Chapter 39 - Wrapped Around My Little Finger.

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I can't really tell what the time is or how long our house has been eerily silent, but after we all came back from Adaira's funeral we all went to our separate rooms and didn't come out till the next afternoon.

We don't ignore ourselves but we don't converse either because it's hard to form a sentence that wont just steer back to Adaira and we are all trying to momentarily forget all that has happened so far.

I became bedridden after I twisted my ankle and didn't realize I twisted it. To me it wasn't a big deal but to my mother who saw my twisted foot and looked at me who hadn't realized that I had twisted my own foot it was a big deal. My mom called a doctor and demanded that another examination be done immediately.

The doctors said it was because of the emotional stress that I was under and I should refrain from doing any dangerous task because I could get injured and not realize and then the injury might become worse.

To my mom who had lost two people she loved this was too much and so she decided that I would stay at home until the moment she pricks me with a needle and I yelp in pain. That moment didn't come soon and so I spent two weeks at home alongside Flinette who wasn't mentally prepared to go back to school either.

It all reminded me of the time when I first got admitted to the hospital and I had to skip school and do everything online, at least now I had Flinette alongside me. Although she hardly spoke a word, the only time she did was to remind me never to forget to make Renae and everyone else who stood by her to pay.

Finally after two weeks, I hit my foot against a chair, I let out a very heavy curse word and my mom breaks out into a big smile. Normally hearing your child curse like a sailor would make you hit them on the head but my family isn't regular anymore, at least not for now.

I've blocked every call and text message that has come from Micheal because he has been nothing but a distraction, a disturbance and a deceiver.

Micheal's supposed ex boyfriend from London came through and sure enough he wasn't lying. Seeing the evidence at a time like that was too much for me, it finally made sense all the shit that had been happening around me.

How he could concoct such a plan is way beyond me and more than that it destroyed the last shred of hope I had in me that people could be different and not everyone wanted to use me or was against me.

Just watching his caller ID display on my phone screen filled me with so much rage that I was so close to destroying my phone but thankfully I didn't.

I used the two weeks to scheme perfectly and I have to admit to myself that my past plots were childish and nothing compared to what I have come up with. I no longer care what happens to me after I destroy them because they've destroyed me already.
Monday mornings were never my favorite but maybe it's the excitement coursing through my veins from the thoughts of seeing the people that betrayed me that has got me eating my moms pancakes so fast that I almost choke.

I arrive at school wearing a black long sleeved net shirt that I tuck into black ripped jeans and pair with black boots. Even though I'm still mourning, no one ever said I couldn't be fashionable about it.

The first person I lay eyes upon is the only person that has ever been true to me, the moment our eyes connect I run straight into her outstretched arms.

I revel in the smell of chocolate that follows her around without her knowing, "I missed you so much"

"Well you wouldn't have to if you had only come out of your house instead of acting like a vampire" She chuckles.

"You should have tried telling that to my mom" I laugh, "did you get my text?"

"I did" Shantele says and squeezes my hands, "I'm so sorry that that bastard did something like that to you, I can teach him a lesson, just give me the word"

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