11. Why me?

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"This is beautiful. Like I've seen nice views but this defiantly gave them competition," Pedro says to me smiling. I take his hand and pull him to the grass. "I know it was a little far. I used to come up here with my parents. Tacoma is definitely much farther but it's so worth it." I say. He squeezes my hand tighter and looks at me. "Where are we again?" He asks. "Sunset hill park. You get a little bit of everything. Lights. City. Water. Mountains. Boats. It's perfect."

"You're perfect Andy. Nothing tops the view I get at work every day. Or the view I get when we drive home together. Or the view I get when I wake up next to you." He says. "Ahhh!" He tells, tossing his hair through it fingers and bringing his head to his knees. "Oh stop. It was cute. Cheesy, but cute." He shakes his head. "I've always been cheesy. But I feel extremely gooey and giggly on the inside when we I am with you. I don't know how to turn it off." He rests his elbows on his knees, his face in between his palms.

"Butterflies," I say. He looks up at me confused. "What do you mean?" I straighten myself out, looking out past the water. "Whenever I am with you. Or when we are doing something fun, or just working. Butterflies. That's what I feel every time. The damn butterflies never leave. At least not when I'm with you. But even when I'm alone. The mere thought of you gives me butterflies," I say to him. He pulls my face in. "You give me butterflies too Andy," he says as he kisses me.

My cheeks are flushed. I can feel the heat beaming off of them. What are usually butterflies though aren't. I pull myself back and steady myself in between my hands. My stomach knots up and my ears start ringing. "Hey are you alright Andy? You look pale." I shake my head and wave my hand as the feeling passes. "No. I'm okay. Sorry. I felt a little weird. Might be because I haven't eaten anything. Forfeited dinner remember?" I say, trying to laugh it off.

"Why don't we walk it off together," he says, standing himself up. He holds a hand out to me. I take it and haul myself up. "God these shoes are miserable." I undo the straps and take hold of his shoulder to stable myself, pulling the heels off. "Believe me. I usually wouldn't but it's grass, so I'm not as concerned. Asphalt? Forget it." He chuckles and pulls my heels from my hand, holding them by their straps. "New York is gorgeous but don't you dare allow any part of your body to touch the sidewalks. They're pretty bad." I wrap my arm around his torso, his arm tossed around my shoulder. We walk through the grass slowly.

Maybe the coffee was bad from this morning? But that was hours ago. You're being dramatic Andy. I feel waves of heat, then chills, along with some cramping in my lower abdomen. My ears start ringing again and my balance is thrown off. "Andy. Are you feeling okay? You really don't look too hot," Pedro says, halting our slow paced walking. "I'm not sure. I just felt really gross all of a sudden. It probably isn't anything serious. Let's just keep walking," I say.

I may be trying to get myself to walk toward but my body defiantly isn't listening to my brain, as I stay stuck in place. "Andy," I hear Pedro say. I see the trees and hills blend into one. "That's not normal," I say giggling. He kept talking but it all sounded muffled. Next thing I knew, my ear was brushed up against the cool grass. "Andy!" Pedro dropped down to me, feeling my face with the back of his hand. "You're burning up," he says. I begins to grab me from my torso to pull me up, but I flinch from the sharp pain that came from it. "What hurts?" He asks,

"My side is killing me," I say. I sit myself slowly. "It'll pass," I try waving him off. He shook his head though. "No. Come on. You need to see someone." Ew no. No doctors. God, why me? "Pedro. I'm fine. I'm sure it's just food pois..." I double over, holding my arms crossed over my stomach. "That's not food poisoning Andy. Plus you haven't eaten very much today." He tells me.

Moments later, we are approaching the car. I don't even make it to the car before I get dizzy again. "Hey, things are fuzzy again," I try tell him. His hands catch me before I hit the ground again. He lifts me into the car and buckles me in. "Safety first," he says. He shuts the door and jogs to the driver side.

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