I was bored yesterday and had 2 tests to study for. What did I do?
I asked some people on the Love Nikki discord which of these makeup choices I should recreate. A lot of people were leaning towards the first option (I was too) so I tried doing that one. I gave up shortly because I was having trouble drawing the mark on her face. So I tried doing the next most popular option, which seemed to be 6.
I don't have a dark blue lipstick, so I had to improvise with lipstick primer and dark blue eyeshadow. There was a little bit that got in my mouth and it felt so weird. There's nothing I can compare that feeling to. The closest comparison I can think of is the way people wince when someone bites ice cream.
This was actually pretty fun to do. I liked doing the dripping part under the eyes. The dark blue eyeliner pencil I had came in handy for this- I used it for the drips, and as a lipstick liner. I hope I can do that first option some time. Thank goodness no one walked in while I was doing this, otherwise I'd have a lot of explaining to do.