Chapter 18 - Getting Closer

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“Well hi there” I say and take a teensy weensy step backwards so I can see his face clearly, not that I am complaining about the chest view.

“Hi there mop head” he says and smiles, that smile that made me have a crush on him.

“As I said I am not mop head, I am Josephine” I reply curtly, “and as I said earlier I am ready to sock you in the head so you can stop”

“Fat chance of that happening” he says with a smug expression on his face.

“You think I don’t have the balls to try?” I ask feeling up to the challenge.

“Your balls are not the issue here” he says and I choke on my spit

“Excuse you, I have lady parts” I say defensively.

“Sure you do” he says in a taunting manner, “you’re too short to reach my head and I wont go down without a fight”

“wanna bet?” I ask and mentally face palm myself because we already had this conversation, this boy is talking circles round me.

“I’d love to but if we don’t get moving we’ll be late for school” Shaze taunts and jingles his keys in front of me.

I gasp and check my watch before silently letting out a few choice words and hurrying after him, “where’s your car?” I ask him as we reach the street and I don’t see any car in view.

“It's right there” he says and points in the direction of a motorbike that looks like it's built to kill.

“Hell yeah” I say and get on behind him. He hands me a helmet which I dutifully put on even though I fear it may make my hair flat when I take it off but the adrenaline will be well it's worth.

“Better hold on tight” he says

“Don’t have to tell me twice” I say and wrap my hands around his torso, his stomach muscles tenses the same time mine does and I clear my throat awkwardly and begin to hum a song in my head.


We arrive school within the nick of time and I hop off the bike grateful for it's speed. Shaze reaches his hand forward to collect his helmet but I have other things in mind, before he can collect it, I swing it to the side a little and use it to bounce his head.
“Hah” I let out and do a little victory dance before giving him the helmet, “you dear sir owe me something that we will discuss on” I say triumphantly and since the adrenaline is coursing through my veins, I wink at him before I enter the school hallway.

The students look at me immediately I enter and the genuine smile on my face turns to an arrogant smirk. I walk to my locker and fish out my phone from my bag.

I made a list of the people who made fun of me when Kevin rejected me, I promised myself so many times back then that I would get them back and make them feel the same way I did.
I look around at the familiar faces that I have seen for the past two years and I feel irritated by the façade that they carry around. I check my watch and wait patiently for my next victim to walk by. It is a good day to be a bitch.


“Psst” Micheal calls into my ear and it's really tickling me because his breath is hot.

“Stop it” I say and push his face away from mine.

“Psst” he says again and this time I can tell he did it to get a reaction out of me.

I turn my face to him and let out the biggest sneeze I can muster into his face, “I’m so sorry, my ear was really ticklish” I say to him.

“That doesn’t correlate” he grits out and tries to hold himself back from retaliating.

“It doesn’t?” I ask innocently, “oh well” I say and turn back to my notes.

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