Chapter 5- Decisions (EDITED)

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"Its not what it looks like" she says immediately while Micheal simply rolls his eyes at her dramatics.

"Hey Jossie, nice hoodie" he says and smirks at me which earns him an eye roll from me, "What? no good morning?"

"Good morning Micheal, don't you have class?" I ask and gesture to the empty hallway in case he didn't notice that classes have begun.

"I do but I was having a little migraine and couldn't find my way to the sick bay and Renae here offered me directions" he says and I'm not sure if he's lying and if he is, whether I am convinced by the lie.

I sneak a look at Renae who has a look of relief on her face. They're lying to me. "Is that so?" I ask, my attention fully on Renae who begins picking at imaginary dirt under her nails.

"Of course Jossie, why would I ever lie to you?" Renae says while flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder and continuing to pick at the imaginary dirt.

"It wouldn't be the first time" I say and cross my arms under my boobs and look her dead in the eye, "that you lie to me"

"As much as I enjoy girl drama I really need to go the nurse's office" Micheal interrupts and walks away from us leaving Renae, I and a heavy blanket of silence that thickens the already existent tension in the air. After about a second of Renae and I staring at each other I turn to walk away.


"What?" I ask and raise an eyebrow nonchalantly, "want to tell me something?"

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out" She says looking hopeful, "it would just be me, you and Shantele like back in the good old days"

"Right....." I say dragging it out, "like the old days were ever good" I say with a roll of my eyes and turn back to walk away.

I then notice Jordan at the end of the hallway walking towards us, I roll my eyes and begin to walk past him when the drama queen decides to put up a show.

"Is this because of what happened during the summer?!" She half yells at me and I stop a few feet away from Jordan. I give myself a two second breather before I turn around and see tears in her eyes.

"Oh please, stop being so dramatic. Its disgusting" I say and turn around to walk away

"What's your problem Jossie?" This comes from Jordan who is looking at me with so much distaste, which is the same expression I have on

"Nothing's my problem, I just don't feel like hanging out with a liar" I say with a shrug of my shoulders and walk to my locker, "if you're so curious as to what my problem is, maybe you should ask your girlfriend"

I pull out my books for my next class, slam my locker so hard I bet it can be heard from the principals office and proceed to walk round the corner but before I go I turn around to see Jordan hugging Renae, trying to comfort her.

It breaks my heart seeing him with his arms around her and I feel tears welling up in my eyes and quickly turn around to avoid them seeing me like this.

Just as I turn I see Micheal looking at me and before I can process what I'm doing I walk towards him and immediately wrap my arms around him and begin to sob.

At first he doesn't do anything and he has his hands stranded in the air but then he wraps his arms around me and squeezes me reassuringly.

He doesn't ask any questions as to why I am the way I am and I also don't ask if he saw what happened. I only stay that way in his embrace while still sobbing uncontrollably but without sound.

After a while I pull back and he gives me a one over

"Like I said before, nice hoodie" he says and gives me a small smile

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