chapter 2| r u n

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october 30, 2021
6:30 am

italic bold texts= inner thoughts

hyejins pov

i feel myself sit up and gasp for air. i feel sweat all over me. my heavy breathing feels so intense but dies down once i realize i'm home in bed. i had this nightmare but i had forgotten it already.

i sigh and check the time on my phone

6:30? should i sleep more? will i have time to maybe get some breakfast down stairs?

i sigh trying to decide what to do. mornings were always so harsh especially at my home during the weekends. i sometimes stay in my room all day and wait til night comes. when it's night my parents usually are passed out due to just waste of their energy on arguing all day.

dad is usually the one who is super short tempered and doesn't know how to control his anger. he is horrible at keeping himself calm. he usually gets drunk sometimes but not really.

mom has always been the sweet heart. she never does anything wrong yet she still stays with dad which is something i don't understand. my dad treats mom so badly. that's why yesterday when she hurt me i was shocked but i remember smelling a strong alcohol smell, she was drunk.

she gets drunk when she can't handle her emotions around my dad. it saddens me but what can i do? anything i do results in me getting beaten up.

i find myself getting up and walking to my bathroom. i start to do my daily routine in the morning but quietly because i don't want to wake anyone up.

i get out of the bathroom and re enter my room and start to change into some clothes that i'll be wearing for my hangout later today with jeongin. i feel anger rising in me all of the sudden remembering what my dad was saying about jeongin.

i decide to leave those thoughts aside. i already know myself that jeongin and i are just best friends. it's makes me so mad that my dad thought of him that way.

after getting ready i grab my phone and quietly open my door trying to not make any noise. i step out looking left and right checking to see if anyone is walking around the house. i listen closely to hear if anyone is in the kitchen.

i quietly exhale and i can feel my heart beating intensely and my are palms sweating. i quietly and carefully make my way down the stairs praying to god that i don't make a sound.

i successfully make it to the living room and into the kitchen. i decide to pour myself a bowl of cereal since there isn't really that much to eat.

i sit at the small table and start to eat my breakfast while scrolling through social media.

what time should i go over to jeongins place? i mean i am welcome any time...but what time should i go?

all of the sudden i snap out of my thoughts when i hear foot steps going down the stairs. i start heavily breathing and i push out my seat just in case i need to make a run for it.

instead of seeing a grumpy man i see a confused, exhausted, and sad woman.

"why are you up so early?" questions mom softly as she slowly walks towards me.

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