Chapter 40 - Hate You, Love You

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Flinette ditched practice and went to go hang out with Andre because according to her she doesn't need to be around us all the time and we should practice without her today which left Avaline in charge because she is the future captain.

To my surprise Avaline seems to be a great leader, only if she wasn't easily swayed by the prospect of power I would feel bad about using her but I know that she's also just using me to go higher in the Status Quo.

"Why the hell is everyone fucking up the steps?" she all but screams, "the big game is this Friday and if we can't cheer our asses off right now then what the fuck have we been doing all this time?"

"I'll say" I say, "I've been gone for two weeks and some of you are doing worse than I am"

"The weather hasn't really been favorable Ava" Renae says saucily, I wonder who made her the voice of the masses.

"Did I say you could speak?" Avaline demands and I really would like popcorn so I can sit back and enjoy the drama properly.

"Is it okay if I speak?" I ask Avaline, her face brightens up immediately, "I think I have to agree with Renae for once, the cold and our uniforms aren't good for our health.

"I agree with you" she says and smiles.

"But that's the same thing I said" Renae says and I can tell she is getting pissed from the obvious favoritism.

"Was it?" Avaline asks and tilts her head, "maybe it didn't sound the same coming from a disrespectful bitch like you"

"Disrespectful bitch?" Renae's anger is reaching breaking point, "you sure have a lot to say now that you've become captain when you couldn't even look me in the eye back then"

"That was then and this is now, I think power brings out the best in people" Avaline smirks, "you should have kept that in mind before you pissed off the one person with the second most power in the whole school"

Renae looks at me with eyes wide and mouth agape, I see fear crawl back into her eyes as my eyes glint with hatred, "Jossie you said that you were done with the whole revenge business"

"Did you see me scheming anything?" I ask and raise my hands up like I did nothing, "you just happened to make a mistake all on your own without my interference"

I want her to feel dread building up as she realizes I am back again, I want her to realize that she lost the old Jossie and the Jossie that had tried to be better. Those Jossie's finally died along with her sister and where they went they can never be recovered.

I won't just take away a few things from her, I will make her rue the day she crossed paths with me and decided to be my friend, the day she decided I was neglecting her and decided to do something about it, the day she decided that I was easy to manipulate, and finally the day she made my best friend turn his back on me.

I let Avaline think that it's only through show of strength that Flinette and I managed to stay in power meanwhile it is more than that. My dad was part of the founding fathers of this private school and even in his grave, is still funding this school and hence the school board would not like to lose a family that caters to their needs financially. To put it simply, my family owns big shares in this school and since Flinette came of age earlier this year she has taken a place in the board which makes us invincible and untouchable even by the teachers.

"It's quite chilly Ava" I rub my cold hands together, "why not we wrap this up and get some rest"

"Alright" she turns her attention to the rest, "The game is this Friday and there won't be school till then because we are done with exams so please practice properly at home and don't fuck this up, okay?"

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