Chapter 41 - The Last Time

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The sound of the bass playing in Club Felicidad makes it seem like even the drinks are bobbing to the sound. I've had two glasses of champagne while Renae has had four glasses of her heavily spiked orange juice.

She should have chosen a normal alcohol but she wanted to get smart with me and obviously I'm smarter and more prepared than she is, if Renae is a tiger then I'm a lion and I'm definitely the Queen of this jungle.

"W- w-what did you-u want t-to talk about?" Renae slurs and it's funny watching her try to sit up straight in her seat.

"I called you so we could make up" I lie and watch as her eyes brighten up.

"Re-eeally?" she slurs and I laugh at her. I think it's funny how she has no control over herself at this moment.

I look at the time and it will be twenty minutes before Micheal arrives and I have successfully prepped Renae up and now all she needs is to be spread like butter on my well prepared toast.

"Let's get you to bed" I say and Renae crinkles her brows and looks around her.

"This isn't my room" she slurs and I sigh.

"Yes it is" I say, "look over there that's the kitchen and see those stairs there, they lead to your room"

She turns her head to look and a smile lights up her face and she claps her hands enthusiastically, "let's go then"

I put her hand around my shoulder and help her up the stairs, I ignore her senseless chatter and focus on the task of getting her to the room safely before Micheal gets here so I can start on him too.

I open the door and pull Renae with all my might across the carpet and throw her on the bed. She grumbles incoherently and then starts taking off her shoes so she can sleep peacefully, she then strips off her top and jeans and snuggles into the bed and a smug smile creeps to my lips at how easy it is to manipulate her conception of the things around her.

I pat my hair down and check my watch, I have fifteen minutes left and I pull out rubber gloves and wear them. I pull out the hair dye kit that I brought along with me and apply it to my hair. I rinse it off when I'm done and admire how well I look dark haired. I dry my hair and stash everything back into the corner, I leave the room and lock the door behind me because I don't want Renae leaving for any reason.

I check the time and it's almost Nine, good, now the Club will be open and no one can claim that a red haired girl was actually here because the club wasn't open when I was here with Renae and so they can only prove that a black haired girl that no one knows was here with a random red haired dude.

I catwalk down the stairs, taking my time to leisurely stretch my legs out so that everyone can admire them in the silver shorts I'm wearing.

I slink to the bar and wink at the bartender who I paid off to let us come here before open hours. He fixes a confused expression on his face, pretending not to know the strange kid in front of him.

I see Micheal walking towards the bar because his red hair makes him stand out among the crowd. I wave him over to the bar and he looks confused to see me dark haired.

"What happened to your hair?" he asks and reaches to touch it, I push his hand away before he can.

"None of your business" I snap and incline my head to the bartender who nods his head and goes to the back.

"Look I know that I messed up in the beginning but that was then and this is now" Micheal all but snaps at me and I like how he's already getting all saucy with me.

"So you're trying to say that I should forgive you for messing with me in the beginning because you didn't know me so well?" I ask, "let's say that's the case then why did you keep on sending me those messages even when you got to know me so well?"

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