14. On the Set Again

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The last two weeks were both heaven and miserable. Waking up next to Pedro and spending all of my time with him was amazing. I loathed not being able to do stuff for myself though. Not because I couldn't but he wouldn't even let me get my own straw. He wasn't home right now though so I quickly sprinted to the kitchen and started making my coffee.

I scooped in the coffee grains and checked the water before pushing the button. The clock on the microwave read 7:20. Late, Late, Late. I knew I was supposed to be at the studio 20 minutes ago. As I was about to pick up my phone to call Cassie, it started to ring. "Hello?" I answer. "Why do you sound like you are still at home?" Pedro asked. "Well good morning to you too. Also, I overslept purposely. I'll be there in a little. Tell Cassie I'm alive please." He doesn't sound amused. "Will do. Be careful, there's traffic," he finished, hanging up the phone right after. I filled my coffee cup with coffee, quickly splashed my creamer in and was out the door. I looked like absolute trash, Luz was going to have fun with my hair. I stuck the key in the lock and quickly twisting it to lock it. I jogged to my car, plopped myself down, and drove into the morning traffic.

"Andy, I'm going to have to ask for a raise if this is the hair you're going to be coming in with," Luz says, running her fingers through my knotted hair. "Luz, I'm so sorry. I haven't been combing my hair. Truthfully, I've only washed my hair twice this week." She rolled her eyes and kept working though my hair. We both didn't speak for the whole duration, acknowledging that the both of us were extremely tired and cranky. Finally when she started working on my face, I broke the silence. "Luz, I don't hate my job but my gosh do I wish we could skip the hair and makeup," I say, looking up to her. "Andy. You would look like a big ball of sleep deprivation and sadness. You don't drink enough water and you do not get enough sleep to at least maintain your skin clear for a week. Pedro and you spending all of your free time together does not help," She snaps. I roll my eyes. "How is that going anyway? You and him? I am so glad to see you brightened up again but honestly, I didn't know how long this thing would go on for. I figured you two would be at the stage where you only acknowledge each other in your lines."

Luz starts blending out my foundation, getting rid of any fine lines. "Well thanks for rooting for me. Anyways, I can't argue with you. Things with Sam were rough and I thought maybe taking time for myself would be better. He makes me happy though Luz. I think it's refreshing spending time with someone who doesn't bring the dramatics at the dinner table every night. Plus, seeing someone who doesn't have my mother's phone number on speed dial is definitely a bonus." She places the false lashes on my lash line and starts wafting my lashes with her hand. "Look, I think this is a good thing. Just, be careful. You two work together and now that Cassie is starting to transition into managing him, you two are always going to see each other." I turned to face her, looking up and making eye contact. "Luz, you encouraged me that night to have the stupid drinks," I reply. "Yes. I did. I am not telling you to end it. All I am saying is be careful. Know your boundaries."

Luz finished up my blush and turned to pull to my wardrobe set for today. "Wow. It's gorgeous Luz." She helming up a long, red slip dress. "Cassie had people fighting left and right for this dress at auctions. It a vintage Valentino. The directors wanted this dress and Cassie needed to make it happen. And you will look absolutely stunning. Go put it on," She says with excitement. I took the dress off of the hanger, careful not to snag it. I shimmied out of my clothes and stepped into the dress, pulling the straps over my shoulders. I walked back to Luz. "Well, how do I look?" Luz almost spit out the sip of coffee she was holding in her mouth. "Oh don't be so dramatic. The dress is gorgeous, me on the other hand, too average to even pull off this dress." Luz comes close to me and starts adjusting my hair. "Andy, you make that dress look good. You are absolutely stunning. Now hurry on, Cassie will start calling soon."

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