Chapter 25 - The Truth Untold

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Walking down the corridor of the hospital is even drearier than I had predicted it to be, I think Flinette knows I want to bolt because she has an iron grip on my wrist and is glued to my side.

I make it to her room without running back and I have to say that it's quite an accomplishment for me, since the last time I was here it was because I was so down and even then Micheal walked me to her room.

Just thinking of him has me feeling nauseous in my stomach, I hadn't really thought of him much in the last twenty hours and now that I am thinking of him, it has my mind running in circles.

Flinette taps me as it seems like I am lost in thought, I finally notice that the room door is open and Flinette is waiting for me to walk in. I do so and almost stop in my tracks when I see my baby sister lying there still and lifeless, like a doll.

I take the seat at the farthest corner of the room and still myself to not look in her direction so that I don't lose my mind and start squabbling like a baby. I play with my fingers in my lap and it reminds of the time when she gave me a pedicure so that according to her, my nails would look as pretty as I did.

I stare out the window and I admire the blue sky and it reminds me of when Adaira and I would go picnicking in our backyard and would stay out till night time while watching the stars and telling each other funny stories.

I stand up from my seat and walk to her bed, I reach out and hold her cold hands, I use my hands to rub her palms so that they can warm up and be as soft and tender as they used to be when she would hold my hands and hug me.

"I'm so sorry" I croak out as I continue to rub her hands, "forgive your sister for all that I did to you" I rest my cheek on her palm, "forgive me for not coming to see you, for pushing you to the back of my consciousness so that I wouldn't feel the pain of what I did, for not being able to forgive and move on, and for not being there when you needed me, please forgive me" I sniffle and clear my throat as no tear falls from my face.

"If she was able to speak, she would tell you that you are forgiven" Flinette says as she rubs my shoulder and I rub her hand.

I sit on the edge of the bed and play with the tips of Adaira's hair, I start braiding it and I smile when it reminds me of the old Adaira, "I'll make you look as pretty as you were" I say and stroke her forehead.

"I heard that speaking to a person in a coma sometimes helps them to wake up or regain consciousness"

"I don't know how much of that is true" I say, "but I'm willing to give it a try"

"Atta girl"

"Remember Eminem?" I say and keep stroking her forehead, "well, he went out of business a long time ago, he's not as prominent as he used to be"


"In his place is now Suga from BTS" I say and try to stifle a laugh.

"So not true" Flinette says, "no one knows who Suga is"

"Now, that is so not true" I say, "the whole world knows who BTS is and hence they must also know who our man who spits fire Agust D is"

"Isn't that a different person?" Flinette asks

"same person" I say

"Then how-"

"Doesn't matter" I cut her off and we continue in this banter, all enjoying the way we are one again, "You wouldn't understand the ways of us"

"And I don't want to" Flinette says and I playfully glare at her.

"I need to pee" I say and stand up from my spot at the edge of the bed, "I'll be back in ten because I'll probably stop by the vending machine when I'm done"

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