12. Mindy and Mimosas

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"Andrea, sweetheart," I hear. A soft voice, far too soft for Cassie or Pedro. I slowly open my eyes allow them to adjust to the lights. The sun is completely up now. I turn to find the face that matches the voice, only to find my mother sitting next to my bed. I look over to my left and see Cassie standing there. "You called her?" I croaked. Cassie walked over to me. "I did no such thing. The hospital called your emergency contact," she said. I rolled my eyes. "I didn't even need them to. I had someone here with me," I moaned. I look back at my mother. "Andrea, of course they should have called. You had surgery. You need your mother." I rolled my back to her. "I didn't need you here actually. I wasn't even planning on seeing you."

She places her hand on my head. I quickly pulled it out of her way though. "Andrea! Stop being this way," she says. I shake my head. "Here. See? I'm fine. You can go home and tell my dad and sister that you came and saved the day." Before she could even keep going, Pedro walked into the room, a bagel in hand with coffee. "God, please tell me that's mine," I mutter. "Actually, no coffee for you. However, the bagel is for you. And who is this?" Pedro says. "Mother," Cassie and I both finish. Pedro puts the items down, extending a hand to her. "It's a pleasure. Pedro," he says. She doesn't even take his hand. "Mindy. This is who you left Sam for? This is who brought you in last night," she says. I pull the blanket over my head and groan. "We work together mom. What does it matter? You literally just met the guy and assumed. For all you know, he could be gay and a friend." She raised her eyebrow.

"Is he gay and a friend?" She asks. Then turns to him. "Are you gay and a friend," she asks Pedro. He awkwardly tucks his hands under his arms, crossed over. "Well a little friendly. Gay, no." He chuckles and has a huge smile on, as usual. "Mom. None of this matters. You need to leave. It is too early. My head is pounding. I will call you when I call you," I tell her. She steps closer to me. "So you'll call me when you are out of here?" She asks innocently. "Yes of course. I will call you when I am out of here and back in New York," I tell her. I pull the cover back down and lower myself into my bed again. "Andrea! I'm not messing around!" She shouts. I spring up, instantly regretting it of course. "And I'm not joking around either. You came into my hospital room. If I ever find out who called you, I swear. And how dare you come in here talking about Sam before you even ask about me. And on top of all that, you woke me up," I tell her. "So yeah. I want you to go."

She steps back and looks at Cassie. "This is your doing. She never spoke like this before she met you," She says. Cassie cuts her off though. "I did nothing. Andy needed you, and you weren't there. For years, she defended you, sided with you. She always did what you wanted her to. You messed up when you sided with Sam. She owes you nothing," Cassie says. My mother steps back to me. "Andy was never a good nickname. Andrea is what we choose for you. And as for Sam. I didn't side with him. I just want you to know what you were losing walking away. He apologized Andrea. Why can't you forgive him?" My mother pleads.

"I'm sorry to intervene," Pedro says. "But Andy has no business talking to Sam and that is the choice he made for her. Now I don't understand your dynamic with Andy, but she's asking you to leave and I think it's best for both you and her that you listen." My mother dramatically places her hand on her chest and lifts her purse up. "You're making a mistake Andy," she whispers. I look away from her. "Goodbye Mom." I say. I don't watch her go, instead I hear the heels against the floor slowly start to fade.
"Cassie. I need coffee. Please," I plead. She shakes her head. "Sorry Andy. They said no coffee."

I grab the pillow and throw it over my head. "Pedro. I can stay with her. You've been here almost all night." I wait for his answer. I want him to go rest but a part of me doesn't want to get left here without him. This is my literal worst nightmare. Surgery and my mother. "I'm good Cassie. I've been sleeping anyways. It's no worries. Why don't you go get that breakfast you were supposed to have with Jeff and Andy?" He asks her. She scoffs. "Oh yeah, because I was in such a hurry to go have breakfast with Jeff. If you insist. Andy. I know you can hear through the pillow. Keep me posted on a release. I'll make arrangements for the plane." I give a thumbs up midair and stay quiet.

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