chapter 6| s e c r e t s u n f o l d

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november 2nd
12:00 pm

november 2nd12:00 pmSEO CASTLE

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"i made a promise to keep you safe...i cant break that promise.."

that voice. who said that? am i dreaming right now? i need to wake up. wake up hyejin! wake up!

i feel my eyes start to flutter open but become weak once again due to the strong bright light blinding me. i wince due to the bright light.

i stayed laying back down closing my eyes shut til i felt strong enough to sit up and regain consciousness.

suddenly the sound of a thud startled me causing me to suddenly sit up and look at what was happening.
i raise an eyebrow seeing niki on the ground, "moTheRFU-'re awake..." said niki as he got up.

i blinked and suddenly flashbacks from the day before ran though my head. all the blood, attacking, and everything played again through my mind as if it were a movie.

my eyes widened and i started to scoot away from niki. niki sort of frowned, "look, i know you're in shock...about everything. but i...well...we promise...we won't hurt you...and we...we will explain you." said niki

i blinked a few times again not knowing what to do. i mean, they're mfing...vampires! should i trust them? but i mean, once i kind of got to know them, they were pretty sweet. but also, they saved me.

i sighed, "um...okay.." i say as i throw my legs off the bed, "where are we heading?" i question as i follow niki.

"living room." responded niki as we walked down the sim hall.

but suddenly it hit me. what if one of them got hurt? what if they're mad? it was my fault that i wondered off into the woods. what if one of them died?

i suddenly stop in my tracks thinking about wether to keep going or to go back into my room.

"hey...we're not mad...don't worry. and, well no ones hurt or dead..okay?" reassures niki as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

i let out a shaky breath of relief but still felt uneasy. both niki and i entered the living room and all of the boys were talking to each other when suddenly they all noticed niki and i.

my eyes widen due to the feeling of being intimidated due to the fact that i am in a damn room full of vampires who are possibly mad at me and niki just lied.

i stayed standing as niki kept going and took a seat on a chair close by the fire place.

"here, take my seat." said heeseung as he got up from his seat and offered his spot.

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