16. Austen

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"I love you too much Gracie." I turned around. "You are still leaving. I begged you to stay. Two people who love each other don't kiss other women Will. I asked you to stay. I was willing to push aside the fact that you did what you did. You are choosing to leave. I won't stand by you for that." I tugged at my red coat, pulling it tighter across my chest.

"Grace. I don't want to leave, but I have to. But please know that I'm not leaving because of you. I love you. So much that... I, I want you to come with me. Come with me, please. We can go together." I step back. "You're only asking me to because you will carry the guilt if you go." He grabs my hand quickly. "No Gracie, I am not. I am not asking you to come with me out of guilt. I am asking you because I need you there with me Grace. Please." I felt my stomach in knots. He took my face into his hands. "Hey, please. Do this for me. Better yet, do this with me. I love you. So much." Tears trailed down my cheeks. "Okay." He bursted out into a joyful laugh, tears escaping his eyes too. His forehead rested onto mine.

"Cut." I wiped the tears off of my cheeks. "That was good Andy. Super good," Pedro said. I smiled. "I didn't think you would tear up so easily either. You were great." He planted a kiss on my head before I heard Jeff and Cassie walk up to us. "Hey Pedro. Great stuff man. Andy," Jeff nodded to me. "Jeff and I needed to speak with Pedro and you too. I'm sure you both can hear each other's news. Nothing too bad. So I managed a deal, should you want it, for a movie. It shoots in L.A. I will get the script to you this week once I get it." I turn to face him. "That is great! I am so happy for you," I smile. What if he is gone for too long? We won't work. Stop being dramatic Andy. "I know. I need to read that script first though. Thank you Cassie. I appreciate you," Pedro says to Cassie, hugging her. "Andy, our sister studio in Berlin asked for you specifically. They have a Jane Austen adaptation for you. Anne Elliot. They are doing Persuasion Andy. The part is yours if you want," Jeff finishes.

I step back, feeling the blank look take over my face. "Andy what is it? This is huge. This will open up some more doors for you. Not that they aren't open ,but it's Berlin. It's Jane Austen. This is a great opportunity." Cassie looks at Jeff. "Give me a minute with them Jeff," Cassie says. Jeff rolls his eyes and walks away, to his office I would assume. "Cassie, I can't go to Berlin. I can barely handle myself here. You wouldn't be there with me. I would be alone out there." I can feel my heart beating fast, almost flopping out of my chest. "Andy, hey, calm down. Let's go back to the trailer. You can have some water or tea. Let's go," Pedro says, taking my hand.

He hauls me through the lot and into my trailer. "Sit down. Let's talk this through," He says, handing me some water. I take a big sip from the bottle. "I can't go to Berlin Pedro. I can't do it. I can't leave you here," I tell him. He sits down next to me. "It will only be a few months, a year max. You can't pass this up," He says. I shake my head. "No. I can't. I just found you. I just found the person that made me happy and my day brighter. I know I have a hard time opening up but I will work at it harder. Because I love you. I love you and I can't leave you. I can't go to Berlin. I won't" I stand up and start pacing to release some of my anxiety. "I'll go with you then." I spin to look at him quickly. "No. I won't ask you to do that. You have a movie too. No." He stands up and stands on the opposite side of the couch. "I don't even know if I will take it Andy. You know your script and Austen is timeless. People rewatch those for the decades to come. You need to do this. I will come with you, to Berlin. It will only be for a few months," He says sternly. "I am not going to let you do this. You will not give up that part for me," I say.

He paces, almost matching my anxiety now too. "How do you know that that is even what I want? I can take time off. It will only be months. I want us to be together because I know..." He pauses. "You know what?" I ask. He says nothing. "Pedro, you know what?" This won't work. "Say it. Tell me, because if you are thinking it, we both know it would be because of me. So say it," He cuts me off. "No Andy, We wouldn't work. We would not work because you and I need to be together. I need you Andy. We work better together," He says, stepping closer to me. "Pedro, if this was meant to be, we should be able to make it work in two separate places." He looks at me with a sad face. "If. You said if. I think we are meant to be but you still have doubts. I completely understand where they stem from but it doesn't change the fact that you have them. Andy, I don't have any doubt in my mind that I want you. I think you need to decide whether or not you are all in, because I am. I will go with you to Berlin if that is what you want. But I will not drop everything to go if there is still a part of you that is not all in. Are you all in?" He asks, taking my hand. I look up into his eyes, trying to force my words out. But they don't. "I can't let you give up this opportunity Pedro. But, I am all in. I am all in with you. We will just, have to figure out all of this. We only have a month left of shooting and knowing Jeff, they're ready for us to keep working to squeeze us into the same release year."

Pedro releases my hand and places his right hand up to his mouth, looking disappointed. "What is it? I told you I am in." He sighs and heads towards the door. "Take a minute to calm down and I will go talk to them to get some more solid timelines. We will figure something out after we have more information," he finishes, pushing through the door and stepping out.

Real tears started slipping my cheeks. Warm tears. He wanted you to tell him to go Andy. You want him to go too. I sighed to myself and lowered myself down into the chair. A small part of me didn't want to go because I knew I had no one else to break this news to. Luz is used to me telling her I'm leaving but at the end of the day, she started off as just my makeup artist. My mother, sister, they wouldn't know. There's no need for me to tell them. I have no one. I'm alone. Tears continued to fall and before I let them ruin my makeup, there was a knock at the door and I quickly wiped them with a tissue.

I quickly stood up and walked over to the door to reveal Jeff. "Oh hey," is all I greeted him with. "Andy, I didn't want to barge in. I wanted to talk to you about a few things," he said. I gestured him to step in as I pulled off my coat. "What's up? Pedro was just going to look for you," I tell him. I walk behind my dressing divider and started to reach for the zipper behind me. "I won't take too much of your time. I was just curious why the hesitation on Berlin?" He asked. I grabbed a towel and quickly rushed out to grab the sweats resting on one of the chairs.

"Look don't take any offense to this Jeff, this is a great opportunity Cassie got for me but, Berlin. It's just a big change so I'm a little more shocked then excited for now." I jump behind the divider again and drop my towel. "Is that all Jeff? I'm really tired and could use a nap," I ask. He clears his throat and straightens himself up. "Look I know we have had our disagreements, especially after our dinner but I really need you to take this job. The studio needs this. You are not obligated to stay with us but this is a win-win for both of us. You get Austen, we get the recognition."

I stare at myself in the mirror. I feel a ball of fire form in my chest before stepping out from behind the divider. "Jeff it sounds like you're begging. Will I be prefect for this roll before or after I drop down another size? That's what you'll ask from me right? Or you'll ask me to work longer hours to wrap faster. Or you'll ask me to do something that I'll say yes to because that's who I am." I pause and watch him as he sips on his water bottle. He stays quiet. "Don't you dare come back here begging me to take a job that will benefit you. You will not come in here trying to put aside the differences you created. If I take this job, it won't be for you," I say.

"Andy, I don't hate you and I have only tried to make suggestions. Feel however you feel about it, but you have a week to decide," Jeff says, heading for the door. He stops before walking out. "Oh and we will double the pay of this movie," he finishes before leaving the trailer.

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