Chapter 6 - Another Chance

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"Where are you taking me?" I ask Jordan for about the fifth time since we pulled out of my driveway and I can tell it's driving him insane. I don't blame him, its only been five minutes since the last time I asked.

"Josephine" he says sternly and I begin to feel a snort rising up at the use of my full name, "its been less than ten minutes, can you just shut up and let me focus on my driving?"

I then snort when I notice the look he gives me, I do it again and pick up my phone and begin to go through my messages.

I see the message I sent Shaze just this morning telling him how sorry I was that I couldn't hang with him. He viewed it but didn't reply.

I feel down because of it. I was looking forward to it and I bet he was too and I cancelled over a text.

"Are we there now?" I ask Jordan hopefully. He slams on the brakes forcefully and I lurch forward in my seat before I turn and look at him wide eyed and he gives me a maniac grin.

"We are now" he says with his eyes twinkling and gets out of his car motioning for me to follow him. As soon as I get out of the car I see we're at the abandoned church.

A small smile begins to creep up to my face as I remember that this was where we met. The shy red haired girl with  pig tails and the dark haired boy who promised to be her knight in shining armour and help her get back home safely.

To think that it has been twelve years since we've known each other.

The moment the thought comes to my mind, my mood dampens as I remember how he chose Renae over his friend of twelve years and I lose the smile that had danced its way up to my face.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as we reach the entrance of the church

"Curious are we?" Jordan asks with a smirk, obviously because he knows how impatient I can get, "just wait and see, we don't want to spoil the fun, do we?"

"No" I grit out and follow him through the gates and we walk in silence till we reach the backyard and I loose my breath momentarily

Everywhere looks astounding, its obvious Jordan arranged the place up with a picnic setting and beautiful scented candles. I look to the left a little and notice a projector

I look up at him and smile an earnest smile that I haven't had on in a while, "you did all this?"

"Who else would drag their ass to this desolated part of town and do it?" He asks with a smirk while beaming at me

"Thank you" I say and walk towards where the blanket is on the floor and plop down on it. He then follows suit and pulls out the food he packed.

Its already dark and the sky looks pretty with all the stars lighting them up.

"I always loved coming here" I say and drink in the surrounding once again, "until I lost my way"

He chuckles at the memory, "I don't think I've ever seen Flinette that mad in my life"

"Me too" I say and we both laugh together before he stands up and begins to play the movie

"I picked up a sappy chick flick just for you" he says

I beam at him and he smiles back at me and then we begin to each and watch the movie


Its been twenty minutes since the movie started and I doubt that Jordan is even paying any attention to what's going on. He's been on his phone since, and I just bet that I know who is getting all his attention.

I peer over his shoulder and see that he is actually texting Renae and I feel anger and jealousy boiling up inside me.

"Are you paying attention to the movie?" I ask Jordan and he looks up from his phone guiltily at me

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