Chapter 13 - After party

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"Adaira Liann Anderson better get down here before I come get you myself!" I yell at the top of my lungs and pace the kitchen impatiently while tapping my feet on the ground.

Adaira runs down the stairs but stops at the door of the kitchen while looking at me sheepishly, "oh don't you dare missy" I say and point at the breakfast stool  where I want her seated, "are you trying to give us all a heart attack?!"

She looks around nervously before her eyes lands on a small bottle on the table and she lets out and exasperated sigh, "JJ, I can explain"

"You don't get to say anything until I'm done, do you hear me?" She nods solemnly and looks down at her laps, "what did you think you would accomplish by not taking your pills and hiding them??"

I begin to pace the kitchen while telling myself to take deep breaths, "How do you think mom or Flinette would feel if they found this out??"

"I'm sorry" she croaks out

"Sorry is not enough Adaira, what if you went into shock and we were not there?" Adaira's eyes begin to tear up and my anger vanishes and is replaced with guilt for flaring up the way I did. I walk to her and hold her in my arms while stroking her hair, "I'm sorry too baby, I shouldn't have flared up but I just don't know what I would have done if anything happened to you" by now tears have also started welling up in my eyes and I fight a losing battle to contain them.

I pull back and pet her hair once more, "this is what we're going to do, you will take your pills consistently from now on and I won't mention this to mom, okay?"

Adaira nods and flashes her teeth before hoping off the chair to get a cup of water and I dry my eyes and try to compose myself. The doorbell rings and I go to check who it is

"Jordan" I say and smile as he beams at me before pushing me aside and strolling into the house like he owned it.

"Now, where's my beautiful girlfriend" Jordan calls out and Adaira comes rushing into his arms with a huge smile on her face while squealing.

I scoff and close the door and then cross my arms over my chest, "good afternoon to you too Mr. McKaren"

"Now's not the time for your petty jealousy" Jordan says and waves me off, "today my undevoted attention is for my beautiful girlfriend who I haven't seen in ages"

I squint my eyes and let out a playful scoff and notice Adaira sticking out her tongue at me, "Missy, that tongue better go back into your mouth before I relieve it of its duties"

A pillow hits me square on the jaw and the shock knocks me over and the room is filled with laughter as I try to keep my fake jealousy face in check but fail miserably.

I huff out a breath and dust off my clothes with another huff before walking haughtily into the living room and plopping on the couch when another pillow hits me at the back of the head.

I turn around prepared to chew whoever was responsible out, "mom, it was you?" I ask in disbelief as she stands in the doorway with two pillows tucked under her arm

"Of course it was me" she says "that is no way to behave in front of a guest"

I snort, "more like pest" this earns me another pillow to the face and laughter. I get up and stalk into the kitchen while laughing and muttering to myself about the injustices I've faced.

I start bringing out cookies when Jordan walks into the kitchen and hops on the counter, "you still going to that party?"

"Which one?" I ask absentmindedly as I am preoccupied with finding Adaira's favorite cookie brand among the sea of cookies in our pantry

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