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Idk why but I'm interested in doing more masculine looking makeup. Of course when I decide to do it, I have to do it fast before someone walks in on me doing it and I have to explain. Because that would be alot of explaining that I don't want to do.
(Granted these looked better irl than in these pictures, and the pictures this time weren't the best. And my long hair isn't helping much to make me look less like a girl.)
I did masculine looking makeup another time and I think it looked better that time.
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Maybe it's because the pictures came out better that time? Idk. It looks more noticeable in this picture than in the ones from today. I did have a much better idea of what I was doing this time though.
Or maybe both times it looks less realistic because I have my long hair down. Yuh but imagine if I had a short-haired wig on... that would've made either look 10 times better.