't be available to shoot." He nodded and finished his drink too. "Yes, hence why I'm about to have a third. You too? Another?" I think for a minute, acting like I have to contemplate. Andy don't act like you have shit to do tomorrow. "Sure, why not." He waved down the bartender. "Can I get you both another round?" He asks. Pedro looks at me. "Vodka shooters instead?" I nod, as if that was even a question. "Make them double shots please," I add in. Pedro's face lights up in surprise. "Straight to the point right?" I say.

"Here you two go, let me know if there is anything else I can get you two." The bartender placed the shooters in front up us, limes on the small dish. I pick one up. I offer one to Pedro but he waves it off. "I think I'm good," he says. I raise my eyebrows. "Whatever you say." We raise the glasses to each other, back down against the bar top, then to our mouths. I quickly bite into the lime slice. He has a sour face and quickly grabs a slice. "I thought you would manage?" I laugh, questioning him. "I thought I could. Turns out, It was a lot bitter than what I had expected."


"It's almost one. Are you hungry?" Pedro asks me. I wave the man down again. "When you get a chance, can we close out our bill?" I turn back to Pedro. "I make a mean grilled cheese. However, we might have to Uber. I'm very giggly." I chuckle to him and he nods, pulling his wallet out to hand a card to the man. "I love grilled cheese." His smile is big and bright. When will the smile stop getting old? Sam didn't have a good smile. Sam had good hair, but a bad smile. This one has it all. Wait, why am I comparing? "Ready?" Pedro asks, interrupting my inner monologue. "Ready," I say. I open up my Uber app and call for a car. On my way out the door, I stumbled quite a bit and almost ate it, but a hard grip on both sides of my hips caught me.

"I've gotcha," Pedro says, wrapping a arm around me as we walk out to the curb. "I am so sorry. Giggly means I had one too many." I spin to face him and put my hand on his chest. "Water and a grilled cheese should do the trick though. Don't you worry," I say. He laughs and takes my phone. "Red Sedan, that's us," he says, pulling me into the Uber.

We sit with our legs pressed against each other and in silence. I figured I'd avoid saying something stupid instead. Ten minutes later, we had pulled up to my place. "To the stove!" I tell. Pedro thanks the driver and shuts the door. We both walk up to the door, I unlock it and instantly kick my heels off. Pedro took his jacket off and threw his wallet and phone on the table next to the door.

I sprinted to the kitchen. "Water first," I say, trying to refrain my laughs. He's hot. He's nice. What are you waiting for? Just tell him he's hot. Wait, what kind of a game plan is that? I don't want to just hook up with him but I'm not looking for a relationship. You have lost your mind Andy. Pedro hands me a glass of water. "So do you usually make grilled cheese for your guests?" Pedro asks, leaning on the counter next to me. "First of all, I don't have guests over so be grateful. Secondly, I only make grilled cheese for myself, so again, be grateful," I say, walking to the fridge and pulling out the cheese and butter.

I grab the bread and throw it on a buttered pan. I wait a few minutes and flip the toast and lay slices of cheese. I then squished more bread on top and flipped it once more, making sure both sides were toasted enough. I put them on two paper plates and cut them into halves. "Grilled cheese, kind sir," I say, sliding the plate over to Pedro. He is smiling ear to ear. I sit next to him on the counter and lift a half in the air. "Cheers," I say, hitting Mike against his slice. "You know, I haven't had a grilled cheese in months," Pedro says. I put my hand on my chest in disbelief. "How do you get through those dark days?" I ask. He puts his slice down and looks up at me.

"Getting to look at you all day helps," he says. Butterflies. I quickly swallow what's in my mouth and take a napkin to wipe off my face. "I'm not much to look at Pedro," I say, looking down. My cheeks are burning, setting the rest of my face on fire. I brush the backs of my fingers to my cheek, feeling the heat. His hand replaces mine though, taking to rest of my face into his other hand. He lifts it back up to him. "You're everything to look at. I can't keep my eyes off of you. I love working with you Andy."

We stare at each other for a few moments. I mentally argue with myself on whether or not this is a bad idea. Drunk Andy is not much help though in the department of reason. Just get up and do it you coward. Let go. He's here, now. Wait, what if you're not ready? Of course you're ready. Sam cheated on you and this gorgeous man in front of you just said he can't keep his eyes off of you. No, bad idea. Wrong. Great idea. Screw it.

I stand up and without thinking any further, I pull him close to me. I push my lips against his and pull the back of his head, his hair in my fingers. His hands move down to my hips and he lifts me onto the countertop. One of his hand makes its way to the back of my neck. I pull back quickly and look into his eyes. Beautiful eyes. Not even a a few second later, he's pulling me back in, lifting my legs higher while I wrap them around his torso. He lifted me up and turned around. "Where's your bedroom?" He asks in between kisses. Without pulling my face back, I point my finger to the room that was peeking from the hallway.

We quickly make our way to the room, him using my back to push the door open. He puts me down, still not separating from me. I start pulling off my clothes and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled it off, then grabbed my back again and pulled me closer. I moved my hands down to his jeans. I undo the button and he quickly removes them. We twirl to the edge of the bed, crawling into the center. I sat on my knees and felt his hands start wrapping around my rib cage, making there way to the clasp of my bra. He pauses though and looks at me again. "Please tell me if this is too much. We can stop." I shook my head in disagreement. "I don't want to stop." I say, my hands resting on his thighs. His fingers find my bra clasp and they wait there. "Is this okay?" He asks. "It's perfect," I say, felling the clasp loosen.

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