18. Peasized

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"So as I walked by him, I didn't realize that there was a stool in front of me, bumped it, and spelled it all over my white linen pants. I has to walk around with see through pants until they dried. I was mortified." Laughs around the table pour out, knowing my story wasn't even that funny. I sip from my glass, looking down at my dinner that had gone untouched. "You going to eat?" Pedro whispered close to my ear. I looked up at him. "Maybe later. I'm not feeling to hot," I say. He nods and grips my thigh through the slit of my dress.

Everyone was laughing obnoxiously loud and I became uneasy. "I'm going to go find Cassie. Refill?" I asked, looking at his glass. He kisses my cheek. "Sure. That would be great. Don't get lost," he says chuckling. I stand up, handing him my clutch to tuck away. I balance onto my heels and head towards the bar. On the way, a server passes with some hors d'oeuvres on a tray. On a normal day they would have smelled good, however all it did was nauseate me. I inhaled deeply, attempting to let it pass. I find Cassie at the bar and head her way. Before I get closer, I have no other choice but to detour to the ladies room.

I plow through the door of the empty stall and drop to my knees. I grip the walls of the stall, keeping myself from falling over, not feeling any better. "Andy? Is that you?" Cassie's voice breaks the silence and I wave my hand under the stall to wave her in. She opens the door, grabbing my hair and pulling it back. The wave of sickness continues as I attempt to catch my breath in between breaks. "What in the world? Andy," she sighs. I sit back, pulling away from the toilet. I feel beads of sweat on my forehead beginning to form. "Oh god, Luz would be pissed if she saw me sweating," I say, pulling myself up and walking to the sink. I run the water and quickly scoop it into my mouth, swishing it back and forth. "Don't worry. I think it was just the small of all the food. It smells terrible," I say, washing my hands with soap. "Andy, it smells like potatoes. It is all some kind of potato thing on every tray." Cassie has a confused look. I rolled ,y eyes and walked around her to reach for a hand towel. In the process, I caught a hint of her perfume, bringing the nausea back. "Oh my god<" I say, spinning back into the stall. "I just bought this perfume Andy. There is no way my smell is grossing you out right now. What in the world is wrong with you?" She questioned while I held my head above the toilet bowl. "I will be right out," I wave her away.

I quickly rushed out of the bathroom, realizing how long I had been in there, and practically begged the bartender to pour Pedro's drink. I sat down, his refill in my hand. "Here you go. There was a long line at the bar," I lie. His smile huge, he grips my thigh again. "I was getting worried. I though it was taking you a while. Almost called a search dog," He said, laughing before taking a sip of his drink. "They are about to start presenting. I did steal you some cheesecake. Here you go Andy." Oh god. Yuck. "Yum."


"Andy. I know you are going to be upset with me when I ask. Don't take any offense to this but, did you gain some weight? I seriously don't think it's an issue, but I need to have this dress altered asap. The zipper won't go up." Luz has a panicked tone while my heart sank. "I don't think so Luz. Maybe they got my measurements wrong." I suck my abdomen in as far as I could. "Andy, it won't budge. I took those measurements myself. You don't think maybe it's just the relationship dessert weight?" She says, her head popping forward to my side, a smirk glued to her face. I yanked the dress off and grabbed my robe. "We don't even eat dessert Luz. He offered me a cheesecake about two weeks ago. I didn't even touch it. There is no way that I gained enough weight off of sushi dates and the gym." I grab my sandals and storm outside, quickly trying to find Cassie. I am almost relieved when I find her, only to see that she is with Jeff. I turned back around, hoping they didn't see me. "Andy!" Jeff called. I pouted and turned back around. "Why aren't you dressed? We shoot soon." Jeff looked at my robed appearance. "The dress needs to be altered. I was just about to call you about that," I lie. He scratches his head. "Too big?" he asks. "Too small actually. There was a mistake with my measurements. I have to go figure it out with Luz so if we could push back two hours?" I almost plead. "Fine. We will break for lunch then. Go have something that won't bloat you. That scene needs to be shot today." Jeff walks away, tugging Cassie to go with him.

I return to the trailer and take my robe off. "Luz, remeasure me now. We can compare the measurements after." I hold my arms out while she wraps the measuring tape around my waist. She clicks her tongue a few times, redoing it over and over again. After multiple attempts, she stands up and rights them into the small book. "Well?" I ask impatiently. "Andy, your hips are like three inches wider. No worries though, I can fix this. Just give me an hour," She says, picking the dress up from the floor. She grabs my shoulder quickly. "And do not stress about this. You look great and it isn't a big deal," She says before walking out.

I pace my trailer up and down, feeling guilty of something I was unaware I had even done. How? There's no way. You've been drinking coffee, eating oatmeal, working out. It isn't a big deal Andy. It's fine. I throw on a t-shirt and some bike shorts and plotting myself onto my couch. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shout, not wanting to move. It was Pedro. "Hey, I ran into Luz. She was running with a dress? She almost knocked me over." He sits next to me and tosses an arm over my shoulder. "Hey, what's the matter?" He asks. I fight a tear that almost escaped. "Luz was running with my dress. It needs to be altered because it won't zip up," I sigh.

"That's it? Hey, there is no reason for you to be upset about that. I'm sure it's nothing major. Could be a mistake also but even if it isn't, who cares," he says, holding my hands in his. "Jeff will have something to say about it. Or Cassie will mention it. Problem is that if my dress won't dress up, my measurements changed since they first took them which wasn't even too long ago." He comforted me, trying to make me feel better, except the scent of his cologne was throwing me off. My stomach turned and it shocked me, seeing that I love his cologne. I bit the inside of my cheek, attempting to hold the nausea back, except I couldn't. I shrugged him off and sprinted for the bathroom.

"Andy, are you alright?" He asks. I don't answer, instead I balance myself over the toilet, my knees aching from slamming them into the ground. Maybe it's from the various times I had done it in the last few... oh god. Oh god. Oh my god. There is no way Andy. Pedro was holding my hair up, almost holding me up too. I leaned back and looked at him. "It's just stress. I'm fine." He looks extremely concerned while helping me stand. "You look pale Andy. Maybe you should head home for the day," he says. I shake my head, swishing on some water from the faucet. "I'm good. I do have an appointment, but Cassie was aware already," I lie. He scratches his head and sits back down. I pick up my things and shove them into my bag, getting ready to walk out. "Andy, maybe I should go. I can let them know..." I cut him off. "My goodness no. I don't want you to get in trouble. I'll manage on my own. Meet me for dinner after work though?" I ask, trying to mask the concern in my voice. He nods, standing up and offering a peck on my head. "Fine, I will see you later then." He walks down the stair of the trailer and heads back to the offices.

I don't wave immediately. Instead I am frozen. You missed the appointment when you went to Seattle. Never rescheduled. There's no way though. Andy, how could you be so stupid? Oh god this can't be. I picked up my phone and called the doctors office. 

"Prime Women's Clinic," a woman answered. "Hi yes, I wanted to reschedule"

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