Chapter 12 - Besties?

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That day started like any other with me waking up to the sound of Adaira rapping in her bathroom. I push my head under my pillow and let out a frustrated scream. For a seven year old she sure had loud vocal chords.

I dragged myself out of my bed and took a quick shower before pulling on a white long sleeved turtle neck shirt and deep blue jeans with a white converse all-star. My hair as usual was in a tight ponytail with only a few strands of hair falling on the sides of my face which according to Adaira made me look like a hot banging Barbie doll. Where that girl got her vocab from was still a mystery to me.

I was pretty excited today for many reasons, one of which was the fact that my only male best friend Jordan was finally transferring here from London after a whole summer of begging and bribery. It finally felt like things were coming into place. I couldn't even wait to introduce my two best friends to each other.

I hopped down the remaining stairs and snagged a toast from the toaster which earned me a playful glare from my mother who believed in the saying 'ask and it shall be given unto you'. I stuck my tongue out at her and this earned me an apple to the forehead which I took a bite of.

"Where's Flinette?" I ask and she simply shrugs and points at the front door. I look up at the time and realized that I only had ten minutes until classes started. I cursed myself silently and placed a kiss on my moms cheek, "tell Adaira I said bye" I called out as I ran out of the house.


I arrived at school ten minutes late and this gave me an appointment with the principal who saw it fit to make me show the new kid around who just happened to be my bestest pal Jordan.

I pretended to be unhappy with the punishment and left the office only to be met with a snickering Jordan who found my unfortunate predicament funny. We laughed at ourselves and walked to our first class together.

As soon as we enter, the class goes silent and our teacher looks at us over her glasses and I just bet she started blushing when she saw Jordan. I wouldn't blame her, Jordan is a hot stud. To even make things funnier he winked at her and she turned complete red before mumbling for me to introduce my friend.

"This is Jordan, my only male best friend. He just transferred from London after a whole summer spent bribing and sweet talking him" after I say this the class erupts with a lot of cheers and wolf whistles, "now now ladies, I didn't invite him all the way here for you to consume him with your eyes" this earns me a lot of laughter.

Back then I was one of the most care free people you could ever meet. I was always smiling and according to some people I had a killer bod which made me liked by all my peers but to me none of them held a candle to my one and only Renae. If I were Fire then she would be the water to pour sense into me.

I was always one for being loud and sometimes hot headed and she always the one who reigned my temper in. we were like peas in a pod and always joined at the hips. Me, the red haired fiery spirited girl, her the blonde haired girl who was too shy to smile openly and would cower behind me when things got too serious.

After the whole introduction fiasco I drag Jordan with me to Renae and I's signature seat by the window. When we got there Renae peered at Jordan nervously before looking back down at her notebook. I sit beside her and motion for Jordan to sit on her left.

That was our sitting arrangement for as long as I can remember. Even in the cafeteria and whenever we walked. Slowly, Renae began to open up to Jordan and they begun to form their own little friendship, I remember how ecstatic I was the day I saw them talking by themselves in the library. For the fun of it I snuck behind them and shouted 'hoorah' at the top of my lungs which made the two of them scream and earned us three detention.

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