13. Last day

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"You can't live off of chowder bowls forever Pedro," I say. He is sitting crisscross on the bed, eating a cup of chowder whole dipping bread into it. "Not forever, but let me enjoy this last one. I can go back to my New York staples once I'm home," he says. I laugh, raising my coffee to my lips. "Coffee here is the best too. Cheap New York coffee has nothing on the one here," I tell him. He nods in agreement while finishing the last of his soup. He throws the trash into a bag and stands up, walking it over to the trash can.

"So we are basically packed up. I say, we enjoy our day in. That meeting with the writers yesterday was pretty much pointless since Jeff wouldn't allow my input. It's was four hours of back and forth bullshit. I told Cassie I wouldn't be attending today nor tomorrow." Pedro lays back down, throwing his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him. "I'm okay with staying in. You know, considering I can't really go anywhere. I still don't know how I'm going to do it tomorrow on that flight," I explain. He pulls me into his chest. "How are you feeling? Still in pain?" He asks. I nod my head as his fingers run through my hair. "I'm just super sore. But after getting up to move around, it aches for hours after. Sitting in a hotel room all day doesn't help distract me. Missing out on meeting with Jeff is annoying because I usually cut him off, which would have allowed you to give that input. Now that I mention it, Jeff hasn't even checked in on me. I could have gotten hit by a bus and he probably wouldn't ask about me." I scoff and shake my head slightly.

"So, I know Jeff isn't that great. But can I ask, why don't you two get along? Besides you mouthing off all of the time," he says, tapping my nose with his finger. I scrunched it, swatting his hand down. "Jeff just never liked how vocal I was about an issues that would arise. I've had to tolerate a lot to get to where I'm at now but at some point, I was something he didn't want to lose. At least, not in regards to our studio contract. He's kicked me off of projects before and the studio didn't even go a full day without forcing him to apologize and put me back on them. Since my contract needs to be renewed, he's always tempted to say he'd get rid of me. That's his only defense. They'll drop him before they drop me though."

I twirled a piece of hair around my finger and stared straight ahead to the tv. We both eventually cozied ourselves back into the bed. "Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision," I mutter. He turns to me and looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Distancing myself from my family. Not keeping a solid support system. Plus, without you, I really don't know what I would have done out here alone. I would have been forced to reconcile with my mother and sister. Who knows if it would have been such a terrible thing?" I inhale and turn the other way, pulling the blanket over my shoulder. His fingers trace my shoulder as he sits himself up.

"You shouldn't have to tolerate someone who wronged you just because you feel helpless Andy." I hold my position still and take in his words. "You're sweet for thinking that I didn't share some of the blame. I pushed them all away. I let Sam take over and I let him manipulate my family. And a small part of me was always self-aware of it. I guess I didn't think it was that big of a deal then." I turn to him, looking into his dark eyes. "No, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that stuff up. I just started feeling weird. Talking about Jeff. Seeing my mom. You're giving me pity eyes. I'm fine, I don't need them. Give the pity eyes to the sad dog commercials. See? Look," I laugh and push his head in the direction of the tv.

"I never even look at the screen when they come on. They make me sad." His eyes dart back to me. "I always wanted a dog," I say to him. God this conversation is all over the place. "Let's get a dog!" He says, jumping up in excitement. I pull myself up and watch him as his smile grows big. "Slow down. We can't get a dog," I tell him. His pleading eyes stay locked into mine. "Why not?" He says. I laugh. "Pedro. A dog is like a kid. You want to share custody with me? I'm telling you right now, I want all days ending in a Y." He chuckles and plops himself back down into the bed. "You're getting that dog," he tells me. Our laughter stops when my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say. It's Cassie. "Andy. I hope you're resting. And by resting, I mean laying down and physically, not moving." I look at Pedro to find that he has his head pressed up against the other side of my phone to hear. "Yes Cassie. I'm resting. I haven't done anything except for that HIT workout the hotel offers," I say. "Andy I swear, you stress me out just by breathing. Anyways, I was just calling to also tell you that you have a meeting with a director next week. He wants to see if you could read some lines and fit you for a role. Obviously you wouldn't start shooting until this one is done. So, please prepare yourself. I don't have time to see you today because Jeff arranged yet another meeting. So I'll see you back in New York, okay?" She says. "See you in New York Cassie."

I hang up the phone. "You are so nosy." Pedro ignores my comment instead. "So what do you think the project is? You're a spy. Female serial killer. Ooh wait, you're the brunette that dies in the beginning, right after the blonde." I smack his arm with my phone. "I can't believe you didn't guess exotic dancer first. I'm offended," I tell him. He pulls the cover off of us, his hand cupping the side of my face and pulling me in. "You'll be great, whatever it is." He kisses my neck slowly, eventually making his way to my lips. My hand grips his shirt, pulling him in harder. He pulls away slowly. "You're mine in a few weeks, got it?" I nod and pout. "No no. No pouting. You're the one that decided you no longer wanted your appendix." I stand from the bed and start walking over to the shower. "I dislike you," I mutter. "I'm the best and you know it," he says. "Yeah, yeah." I wave him off and shut the door behind me.


Our bags were taken downstairs before Pedro had even returned with our coffees. I looked over to the alarm clock and the big red numbers read 6:26. Great. I do a once over walk through around the room, making sure we didn't leave anything behind. Pedro had already checked his room, seeing as he hardly went in there these last few days. After seeing that nothing was left. I pulled out my phone and texted Pedro that I would just meet him down stairs.

I headed towards the elevator, lugging my toiletry bag on my side. I ignored the ache as I patiently waited for the elevator to reach the lobby. The door didn't even finish opening before Pedro scurried over to be, yanking the bag away from my shoulder. "You don't listen do you? I told you to send this down with the rest." He shook his head in disappointment while handing me my coffee. "Excuse you. Not to be a snob but do you know how much that blow dryer is? I'd prefer it not to get banged up with the rest of the bags." He rolls his eyes and throws the strap over his shoulder. "You are ridiculous Andy. Come on, let's go. It's getting late."

I throw my raincoat on and throw the hood up, seeing as the sky was dark and it was pouring. I tossed up Pedro's hood too, as we stepped out, finding our rental already waiting out front. "What would I do without you?" He says to me, opening the passenger door. He holds a hand out for me to take, and helps me sit. "Now what would I do without you? That's the real question," I tell him. Chuckling, he shuts the door and makes his way to the drivers side. "Ready?" He asks. He takes my hand into his and puts the car into drive. "Ready."

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