17. Messy, messy, mess.

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Two days. I've been shut in my house. I don't remember the last time I answered my phone. The last call I made was to Cassie after leaving work.

"What do you mean you're not coming in? You have scenes to shoot Andy." I didn't listen. "I just can't today Cassie. Something came up. Finish up the other scenes that don't involve me or something." Before I got the chance to just hang up, she continued. "Andy, what is going on with you? You don't sound like yourself," she said. "Cassie, I have to go." I tap the red icon and throw my phone down to my couch. I turned to see the smashed glass table and shattered mirror pieces as I continued to step through the open door frame.

I sat on the bathroom floor, surrounded by pieces of granite and my broken sink. I continued to lift the small bottle of tequila to my lips. I don't even like tequila. It was just the only thing that wasn't broken. I stared into the half standing mirror, looking at myself. I could have called someone but what was the point? I knew deep down who it was. I knew that this wasn't going to stop. I reached over to lift my phone, just to see that it was dead. I wouldn't even know who was calling but obviously no one had even bothered to show up to my house. I wouldn't blame them. Pedro was still bothered with something I don't even understand and didn't answer my calls. I told Luz and Cassie I needed a day or two. Jeff could care less, he'll just yell when I get back.

I continued sipping on my bottle and downed the rest of it before hearing a knock at the door. My heart dropped, a weird feeling of fear. I didn't say anything and remained still. I heard the knock once more, a pause in between, then the door slowly creaking open. I grabbed the decorative glassware from the bathroom, the bottom already shattered, and stood up slowly. I heard steps over the shattered glass down the hall. I waited against the wall, hoping that whoever it was would just go. "Andy? Are you here?" It was him. My heart released it's pressure and I dropped the bottle before stepping out from the hall. "You scared me," I whispered. Pedro stood in shock at the state of my home. "I came home from work the other night. I called you twice but I think your phone was off or something. You didn't come home that night, I just assumed you were upset with me or something. Then you didn't come last night and I don't even know what was going on and I," he cuts me off.

"You've been in this mess for two days Andy? What the hell is wrong with you? You didn't call the cops? Why didn't you come to my place to find me? I tried calling back yesterday morning but you never answered me. I just thought you were pissed that I didn't come home. Cassie said you told them you needed the day," Pedro said, starting the walk around the place. "I did. Call the cops I mean. They made a report but they could only file a report until they could determine who did it." I walk to him, not getting too close though. "Do you know?" He asked. I don't say anything, instead I look down at my broken picture frames. "Andy? Was it him?" I nodded my head. "I could only assume that it was him. They tried contacting him but no luck."

Pedro walked over to me, lifting my hands into his. "Your hands are cut up. Andy I don't understand why you stayed here for two days without saying anything," he said, tugging at my chin and lifting it up. "You've been drinking? Andy. I don't even..." I cut him off. "You didn't answer. And you didn't come home for two nights. I'm not trying to say you were supposed to know something was up but you also didn't come. I didn't answer because my phone died. I'm just a little fed up with all of this. I showed up after work, hoping to take a nice shower and get some sleep. Instead I walked in and found this mess. Excuse me for feeling like I needed a drink. I needed you and you weren't here." My voice started to shake and I felt my eyes begin to pool with tears. Pedro placed his hands on my arms. "I... I want to go. To Berlin. And when I come back, I want a new place. With you. Or if that sounds ridiculous, than somewhere else. Just not here. God you must think I'm losing it. I think I'm losing it. I can't keep going through this. Thinking that I was the crazy one and asked for this," I say, my words fast and poorly articulated.

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