Chapter 29 - Make Up

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I open my eyes slowly and squint when the light from the library fluorescent bulbs momentarily blind me, I reach around the table to find the source of the buzzing that woke me up. My hand lands on my phone that keeps on vibrating nonstop.

I look at the caller ID and then the time, "Oh shit, I'm late" I exclaim as I stand up quickly and gather all my things and dash out of the library.

I push people out of my way as I run to my locker throw my books in, slam it shut and then run into the girl's locker room so I can hastily change into my cheerleading uniform.

I jog to the field and pray that I don't get an earful from Flinette whom I have 16 missed calls from, I see the girls doing warm ups and I jog to them.

"You're late" Flinette snaps and I pause to catch my breath because all that running and jogging really did a number on me.

"I'm sorry" I say and accept the water bottle that one of the girls gives me.

"Doesn't matter" Flinette says and rubs her eyes tiredly, "We're just getting to the good part"

I return the bottle after taking large gulps from it and mouthing a thank you to the girl who gave it to me. I sit down tiredly on the grass and wait for Flinette to tell us what the good part is.

"As you all know, the big games is in two weeks and it's time for the centre of the pyramid to be decided so that you all can be very familiar with your roles"

The cheerleaders give a loud cheer and I also join them, silently enjoying how well it is all going and anticipating the devastated look on Renae's face"

"Now, the centre of the rowdy ferrets for the year 20XX is none other than Avaline" Flinette says and the place goes silent for a second before everyone cheers.

I smirk at Renae whose face goes red and I can just imagine how she feels to lose something so important because the head of the pyramid always ends up being Captain when the next season begins.

I walk to Avaline and give her a hug that makes her stiffen, "congratulations" I say and pull back but leave my hands on her shoulders, "you have me to thank for all this" I say and rub her shoulders, "you're going to be captain after this and it's all because of me, now aren't you grateful I decided to forgive your insolence and put you back on my good side?"

"Th-thank you" She says and I smile when I see the horrified look on her face.

"You're more than free to go back to Renae" I say and stretch my hand towards Renae, "but would you throw away your cheerleading career for that?"

She shakes her head no and Renae's face goes white as she realizes she has been betrayed by Avaline, she takes a step back before running off the field.

"And that my dear friend is the curtain close on my acts of wrath" I take a bow and hear Flinette snort, "I won't bully anyone anymore from now on"

"Why?" Avaline asks.

"Because I have already found peace and gotten what I want" I shrug and clap my hands, "Now, shall we begin practice our future captain?"



I roll my shoulders uneasily as I exit the school building and see Micheal leaning on his car in the car park. I shrug my shoulders since he might not actually be waiting for me.

I begin to walk past him when he grabs my hand and I wince at how tight his grip on my hand is, "get in" he says.

"No way" I say and attempt to pull out from his grip but he doesn't even budge slightly, "you can't force a girl to enter a car when she doesn't want to"

"Then please get in the car" he says and I can tell my attitude is frustrating him.

"Now that's how you get a girl to enter your car" I say and enter the passenger seat, I slam the door and wait for him to enter and drive off.

We start driving and the car is filled with awkward silence and I hate awkward silence. I reach for the radio dial and turn it on, immediately a song starts playing and I make a sound when I recognize it.

"So tell me what you know bout love ­~" I sing and watch his face scrunch up.

"Stop it" he says and I can see the corners of his lip tilting up.

"We bout to get high~" I continue and he starts laughing and I also laugh when the tension in the air thickens.

He finally stops the car and I look outside confused at what exactly we are doing at the edge of town.

He steps out of the car and I do so and follow him as he walks to a kind of rock that is huge and climbs on it, I also do so and join him where he is sitting.

"What are we doing here?" I ask and marvel at the beautiful sight.

"I like coming here when things get too much" Micheal says and I nod my head understanding what he means, "and the best part is when the sun goes down"

I was pulling at some weeds beside me but at the mention of sundown I look up and marvel at how beautiful the sky looked, the warm glow of the sun set a backdrop for the trees and made it even more beautiful.

"It's beautiful" I whisper, completely entranced by the beauty of it all. I wish all days were like this, calm and beautiful.

We sit there for I don't know how long, just soaking it all in and enjoying the fact that as we are here we don't have to worry about a single thing.

"let's go" Micheal says as he dusts his trousers and lends me a hand to help me get up.

"Yeah" I say as I take his hand and he pulls me up but the force he uses pulls me closer to him and we're now chest to chest and I can see all the little details in his eyes. "Micheal" I say but my words are cut short as he inches his face closer to mine.

"I want you" he whispers before I feel the warmth of his lips on mine, his other hand goes slowly to my waist and holds me in place while the hand that helped me is still holding on to my hand.

His mouth is warm against mine that had begun to get cold, the way he moves his lips against mine has me wanting more. We pull apart when we need to breathe and my mind is completely empty, "Micheal" I say once more and feel his lips on mine again.

My hand that isn't holding his goes to his hair and I love how soft and smooth it feels in my hand, we go on like this for a while before he pulls back and leaves me flushed.

"Don't call my name like that" he says, "it makes me go senseless"

I nod my head and bite my lower lip nervously, "and don't do that also" he says and I can't help the giggle that escapes.

We walk to his car hand in hand and I can't help the jelly feeling that has come over me, If Micheal wasn't holding my hand I believe I would have fainted by now.

He opens the car door for me and I enter after thanking him.

"So, what does this make us?" I ask as I step out of his car and we walk to my front door.

"Whatever you want us to be" he says and I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks at the way his words make me feel.

I close the door behind me and hold my chest as it keeps giving me this loud heart beats. I can't help the smile that creeps up. I rush to the fridge and get myself a cup of cold water so that I can calm myself.

Is this what it feels like to have a soon to be boyfriend that actually likes you for you? If this is the feeling then I am glad I gave Micheal a chance and overlooked all his past errors, I'm also glad that he also chose to overlook my past errors and like me for who I truly am, not Josephine the popular girl but Jossie that cuddles BT21 in her room and reads manga nonstop when given the chance.

Cute chapter, I know I know. I bet all the Micheal supporters are happy while the Shaze supporters don't like where this is heading.

Don't worry my darling SS's I've got you covered. Stay tuned for more drama behind the popular table.


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