Chapter 1 - The Beginning (EDITED)

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Everyone has a purpose for walking up the stairs of this school, most are here right now because they want to study and become something better.

Over the summer, I lost track of what I wanted to become and the only reason why I'm standing on these stairs is because I have come to step on everyone with my Louis Vuitton heels.

I take in a deep breath and start walking up the stairs when my thoughts are interrupted by a male voice; I take another deep breath and pull on my happy face.

I turn slowly to give myself time to show off that dazzling look I've been perfecting over the summer with the flip of my red hair, a flirty smile playing on my cherry lips making the freckles on my nose dance, and allowing the blue in my eyes shine brighter

"Wow" he says and I take the moment to scan his profile before letting out an involuntary scoff at his appearance, I didn't need this one to be the first person to set eyes on me.
I flip my hair once more letting my impatience show, "I just saw you walk by the corner and I thought I'd just come and say hi" he says shyly.

I let out another scoff but this time louder than the earlier one, "You seem new here" I begin

"I've been here since middle school" he says.

"Uhh, I'm so sorry, I don't remember, have we met before?" I ask and make sure he notices me giving him the one over again, "If we haven't then it just proves how irrrelevant you have been so far" I say and give him a cold look, "a word of advice, follow the status quo and you will be just fine"

I begin to walk away but stop and turn around slightly, "cool jacket by the way" I say with my tongue in my cheek and watch as his face lights up before continuing up the stairs.

I spot one of my best friends who is standing by the elevator and is engrossed with her phone, I sneak behind her and let out a loud squeal which causes her to jump, let out a squeak and then drop her phone.

"Shantele" I beam and she holds her chest for a while before she bends, picks her phone and then turns to face me.

"Girl, where in the world have you been" she says and gives me a warm hug, "I've missed you so much" she says and swats my rump

We enter the lift and get off on the third floor which is where our class is situated. We walk, basking in the attention we recieve from the normal crowd that usually gathers around us every time we enter the school.

We enter the class and I make my way to my seat where I notice all the flowers and gifts on my desk.

"Ha, it's a new term and the first day yet they've already started with the gifts already" Shantele says with a look of mock horror on her face. On her getting to her table she sees her own gifts "I spoke too soon".

"Yeah you did" I reply with the same look of mock horror on my face "lemme just pack all this up"

It was a norm to resume every new term and see stacks of gifts on my desk, cause I was one of the popular girls in the school, Shantele, Renae and I.

I'm almost done packing my gifts into a bag I always carry around because of things like this when I hear two words that can spoil my day and if not careful the whole term. The Queen.
"The queen has arrived guys" a male voice announced.

In the past I would have been happy or almost ecstatic at hearing those words but now am not so sure, not after all that I know now. Its moments like these that I truly believe that ignorance is bliss.
I stand up and start walking out the class through the back door of the class since she was making her glorious entrance through the front door.

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